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longgone's avatar

Care to share some educational songs?

Asked by longgone (19920points) February 5th, 2015

I like songs which teach me something – new words, the alphabet in reverse, digits of π

They may be as silly as you wish!

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8 Answers

dappled_leaves's avatar

A classic: The Elements (up to those we knew in 1959, anyway)

There is also some very useful information in Josh Ritter’s Stuck to You

gailcalled's avatar

Tom Lehrer’s Ly song. It even has a vampire.

Folllowed closely by Lehrer’s Silent E.

From The Electric Company, if I remember correctly.

Lehrer also wrote “The Elements.”

ibstubro's avatar

Who’da thought I get beat to Lehrer links, for cripes sake! ~

longgone's avatar

@gailcalled, Yours I’m using for my tutoring.
@dappled_leaves Thanks! I’ve been wanting to get more into the periodic table. I found another song, which includes all the elements up to now.
@Coloma That was a little scary.

Love the ones up to now, thanks. More, please.

dxs's avatar

They Might Be Giants has some, just search them on Youtube. They have a song about colors, the periodic table of elements, the Mesopotamians, and more.
Weird Al has a lot, too. This one is made up completely of palindromes. This one is about the endocrine system. This is a more recent one about “word crimes”.

keobooks's avatar

Schoolhouse Rock has songs about multiplication tables, numbers, grammar, history, government and many other topics.

longgone's avatar

Thanks, you two! Added those! :)

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