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longgone's avatar

Are you more or less likely to cry when alone?

Asked by longgone (19826points) February 9th, 2015

I rarely cry when I’m alone. If I do, it’s for very brief periods – I was reminded of a dead friend just now, and I cried for, maybe, ten seconds. Heart-felt, but very brief. When I’m with other people, their sympathy often makes me cry for longer periods. Inconveniently, because I don’t like to cry in front of others.

What about you?

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17 Answers

yankeetooter's avatar

Well, I’m alone and currently crying…so I’d say the first one.

longgone's avatar

^ Come on over, we can keep each other company. I’ve got Coconut Ice Cream and a comfortable couch.

anniereborn's avatar

Definitely more when I am alone.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

It depends why I’m crying but thinking back to times when I’ve cried, people have been there more often than not.

marinelife's avatar

When it is tear time, it doesn’t matter if I’m alone or with someone else (unfortunately).

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t cry in front of people.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Perhaps a side question could be, why do you cry? I cry while watching films, when I read sad stories, when a friend is sad and times like that. Those times occur more often than me crying because I’m hurt or angry. I’m much less likely to cry because I’m angry or hurt in front of people but that rarely happens.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

I’m not a crier even when alone. I get angry, really angry. When alone I will curse you out like a sailor. If I later see you in person I won’t even give you eye contact.
Only a death in the family would make me cry.

dxs's avatar

I’d be more likely to cry if I were alone.

Eragon4535's avatar

I don’t cry PERIOD. I have been exposed to many things that would make a person cry but I haven’t yet cried. I may have cried as a baby but then I had no control over that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The last time I cried, I mean really cried was in 2004 when we moved Mom from Kansas to Washington. She thought she was going “home.” She was actually going to a home up there. I once tried to tell her that, and she got really angry.

I felt I had betrayed her in the worst possible way. I hurt from crying so hard.

jca's avatar

I will cry alone and I will cry when I’m with people. I’d say it’s equal.

JLeslie's avatar

More likely to cry alone, but I can cry either way.

When I am overall very happy in life it’s very rare I am brought to tears. I’ve gone years almost never crying. Even sad things don’t bring me to tears, except for something very personally tragic.

When I’m under stress in life or depressed I can cry for seemingly nothing. Just start crying just because. Plus, every little thing can trigger tears. I’m very on edge the last year and I have been crying a lot. Saturday morning in a restaurant I teared up from arguing with me husband. Just now I talked through some tears. It sucks.

zenvelo's avatar

I just cried. Having a rough time with my girlfriend today. I left the room so my kids wouldn’t see me.

My kids have seen me cry before, especially when Charlie Brown Christmas comes on. So my answer is I am anot more likely one way air the other.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I rarely cry in front of people. I am often mistaken for being hardy for that. I am more likely to cry when I’m alone, but even so there are only tears, no sobbing.

But then again I tend to hide my negative feeling in general.

MikeEloff's avatar

I don’t know hey, I’d say a bit of both for me, like you, when people show sympathy it almost makes me “want” to cry more, get it all out. But then I have had a few times where I just felt like crying myself to sleep when I was alone, I have kids so I hate crying in front of them, just for the fact that I don’t always want them to see the situation is bad. So I cry when they aren’t there and no one can see me. I think crying can be good for you and it definitely shouldn’t be bottled up, but it also depends on the situation at hand, who is around etc. Maybe I’m just old fashioned as well, you know, cowboys don’t cry and all that…

longgone's avatar

Thanks, guys!

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