(NSFW) Guys, if and when, a woman sends you intimate pics of themselves, is your first reaction "EW! GROSS!"?
And are you surprised at the reactions these women have upon seeing pictures of penises? Are you surprised that they aren’t the least bit titillated?
Ladies, feel free to jump on in too!
Do I get some sort of award for my very first NSFW post ever?!
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54 Answers
I think guys are actually turned on and like the idea of getting naked pics. I know gay men who send and receive pics like that and don’t seem to mind a bit.
I just think women’s brains are wired up to get turned on by pics. I’ve not heard of lesbian women sending pics to each other.. doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
An ex-friend of my son’s recently sent a dick-pic to my son’s wife, who became very upset. Do they think we actually like that?
I only like them if I dig the guy it’s attached to, and I know it’s coming.
P.S. Naked pictures of women I dig are also welcome :P
It has never happened to me – in either direction. And likely never will.
I like dicks.
I do not care for the inferior creature that is attached to it.
My initial reaction is to grow an immediate boner.
Not surprised those women reacted that way, I suspect they’re actors & regardless, would probably respond differently in private.
I love the chick who does a Kenny imitation.
@luckyguy Could I get your cell number? :-)
@ucme You just can’t believe it, can you. You just can’t believe that a woman could be just simply grossed out, and not turned on, by something like that.
@Dutchess_III What are you babbling on about now woman?
I can well believe that women find an erect penis hilarious, or weird looking, but grossed out?
Get over yourselves, except nuns & maybe the old & infirm.
HA!!! I should be so lucky to get such a pix.
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@ucme—grossed out WOULD be the initial reaction for most women. Even if they later found it hilarious or weird, the surprise of initially seeing the pic is a deep down “Ewwwww” feeling.
You lot seem to be describing being flashed by a fucking pervert, that would obviously be shocking & gross.
Looking at dick pics, grossed out seems a pretty immature reaction, as far from being aroused as is possible, of course, but repulsed, they’re only images after all.
@syz It says a lot about yourself that you hold that wild bullshit opinion of me, I rarely ever say anything even remotely controversial to be considered “wrong” & certainly not enough to warrant your exaggerated description.
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@Dutchess_III Penises are not attractive, period. Women don’t get aroused at the sight of them.
Wrong. You should really stop making blanket statements like that.
I love men’s bodies, including their dicks. Penises certainly don’t gross me out. However, my reaction would depend on who the picture is from. I doubt I’d be turned on (or disgusted, for that matter – it’s just a penis, and I’m not 10 years old) by pictures of random dicks. If someone I was attracted to sent me a dick pic, that would be a different story. I requested a dick pic from my husband while we were in high school, he sent one, and arousal ensued.
I know women are usually less sexually-driven when compared to men, but it’s pretty odd to me that so many seem to be grossed out by the male body. I don’t get it.
Perhaps the association with peeing?
Women pee from their genitals as well. And?
It just isn’t as obvious.
I’m not sure what you mean by that…and your point is escaping me. It is an immature response if it’s, “ew, he pees from there!” I find guys’ asses attractive and we all know what comes out of there. So what? Unless it’s coming out as I’m looking at it, the thought doesn’t even enter my head. Women piss and shit just as much as dudes and they still manage to find us attractive.
It’s something I’ve always had a hard time understanding: When you see a person on the street, you don’t know their personality. You don’t know if they help homeless people or if they are a psycho, you only see their body and mannerisms, so that’s what I’m going to be attracted to initially.
Like, when women see men’s pictures or their bodies on the street, how can they say they don’t think about sex? Do women look at men and start thinking about what type of person they are or something, and then think about sex later?
Do you know what you get when you attach vaginas to a penis? A tapeworm.
There’s nothing attractive about a penis or a vagina. I like how one makes me feel, but that doesn’t make an ugly body part attractive. So yeah, ew gross,
@livelaughlove21 You said, “I know women are usually less sexually-driven when compared to men, but it’s pretty odd to me that so many seem to be grossed out by the male body.”
