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ragingloli's avatar

How much of a Ferengi are you?

Asked by ragingloli (52402points) February 6th, 2015

The Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #284 clearly states, that “Deep down, everyone is a Ferengi.”
How deep do you have to go to find him, your true self?
Who is the most pure Ferengi that you know, personally or not?

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9 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Sorry, my family is not from the Alpha Quadrant — but my grandfather’s ears were pretty big.

ucme's avatar

I fucking hate mushrooms…that is all.

marinelife's avatar

Sorry to malign an entire group, but some Aussies are the worst Ferengis I have ever met. It has been said that you should count your fingers after you get your hand back from a handshake with an Aussie.

As for me, my ears are only mildly erogenous.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m a DNA based life form. Does that count?

Winter_Pariah's avatar

My Korean grandfather is definitely a Ferengi. So I guess I’m damned with at least some of their genetic material. :(

talljasperman's avatar

Pay me $10 first and I will answer.

josie's avatar

I don’t get it

dxs's avatar

Is there an online test on Facebook I can take for this?

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