So, how did/is your Friday 13th go/going?
Asked by
ucme (
February 13th, 2015
Any mishaps/accidents, or near misses?
Do you even give this nonsense a moment’s thought?
Did you meet anyone named Jason?
Do you own a big knife?
Do you look good in a hockey mask?
Just how many questions can you fit into your details?
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67 Answers
My boss asked me to help him move a big, heavy gantry from a 4th floor office down to the basement. It’s over 8 ft. tall, 10 ft. wide and weighs over 600 lbs. It had to be disassembled and put back together in the basement.
Lots of sketchy ladders and improvised props were involved. There were plenty of ways that could have all gone terribly wrong, but we managed to pull it off without any mishaps.
@thorninmud Did either of you at any time bring up the date, or even briefly thought about it?
When he proposed doing this a couple of days ago, I told him, “OK, but if a black cat shows up count me out”
I received “pity flowers” for valentines day. Since I don’t have a S/O, a friend sends them to me. They are pretty.
Well, let’s see. I ordered a ham, egg and cheese croissant from Casey’s. Rick went to pick it up, along with his order. He came back with a sausage, egg and cheese croissant, WTF. It was also stone cold, WTF. The cheese didn’t even pretend to be warm. I stuck it under the broiler, and left the croissant on the kitchen counter. Dogs ate the croissant,WTF. I put the rest on a plate and ate it with a fork. It wasn’t very good at all.
He also stopped by to pick up a refill of some BP meds I’ve been taking for 8 years. They only gave him 5 because they needed to fax the doctor. They had to fax the doctor last month, WTF. I called the pharmacy to see what was up. They said that last month, who ever approved the fax, only approved it for one refill. WTF.
So I called the doc. Was sent to an answering machine., which cut me off before I could finish what I was saying. WTF.
So, WTF basically sums up my day so far.
So am I to gather @thorninmud, you fall into the “don’t give this nonsense a moment’s thought” camp? Coz that’s the kinda vibe i’m getting here.
@chyna I’m not sure which way i’d take that, still, if the flowers were nice.
Yup I walked into a glass door and bust my nose. No permanent damage to me but the door is another story.
It’s just another date & has already been established in my details as superstitious nonsense, but I wonder if anyone takes serious precautions or is maybe subconsciously more careful throughout the day.
I was born on Thursday 13th & have frequently thought I dodged a bullet, if only for the constant teasing that would accompany that birthdate.
@ucme Well, I guess I would avoid inviting @flutherother to my house on Friday the 13th, but other than that, it’s just another day.
Well, I’m about to fly cross country do we’ll see!
@thorninmud Indeed it is, but to some, a genuine cause for concern, must be so exhausting.
@thorninmud I make a point of never walking into glass doors on any other date.
Nowt bad happened to me, or as far as i’m aware, to anyone I know…fancy that!
Although I may watch the first three Friday the 13th movies later on, just because I can.
It’s just gone 9pm here and it’s been fairly non eventful for me but my boyfriend will be driving until at least 11pm so I won’t relax until he has reached his destination.
^ So long as it’s not Final Destination :(
Oh, it’s Friday the 13th, well. I didn’t put that together yet today. haha
So far, so good, but it’s still early, only 2:09 on the west coast. I am eating an apple, I haven’t choked, yet.
Well, my son dropped the girls off, age 1 and 3. The baby was ready for a nap, so I put her down. The 3 year old said she wanted to take a nap too! She just wanted to roll around in Gramma’s feather waterbed. Needless to say, neither one got any sleep, but there was a lot of giggling going on. I loved it!
However….I keep Vaseline on the bed side table and didn’t think to remove it….it was a MESS when all was said and done!
I keep Vaseline on the bed side table…
I actually like Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th! Usually have good luck on them.
I probably just jinxed myself, huh?
The ones on my face! A jar will last me years, poo poo head!
I feel better today than I have in a while. It’s momentary most likely. I’ve been under a grey cloud for over a year now with moments of light. I keep waiting for relief.
It was a complete fizzer. Nothing exciting happened at all.
It’s crap. My husband was taken to the local hospital from work and now we are waiting for him to be transfered 60 miles away to Peoria where there is a better hospital. He was feeling lightheaded and numbness in his face and hand and his heartrate kept dropping to 40–50 during each episode. Ct scan showed that his head is ok. Right now he’s a medical mystery according to the nurse. It’s going to be a long night.
Oh no! OMG. Please keep us informed @jonsblond. I want to say salt levels are low, but I don’t know why.
Just landed so I guess it went fine!
@jonsblond I’d ask you to pass on my best wishes, that’s sure to perk him up.
I enjoyed my first day of New Year’s Eve.
@jonsblond Do you think there is any possibility your health issues and your husband’s are related? Please let us know how he is doing. Scary.
Thanks everyone. Doc is thinking it’s his heart but they don’t know what’s causing it. His ambulance just left and I’m heading that way. @JLeslie my echo and stress test were good. I have a strong heart!