I gave a possible explanation.
I am not grossed out by the male body. I love a ripped male body as much as the next woman. I admire it, I like it, it just doesn’t cause me to want to have sex with him. The penis is the least attractive part of male anatomy, IMO.
Actually @Blackberry yes. I wonder if he’s nice, would he make me laugh? Is he intelligent? Could we have discussions? I don’t think about sex. I don’t think about sex until after I’ve dated a guy for a while, and know what his other qualities are.
@sadclown I agree there is nothing attractive about a vagina either, but it isn’t hanging out for everyone to see.
@Dutchess_III ” I agree there is nothing attractive about a vagina either, but it isn’t hanging out for everyone to see.”
Neither is a penis unless they have dropped trou, in which case a vulva would also be visible. (Vaginas aren’t so visible, considering they are inside the body)
Vulva isn’t pretty either. Plus, pretty sure you couldn’t see a vulva unless she had her legs spread and you were looking.
I don’t find penises gross, but I find the idea of someone sending me a picture of their penis unappealing. I think the “Gross!” is more a reaction to finding a penis on your phone when you didn’t expect it or someone thinking that you would enjoy it.
I don’t get aroused by the site of a penis in a picture and in real life it has to be in context and in the right setting. I don’t think it is that women are less sexual, but in general get excited by different things. Random body parts don’t do it for me. There’s a reason there’s a magazine called “Jugs” for men and no “Balls” for the ladies.
@Blackberry – it would be pretty rare that just looking at a guy would make me think of sex. I need more – sense of humor and self-confidence (not arrogance) would make me think about having sex with a guy!
In an odd way, I sort of wish I could tell you that I am besieged by women sending me intimate pictures of themselves. But apart from one time when I got an anonymous “copy machine” shot, it isn’t happening.
I guess I would not expect women to be titillated by an unsolicited selfie of my dick. They just generally do not seem to be wired that way. Women, in my experience, sort of need a particular context and setting before they get excited over it.
LOL! @josie I’m glad you’re back!
Men are (to my knowledge) more visual than women. So I’m pretty sure if a woman sends a man naked pictures he is likely to enjoy it. I’d say this is especially true if he wants to have sex with that woman and/or he thinks there’s a chance of him getting to play with those parts of her in real life.
I don’t find penises gross. Some penises, and especially if attached to a man I want to have sex with, are wonderful. They all look different. Some are prettier than others. Women’s bits all look different too. I’m not sure if any men want to comment on this idea, but perhaps they look at us on occasions and go ‘that’s a bit different!’ Hopefully they don’t go ‘ewww, that’s gross!’ Frankly, if a woman did that to any man when he drops his trousers in preparation for consensual sex in real life, she should forfeit the right to bonk his penis.
What I don’t like is receiving unsolicited dick pics. For instance, you open an email from a man you know to a lesser or greater extent and rather than seeing his face in the photo to the side, you see his penis. That’s flashing. That’s a dick ambush! Why some (not all or the majority I’m sure) men think that’s okay I do not know.
I thought the reactions of those women to dick pics was funny.
I agree with @syz, the best part was when she did a Kenny imitation over the foreskin pic. It also made me wonder what the reaction of European women would be to the same pic.
I was also surprised at the reaction to the pierced penis. I think all of them expressed an attitude of “keep that away! It ain’t going in me!” Wouldn’t it be more like five or six tiny fingers urging you to let go?
The rest was amusing as well but not unsurprising. I think men are just much more visually stimulated than women; I know I am generalizing here but statistically speaking….
I have to agree with @josie. My experience has been that, while men can relate to a body part without regard to whom it is attached, women seem to need to look at the whole pic. It reminds me of an old and rather crude joke about what a woman is.
