Why do men call women sluts if they sleep with them too?
I know a guy who would never call back a girl if she sleeps with him on a first date because it’s trashy. The thing is, it takes two to tango! Wouldn’t you call yourself a “slut” too? If he doesn’t have respect for her if she does that then how can he respect himself?
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14 Answers
Sluts are people who’ll sleep with anyone EXCEPT you!
Men have no business labeling anyone sluts. After all the male gender can almost be defined by slutty behavior.
It’s a long standing double standard.
It’s the age old question.
It’s a double standard I find grossly unfair towards women, she is a slut ,and he is a stud ,really?
How about she is a slut, and he is a pig.
[edit] All men are sexual predators, and they consider women/girls to be prey.
A hunter needs a lot of kills to be considered good.
And prey needs to be hard to catch to be respected.
This just one of many baffling things about the “red pill” movement.
She has to sleep with you when you want it, on your schedule, or she’s disrespectful trash and should be thrown away. But if she’s already slept with many other guys, she’s disgusting slutty trash and should be thrown away. They basically believe that women should always bend to man’s will, but a woman who has bent to other men’s wills too many times is no longer valuable. It’s utterly nonsensical.
Yes, there are real people who think this way.
He’s setting the stage for a relationship.
Either they will both be faithful, or they neither will. By not sleeping together on the first date, they have set the expectations up a notch.
I’d say when he calls her a slut, he is necessarily calling himself a slut as well…with a lecherous grin.
It’s a double standard…maybe she just wants to get laid. She had sex with a slut, she was hopefully fulfilled and had a great night’s sleep. Bragging rights the next day, if she wants them.
How is that “double standard’ and not just “standard”?
You’re premise is flawed in that you assume a woman’s sexual reputation is more important than a man’s.
That’s not men who say that, no, no, we call them fucking wankers !!
No, you are mistaken.
A slut will sleep with anyone.
A bitch will sleep with anyone, but you.
ps this is just a joke. My personal feelings are that people are individuals and each have their own level of sexual appetite. There is no wrong or right, just what is right for you.
Well gee, lets see…I slept with 20+ men in my 20’s and now I haven’t slept with anyone for the last 8 years. Like a virgin. haha
I think my middle aged celibacy balances out my youthful sluttiness now ey?
WTF…yes, double standard, ya think? Goes back to puritan thinking. Women must be “pure” but men need to sew their wild oats. Is Gigolo any more or less derogatory than slut?
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Sluts sleep around with anyone if a woman knows she does not do this that name should go over her head and roll right off like water off a ducks back, men use that word sometimes as to degrade women even when they are not sluts so it’s another one of those words that gets thrown around, men are the sexual predators, check out the double standards.
It is a double standard, if a guy will sleep with a woman on the first night he is a horndog, or just plain dog, but that is what men are supposed to do, if left to interpretation by popular media. Women are supposed to be more refined and less animalistic, ruled by their hoohas like men are controlled by their dumbsticks (hence, that is why it is a dumb stick, because it short circuit logic for the sake of a good orgasm). If a woman acts equal to a man in this arena, she is slutty.
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