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longgone's avatar

Will you help me decide how to keep this old ankle injury from flaring up again?

Asked by longgone (19853points) February 17th, 2015

I twisted my ankle a year ago, and was diagnosed with sprained ligaments. It’s been pain-free for about nine months.

Yesterday, I was fluthering while walking down the stairs… I know.

Predictably Through no fault of my own, I missed a step, landing on that same ankle.

It doesn’t hurt much, but I’ve been resting it. It definitely feels unstable, like it’s held together by very loose strings. My real question is this:

In about 24 hours, I’m supposed to go see a band, about an hour’s train ride from here. I will be on my feet for at least six hours – and more importantly, I will probably not be thinking about my ankle the whole time. I know that the healing process was interrupted twice last year, and both these setbacks were caused by my not paying attention, twisting around at a sudden noise. It took three months for that ankle to feel normal again, and I hated it.

On the other hand…I really want to go to that concert, and with being almost pain-free right now, I’m thinking it may not be nearly as bad as last time.

What would you do?

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12 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Try an elastic ankle support and bring a cane and some ibuprofen, if you are determined to go.

Have you been icing it?

These are stop-gap measures; the conservative advice is to stay home and use the RICE treatment. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (treatment endorsed by all mommies.)

It took three months for that ankle to feel normal again, and I hated it.

Are you prepared for another three months? Is one evening of musical pleasure worth it?

jca's avatar

I tore 3 ligaments and broke two bones in my ankle about 14 years ago, in an auto accident. The fractures were what they call “comminuted fractures” which means the bones were broken into tiny little pieces, like an eggshell. I had surgery for the bones and I have swelling and pain in my ankle but I am used to it. I don’t take painkillers as that’s not my style. I will occasionally take aspirin. I’m not sure if you’re heavy but losing weight will help. If I do something strenuous, I will take aspirin, elevate my foot and then after about a half hour (after the fluid has gone up away from my foot) I will exercise it, doing circling motions in all directions and pushing the foot right, left, point, flex all kinds of stuff till it feels better.

If you really did a number on it when you re-injured it from “FWW” (Fluthering while walking) then you really should think about staying home. Only you know how badly you re-injured it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Do you know how to tape an ankle? That would probably give enough support.

anniereborn's avatar

I have been in a similar boat. Although my second time hurting it was while being in a musical. I did cold packs and put it up when I could. I also wore an ankle brace. (It was from the doc, but you can get them at places like Walgreens). It really helped keep it stable.

rojo's avatar

With two kids in competitive soccer for several years I was forced to learn to tape up ankles. Here is a video with a good supportive method.

Big thing is, make sure you don’t have any wrinkles in the tape that can cause irritation and blisters.

Other thing is that we went through tons of tape and I quickly learned to buy the tape that they kept behind the counter at the pharmacy and not the stuff that was in the packages on the shelves; that stuff did not have the flexibility and/or stickyness and fell off too quick.

Our pharmacy was part of a clinic so I would just ask for the stuff that the doctors used.

longgone's avatar

I don’t know how to tape an ankle, thanks for the video.

Just now, I’ve come back from a walk in the woods. Pretty much pain-free all day, will go back to RICE now.

If it gets even slightly worse due to the walk, I will be good and stay home. Thanks, everyone!

gailcalled's avatar

@rojo‘s video had a guy who was mumbling so badly that I could not understand his instructions. He also wrapped too rapidly to be instructive.

longgone's avatar

^ I understood him quite well, but if you have another link, that can’t hurt.

jerv's avatar

Before the internet was a thing, I sprained my ankles pretty badly doing an interesting variety of stupid things. After the first few times, I managed to remember how to tape ankles pretty well. Grab an Ace bandage, start at the bottom of your foot, and do some figure-eights between your foot and shin. A little practice and you’ll get it. Just remember, too tight will cause circulation issues while too loose won’t give enough support. But get it just right and you’ll have your ankle locked up comfortably.

jca's avatar

@longgone: Did you go to the concert? How’s the ankle?

longgone's avatar

^ I did go, yes. I managed to find an ankle brace for support, and I took a cane mostly to remind myself not to try any sudden movements.

While the ankle was uncomfortable at times, I definitely didn’t do any serious damage! I think I may have set the healing process back a day or so, but I enjoyed the concert, and I’m icing again today. I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine in a couple of days.

Thanks for your help on this, everyone! :)

jca's avatar

Aspirin, elevate and then flex, point, rotate, repeat.

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