General Question

flutherother's avatar

Do you think the media does a good job of keeping you informed of events?

Asked by flutherother (35047points) February 5th, 2015

Television, newspapers, online; how do you get your news and do you feel it is biased or lacking in coverage?

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7 Answers

janbb's avatar

I’m pretty happy with the coverage I get from National Public Radio (which includes BBC World News) and the New York Times. I also read The Week for a quicky round-up. I think most of the online news sites like and are shite.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m happy with the coverage I get from NPR, too. Once in a while during an election cycle I’ll feel like they are a little overboard, but that’s expected and I just turn the channel for a bit.

In the kitchen the local music radio is on 24/7 and they have no reason to bias anything.

I tend to gravitate to Yahoo for an overview of the important news stories simply because one time when I was having trouble finding news coverage shortly after a US tragedy (Newtown, Boston Marathon?) I called up Yahoo and virtually every story showing covered it. I appreciated that, and felt it was warranted.

I make it a practice to open neither Huffington Post not Fox News links. If a story there seems to interest me and there aren’t other sources listed, I’ll do a search for the topic.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I read content from a range of Australian online news sites (ABC/SMH/ plus The Guardian and New York Times websites. I also read other media such as The Conversation, The Atlantic, New Matilda, Salon and many others. I try to read from a range of both mainstream and more alternative sources so I do think I stay well informed. I also watch the ABC24 news station a lot and sometimes catch lighter news shows on commercial channels.

JLeslie's avatar

More or less yes, but I think the media twists a lot of reporting and the 24 hour news cycle causes so much dwelling on a single topic that things get seemingly blown out of proportion too often. I don’t think it is good to watch or listen to news more than 2 hours a day. Add in reading another hour for good measure.

I admit to listening to less than 2 hours the last 5 years, which is probably too little I miss a lot of stories that do carry a lot of importance, but I have been much happier and calmer. Because of facebook, fluther, and freidns and family I find out about some of what I miss by avoiding the news.

flutherother's avatar

I get most of my news from the BBC which I think does a good job of presenting the news in a fair and balanced way. Unlike many news outlets it is funded by a licence fee so it can at least try to be objective. I like the BBC World Service which gives the background and the personal experiences behind the news stories which is a good antidote to ‘breaking news’ which sensationalises everything.

zenvelo's avatar

I take in news from a variety of “mainstream” sources: local TV, newspapers, internet, radio.

Those do a good job.

I do not watch any cable news because it is too biased one way or another.

CWhite99's avatar

I’m quite happy, with all the media, tv, radio, newspapers etc as well as social networks I’m always up to date and if I don’t find the info at one source I can just go to the next.

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