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Will I be okay alone in Nicaragua?
I am a 21 year old girl from Canada. I am going to volunteer in Nicaragua (Granada) for 2 months, leaving in about 10 days, and all of a sudden I’m having cold feet. I have traveled before and even lived abroad short term in Peru but I’ve always had supervisors, an organization, or at least a Spanish speaker there to support me. This time I’m on my own.
I speak very basic Spanish and I’m afraid I won’t be able to get by. Do they speak English in the airport in Managua at least? I’m also very timid and anxious when in new cultures and I’m worried I’ll do something stupid like starve to death because I’m too self conscious to go to the market or super market or whatever and buy food.
I’m also scared that my passport will get stolen, or that I’ll run out of money halfway through the trip and be screwed over. I’m scared of being homesick despite the fact that I just got back from being abroad for 6 months. I’m just worrying about everything.
Also, are there a lot of poisonous spiders in Granada? I’m terrified of spiders but I think I’ll be able to handle it if they’re not going to kill me… Are they going to kill me?!
I’m also scared I won’t be able to make friends and I’ll just be completely alone the whole time.
I know most of this post probably seems absolutely ridiculous and I realize its probably just pre trip nerves that will go away once I’m settled, but I’d really appreciate if anyone could help put my mind at ease. Clearly, I’m kind of freaking out.
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