I’m a gay guy and I have no interest in seeing pictures of naked women and their “parts”, but I don’t find them “disgusting”. Just doesn’t do anything for me.
On the other hand, I do find penises attractive and have exchanged dick pics with a guy before. It was fun.
In my experience, gay guys are more likely to find penises attractive than straight women are, but that’s just a general tendency I’ve noticed.
Hahahaha I get sent so many dick picks. If it was someone that I was going to date, I would think it was weird and pretty funny but it’s not gross. The ones I get are from young men that probably watch a lot of porn, it’s how they think, it’s funny and sometimes endearing . To panic or get deeply offended by a dick pick, I dunno. It’s a picture. It’s not like they’re masturbating on a park bench lol.
@Dutchess_III you know I love and admire you, but please don’t make disparaging statements about other members, I think @ucme is spot on here and I often do. I think there perhaps is a generation gap at work here, please don’t say someone doesn’t “get it” when that’s not the case at all.
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@Dutchess_III “The penis is the least attractive part of male anatomy, IMO.”
Yes, in your opinion. My issue isn’t that you find dicks gross. That doesn’t affect me, so I don’t care. My issue is that you’ve made this statement that women don’t find penises attractive or are not turned on by penises more than once on Fluther recently and it’s absolute bullshit. My point is that you really shouldn’t attempt speak for all women with these absolute claims that are simply not true. Let’s try using the word “I” when discussing opinions, shall we?
One thing about the women in the video is that they were not just looking at dicks. They were looking at them combined with food. I mean, pizza with a penis stuck through the middle of it. How gross is that? Pepperoni and ball sweat.. no thank you.
A lot of generalizations and assumptions about both men and women in this thread. I suppose I should expect no less from the all-knowing Fluther sages.
@keobooks you prefer your ball sweat with anchovies?
@rojo—No way! Anchovies are too salty and combined with the ball sweat that would be too much. Even the pepperonis have too much salt for ball sweat to comingle.
Everyone knows penises go best in a light toss salad.
To the question, I think if I knew the person sending the picture I might react differently than a pic from space. Women’s parts don’t seem to have as much externally discernible differences as men’s parts. I agree with Tim Allen that the scrotum is made from leftover elbow skin, and is not a particularly attractive part.
I enjoyed the clip very much. The women’s reactions were kind of predictable given the context of how they were shown the images. Now, a hidden camera of a woman on a junk hunt might be more interesting!
I watched the video and, as @keobooks said, food was involved. Pepperoni Pizza? Really? Did the guy really think that was going to win a woman’s approval? I hope he let it cool before inserting.
That will likely be his only opportunity to stick it into something warm and wet.
I’ve received nudes from chicks before and it really brightens your day.
@majorrich You must not have seen a lot of women’s nether regions (whether in person,videos or photos). There is quite a range of differences.
To be honest, never really thought about it much. I never was much of a junk hunter. I prefer to observe boobs.
To anyone who thinks penises are gross, have you ever not seen an upclose picture of an anus? Or have one right in your face for real?
There have been people in the past who sent me naughty pics, and it isn’t gross. The slight problem I have with that is people who sent me such pics like three days after I started talking to them on forums or chat rooms or wtv. It’s a bit insulting to think this is all they care about, and would “move so fast”. But I’m not interested in online relationships much. (but I’m a horny perv if I get to know someone and am interested in them)
If I had a boyfriend and he sent me pics of his naughty bits though, then that would be cool haha. Ain’t nothing gross about manly man bits, so long as good hygiene is kept, yeah?
The last boyfriend I had would have never done that, but he had his own endearing naughtiness which he would practice, I think the intent and feelings play a big part in this kind of stuff. I don’t want some random dude sending me pics of his dong, no matter how hot that dong may be.
I love seeing naked women.
There is no “Ew Factor”.
If I received such a pic, I’d feel honored.
All naked pictures are appreciated, but I would never junk someone without a request
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