Can you produce immaterial questions?
When it comes to immaterial, frivolous questions of fluff, do you have the ability to create it? For instance, can you create questions that have no depth, significant thought process, or relevance? For instance, questions like, ”What is better for a dog, to let the dog sleep in my bed or make him sleep in his doggie crate?”, ”should I let water from washing the car go down the gutter or wash it on the lawn?”, or ”To help my plants grow, should I not play loud rap music around them?” Questions along those lines, and so on. What questions of fluff and you dream up?
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60 Answers
My crush is eating BBQ chicken. Does he like me?
^ That was SCARY good…..hope it doesn’t become a habit. ;-}
What should I eat for dinner?
What movie should I watch?
I dreamed I had gold fish swimming in my toilet, what does it mean?
How many Fritos can you stuff in your mouth at once?
What was the name of the animal that you last ate?
Should I vacuum my living room or not?
True story: “Why does my cat come in the house when I open the door?”
A material, a material, a material, a material girl
Liv…in in a material world
Liv…in in a material world…
@gailcalled Yeah, guilty, but to put the cookies on the lower shelf o0ne has to burn a question in the fluffy mire.
@talljasperman What was the name of the animal that you last ate?
I can so see that being asked here.
@Dutchess_III Should I vacuum my living room or not?
That is so fluffy it deserve double lurve if I were able to give it.
What do fish like to drink?
How far is up?
Is there an up or down in space?How does the US Enterprise know which was it’s facing?
@Hypocrisy_Central Interesting. I found all of your example questions to be quite material. They all show compassion for non-humans, which I consider quite important and significant.
I can generate fluff, but I notice the first things that come to mind are the things I am annoyed with others for generating. e.g. “What do you think about the shark costumes during the Super Bowl half-time show?” or “Is the Dow up or down today?” or “What do you think about [sports team I know nothing about, which is almost all of them] this season?”
In general I dislike anything I actually consider fluff, as well as people asking questions with disinterest. e.g. “Hi, how have you been? [don’t listen to response unless it’s very short and highly entertaining to them]”, but I’m open to most questions that are coherent and actually come with some interest from the person asking them.
What should I name my goldfish?
What name DID we decide on?
Where can I buy a sense of humor? Are mosquitoes anemic?
Do I tell if my baby’s diaper is dirty?
This thread and its intent remind me of back when I used to participate on video game and horror movie message boards, before FaceBook killed everything. There were always threads like, what are you wearing, what did you last eat, or what TV show are you watching. Then you would go on there and answer accordingly. Besides post count, I never understood the interest of such threads, yet these monsters would often have 5000 posts plus. I mean, no one reads these things, no one gives a good goddamn what you had for your damn dinner.
@Symbeline Plenty of threads like that here on Fluther these days. We don’t have to look into the long ago and far away to relive such experiences. ;)
Yeah, but nothing here compares to what I saw on those forums, trust me.
How many care bears are virgins?
The pumpkin plants in the garden are growing bigger and bigger, should I be worried?
Wow, some very good fluff you guys, I am impressed, I am almost glowing…...who would have thought you had it in you, at least consciously?
<————My cat sleeps 16 hours a day, is he dying?
@Mimishu1995 “Why is 1+1=2?”
I think that’s an awesome question, actually.
Why do Egg McMuffins have egg in them?
@Coloma Yes your cat is dying and you are pregnant.
@Dutchess_III Must be an immaculate conception. lol
Why don;t we we hear through our tongues like snakes?
Because Snakes do not hear with their tongues. They smell with them.
What is a word with only silent letters.
What is the square root of negative 16.
Why do chickens lay eggs?
Everyone seems to be dieing in my world. How about you?
I’m not dieing. I don’t even know what that is,except spell check isn’t calling me on it.
What is dieing?
I love dying, curtains, clothes, .....
How much candy can I eat before it becomes bad for me?
Until you can’t eat your main meal because your stomach is full of candies.
How can I grow up?
What is your favourte fake cum recipe?
Want some candy little flutherers?
@keobooks You mean “pregnant” or can you be pragmatically pregnant? lol
Immaterial, ridiculous fluff questions are my best thing! But they always get modded, even in social. Well, maybe I shouldn’t boast. Maybe my mmaterial, ridiculous fluff questions get modded because they’re just stupid. :-)
@Dutchess_III Why do Egg McMuffins have egg in them?
Took me two seconds for it to hit me, then the question got a good chuckle out of me.
@keobooks Am I PRAGNANT??!?!?
I don’t know about that, but you are pregnant. You better get on Jerry Springer to find out who the baby’s daddy is. I am betting on Charlie Brown, he likes nerdy girls and Peppermint Patty is too much of a feminist and always trying to take control when they are boinking in Snoopy’s hidden wine cellar.
I wonder what Kenny G is doing right now.
(Actually, I wonder who the crap Kenny G is, except I don’t. Such an annoying name and I have so far avoided knowing more than that he’s a commercial musician.)
If that weirdass Some Ghost user was still here, I bet he could produce some immaterial shit. :D
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