(NSFW) Why won't girls admit that they are watching porn?
Why won’t girls admit that they are watching porn? Most girls pretend that they never watch porn movies. I watched these movies with all of my ex-girlfriends and they were so excited afterwards.
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37 Answers
I really don’t watch porn. I wouldn’t lie about that because I don’t think it’s shameful to watch porn. It’s just something I do so rarely, almost never.
Why do you assume all the girls are lying?
You wrote; ” I watched these movies with all of my ex-girlfriends… ”
Read that line again. Does it tell you anything?
Some women watch porn. Some don’t.
What little porn I’ve seen certainly doesn’t seem designed to appeal to women. It’s unrealistic, unattractive, not at all sexy, and often brutal. Why would I watch that?
I’ll gladly admit that I’ve watched porn. I don’t do it often, but I’ve done it and my husband is well aware. We don’t watch it together, though – my porn involves too many penises and not a vagina in sight. Not really his thing, as I’m sure his porn features things that aren’t my thing, like bouncing tits and muff diving. He’d tell you I’ve learned some pretty awesome tricks from the dude on dude action I watch, though.
Women are a mysterious lot and they like to keep it that way!
I’m happy to put my hands up and say that I enjoy porn from time to time, gay or straight. I’m not into anything violent or fetishy though.
The same ones who deny they masturbate.
I don’t watch porn. I had a bf (who was a cop) take me to a porn movie once when I was 17. It quickly became boring. I’ve never watched any since. Have 0 interest in it.
There’s such a wide range of styles and flavors of porn out there these days that probably everyone who isn’t completely asexual could find something that turns their crank.
This thread shows women do and will admit to watching porn. I’ve watched porn. I don’t these days. I’m more likely to read erotic literature than watch porn and that’s because it’s hard to find time when I’m alone or there’s only my partner there and we’re in ‘watching’ mood.
My husband quit watching porn with me because I made fun of the actors acting skills. Or I’d point out how unrealistic it was that a teacher would wear 7 inch spike heels and nothing else in her classroom. Once I pointed out the heroin track marks on one performer. I was banned from it after that.
If the acting were better.. Or the performers looked like real people instead of plastic blow up dolls..maybe I’d get into it.
I don’t because if I admit it then it becomes all about sex – let’s watch porn, talk about porn, talk about sex, have sex, buy a dildo, tie each other up… It becomes an obsession. For me, I would only admit it to someone I had been with for a while who already knows me sexually and doesn’t think because I watch porn I’m a freak.
It can get really ridiculous @keobooks! And gross. From my limited experience.
My SO and I always just refer to them as fucknsucks.
Women tend to read smut, rather than watch porn.
I won’t say that I haven’t watched porn, but it’s not something that I do. Just because the girls you’ve dated watched it with you does not mean that all women watch it.
I think you have a point @AshLeigh
I recall my wife (and her friends) reading what she called “Bodice Rippers” but I always called ” The This and the That” books. Her favorite author was Kathleen Woodiwiss and she seemed to always write books titled things like “The Wolf and the Dove” or “The Flame and the Flower”. Seems like they were always full of things like “Gasping” and “Writhing” and “Throbbing Members” and “Quivering Quims”.
The only porn I remember her enjoying was “The Story of O”. The rest made her horny but she always claimed they did nothing for her.
@rojo, those sound like Mills & Boon rather than porn.
I think they were precursers
Only difference between smut and porn is that you’re local grocery store will have no problems stocking smut.
I just wanted to say something else on this: I lived for years in San Francisco, where porn is no big thing for the most part. There used to be (and may still be) a posh shop called “Good Vibrations” that sold all sorts of sex toys and pornographic materials. The employees there were very helpful and knowledgeable and acted no different from bookstore employees. They would ask you if you needed help finding anything and suggest different material based on what they liked or knew about it. I kind of got spoiled and assumed that’s normal for buying porn or sex toys.
THEN I moved to Kentucky and went to my first adult bookstore. The first thing I noticed was that all of the men in the store practically ducked down and cringed away when I walked in. I started asking for what I wanted in a loud voice and the store owner behind the counter made these motions like “don’t TALK so loud, lady!” I asked him what his opinions on a certain vibrator was and he looked at me like I was insane for asking. He just shoved one in a brown paper bag, asked for 5 bucks and practically shoved me out the door.
He also gave me a whole stack of out of date erotic magazines full of sex stories (no pics) for free for some reason. Probably because I was asking him to suggest his favorite erotica authors that he carried. That was some good reading..
“THEN I moved to Kentucky”
Why on Earth would you do that?
@Darth_Algar—I ask myself the same thing every day… Good question.
KY – the state so shitty they named an anal lube after it.
The place where I worked in Kentucky made an employee ID out of the first three letters of my first name and the first three letters of my last name. My employee ID was “KYLOVE”—and lots of people called my “Kentucky Love” as kind of a joke because not only was that my id name, they knew I hated living in Kentucky so thought that was funny.
I didn’t think of KY as kentucky, I thought of it as the lube. I hated living there and moved as soon as I could transfer.
I must’ve missed the memo that KY was an “anal lube.”
Yeah, I got the fuck away from Kentucky as soon as I could too. The town I lived around had some odd people. The town already had strip clubs, adult shops, and “massage” parlors, yet the folks there lost their minds when another strip club tried to open up. Oh, and the owners of one of the aforementioned strip clubs – godly Christian folks, apparently. Yet they had no problem with tits & ass, just with swearing. The girls would get fined by the club for using any music that contained swearing. So a dancer there could display her pussy, she just couldn’t do so to Prince’s ‘Pussy Control’.
Anybody remember Clan of the Cavebears series? LOLL!! Ayla and her “furry mound.” Johndalar and his “weapon of luuuuvvvv!”
I did too. The first one was the best. The rest seemed to be excuses for Ayla and Jondular to have sex.
I read an article where Stephen King mentioned “Ms. Aule’s randy cave people.” I just cracked up!
@keobooks So you made fun of the actors acting skills. Ask any man: Having and keeping an erection is no act!
I mostly made fun of the women. Most women in typical porn never look like they are having a good time. They look kind of bored.
@kritiper “If you have an erection lasting for more than 4 hours….” I imagine much of the erections in the porn movies now have medical help.
@Dutchess_III @rojo There’s an AMAZING site called weeping cock, which is dedicated to finding the best/worst/best erotic writing out there. The whole thing is throbbing members and turgid meat rods. I just clicked on a random one and found the phrase,
cupped her buttocks like a couple of freshly baked bread loaves and gave them one of those quality-approving squeezes
which was, like, the least inappropriate thing in that whole entry. There are plenty of examples from bodice-ripper novels in there. Some of the best ones come from fanfiction, and that wretched hive of scum and villainy, literotica.
Someone needs to ask a question about “50 Shades of Grey.”
We live in a culture that exploits women sexually while making them feel ashamed of their bodies and sexual relations.
A woman not admitting she likes porn seems to be a perfectly normal response considering the culture she lives in.
I don’t like porn, and I’m not pretending.
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