Meta Question

talljasperman's avatar

Do you know any Fluther tricks?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) February 9th, 2015

Like this : Do you know that you can change an answer or question about 1 minute over the 10 minute limit by pressing f5 over and over again? If it is a little over the limit? You can, from a laptop, get an extra minute or so. Just click the edit button over and over then F5 if it disappears. Then edit your question and answers.

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10 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

I have a second one… If you save your questions web address you can view closed questions. Also If you are given Lurve then you can also link back to closed questions by clicking on the link.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@talljasperman ah. I know the second and third tricks already. I often use them to see what happens before a question is closed and whether anyone has deleted a spam question.

ucme's avatar

Yes I do, if you ask a sporting question…everyone vanishes!!

rojo's avatar

I have found that if you use a laser pointer you can get Fluther to chase it around the room trying to grasp it in its paws.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If you mention food stamps, slippers, assisted euthanasia and/or Mexicans Fluther chases itself around the room trying to bash someone’s head in!

auntydeb's avatar

Yes: when in doubt, go look in the frizzer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, most of you know this but if you’re on a desk top, if you key ctrl+F, a “find” box will come up. You can do keyword searches with it. It’s an easy way to scan through long-assed posts to see what people are accusing other people of saying.

XOIIO's avatar

Just used that edit trick, very handy.

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