@jonsblond Oh jeez…I am so sorry, keep us posted, try not to panic. :-(
@jonsblond Good luck, I’ll send some kind thoughts and prayers your way.
Damn! I didn’t notice @jonsblond right above me.
Is he still conscious? It sounds serious…
@jonsblond, I hope he’s okay. We’re all thinking of you both.
Tell Jon that….we’re all thinking of him.
omg. I’m broke down in a crappy part of Peoria. A belt broke. My sis is on her way to get me.
Stay safe @jonsblond ! Let us know when your sister picks you up.
@jonsblond, I know you must be freaking out right now because you’re not with Jon. Just remember, he’s with people who are trained to look after him and ensure he’s okay. Once your sister arrives and you’re on your way again, don’t rush and panic. Take your time and get their safely.
In the hospital…spending the night.
My business partners brought in another soapmaker, and she gets free space because she watches the shop a few days a month. I watch the shop just as much as she does (if not more) and I also pay 3000NOK (400USD) a month in rent and MY NAME is on the ownership papers and I do all the book work. So, I’m having a traditional horror movie Friday the 13th because I have been stabbed in the back.
Fuck you Jon, even when you’re ill you still derail my fucking thread…bastard ~
For the bewildered among us, that was banter, Jon would appreciate it
Yes he would. Get better, Jon.
Spending Valentines in the cardio unit. Woohoo. Sorry to derail but I have good news. Jon is being released and our vehicle is fixed! Docs are leaning towards a vasovagal response caused by Bell’s palsy. We had to google those terms. It’s non-life threatening. He still has a weird sensation in his face but his heart is stable.
What a Friday the 13th! Our plan was to watch scary movies.
Hope you are ok @yankeetooter
And Jon just said “I do appreciate that and tell @ucme he’s a pussy for using the tilde.”
@chyna…admitted with high blood pressure. ..keeping me a few days.
So Blondesjon upstaged your thread @ucme? Ha ha! That reminds me of a story where some upstart starlet thought she was better than a famous theater actress. The story goes that the famous actress told the upstart that she could upstage her even when she wasn’t on stage.
One particular scene called for the famous actress to set a glass of wine of wine down, prior to making a dramatic exit, leaving the stage to the starlet.
Well, the famous actress stuck some tape on the bottom of her wine glass, and when she set it down she set it down so that it was over the edge of the table. It would have fallen, if not for the secret tape.
The audience stayed glued to that wine glass, waiting for it to fall, and paid no attention to the starlet.
So glad to hear the good news about Jon! He should change his Fluther name to Bell’s_Palsy. ;)
@jonsblond You can tell that beer swilling fuck he knows damn well I only used the tilde coz it might have been taken down & then our beautiful moment woulda been lost forever.
Knew you’d be fine, ya indestructible bastard…big sloppy kiss & a man hug big fella.
@Dutchess_III That’s okay, i’d upstage him anywhere else, sex…drinking…bear wrestling…
LOL at those last two posts. XD :D
Yay @jonsblond Glad all’s well.
I’ll drink a bottle of champagne and toast to your health tonight, while I abuse mine. lol
@yankeetooter Oh gosh, you take care of you too.
Glad to hear you’re out of the woods! Hugs for @jonsblond and a beer (if you’re allowed) for @Blondesjon
It’s worse…diabetes too. Reeling in shock and really scared.
@yankeetooter, both of those things are treatable but very dangerous left unchecked. So focus on the positives. There are people walking around oblivious to the fact that they’re carrying those time bombs around with them. You know you have a problem and can now work towards getting healthy.
There are drugs they can give you for both conditions and now you know, it’s a great motivator to change your lifestyle and get healthy.
So feel sorry for yourself for a moment and then put the wallowing to bed and start fixing the problems. You can turn both of those things around with healthy choices (and some medicinal help).
Great news about Jon. My husband had Bell’s Palsy years ago and you’d never know now. As I recall, the way it presents is pretty frightening. He thought he’d had a stroke. Good news Jon will be fit and healthy and able to @ucme on in a bear wrestling match. I’ll buy front row seats for that.
Just overwhelmed right now@Earthbound_Misfit.’s too much to take in.
@yankeetooter, so just focus on one step at a time. The first thing is to listen to your doctors and don’t allow yourself to stress too much. Many, many people have high blood pressure. Many people either are diabetic or close to. Perhaps do a bit of research into what causes these conditions and what you can do to improve your own outcomes? I always feel better about anything if I’m acting.
@jonsblond hey! Glad to hear about your husband. At least things weren’t too serious.
Don’t believe ridiculous, irrational superstition.
Nothing bad will happen to you just because it’s Friday 13th.
God will make sure of that. :D
You’re on a roll @ucme!
God screwed up my ham, egg and cheese croissant from Casey’s.
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