Meta Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is It Me OR Has The Pool Slowed Down?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31622points) February 6th, 2015

I’m having a page turning issues with Fluther this afternoon. Is it time to reverse the flux capacitor? Really slow sometimes twenty seconds to change a page.

Edit: Noticed a spelling error, it took two minutes to get back to the question to edit.

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23 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

Yes, it’s lagging. We’ve notified Ben, the server whisperer.

Berserker's avatar

Not just slow, sometimes, like always, shit don’t even load.

thorninmud's avatar

Until it’s fixed, I find that hitting ‘Esc’ and re-clicking the link can get stuff to load faster (repeat multiple times if necessary).

marinelife's avatar

Same thing here. What’s been working for me is re-hitting the link I want to change to a second time. That seems to get it through quicker.

ucme's avatar

The worst is waiting for your answer to load, folks might think you’re a shit slow typer :D

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@ucme Are you trying to tell me the two finger typing method I use is causing the lag??

ucme's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Two fingers? You flash cunt, I use only the “fuck off” finger on my right hand.

jca's avatar

Very annoyingly slow all day.

dappled_leaves's avatar

It is lagging, but then, so is everything else for me today, so I wouldn’t have known there was a problem with Fluther if you hadn’t mentioned it. ;)

stanleybmanly's avatar

weird, because things have been suspiciously flawless here for weeks.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Have not noticed….

talljasperman's avatar

Yes when I load a page it slows down.

ibstubro's avatar

I thought it was just me. I’ve dumped the History a couple of times. Maybe helped a bit.

Coloma's avatar

I thought it might be the big storm here, high winds, knocking my satellite around but guess it’s the usual glitches that show up now and then. I’ll go dump my cache too. haha

fluthernutter's avatar

Thought it was just me!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Same here, since yesterday. I also notice that when a page refuses to load, opening it in a new tab works.

Berserker's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Haha yeah I just found that out too.

Strauss's avatar

Mercury retrograde

ibstubro's avatar

In case you missed it, @thorninmud said above, click the link, hit “Esc” then hit the link again. On that advice I’m chugging along pretty well.

fluthernutter's avatar

Faster than molasses this morning! Huzzah!

Coloma's avatar

Still a little sticky here. lol

ibstubro's avatar

My speed is improved this Tuesday morning.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thanks to all, apparently we passed through the “solar flare” or whatever it was!


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