Who cares to play TJBM (The Jelly Below Me) #62?
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me wants more chocolate.”
The response might be:
“False! Chocolate is my enemy.”
“True! I can’t live without chocolate.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me has golden teeth.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Tradition now suggests that a jelly re-start the question when we reach about 300 responses (though 500 is still OK I think). Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
504 Answers
I’m enjoying.
TJBM uses Opera for a browser.
on some systems.
TJBM is still using Opera 12.
TJBM feels the need to instantly correct someone ,if they feel they are wrong.
I am not WRONG !
TJBM is planning their weekend on Tuesday/Wednesday.
True. It’s New Year’s Eve anyway.
TJBM is having a late New Year.
Kung Hei Fat Choy
TJBM is going to have a vacation soon ( next couple of weeks ).
Not that soon.
TJBM will welcome the Year of the Sheep.
TJBM will make a farm animal sound out their window, really loud right now
I would, but it might wake the neighborhood.
TJBM is in a quiet neighborhood.
The edge of one, next to a noisy bar.
TJBM likes China.
It depends.
TJBM likes Vietnam.
None of the above (Quite literally)
TJBM is not overly fond of this series of questions, but still answers.
If I wasn’t fond of it I wouldn’t answer at all. lol
TJBM is savoring their morning coffee
It’s late afternoon over here & i’m not planning on having a coffee just yet.
TJBM has answered every single TJBM question since it began
I think so.
TJBM thinks so.
Yes I have.
TJBM will now go find the first TJBM thread.
TJBM is eating yellow snow.
No, but I am on my way to make yellow water in the bathroom. lol
TJBM looks like their dog or cat or horse or bird.
Well….I’m white. Does that count?
TJBM wishes she could just go to bed for a while.
Yes, I wish “she” could just go to bed for a while. @Dutchess_III you have my permission to take a nap.
TJBM will also give @Dutchess_III permission to take a nap.
By all means, unless she would rather go grocery shopping for me while I take a nap.
TJBM is having a picnic dinner in honor of the mock spring weather.
Can’t. I have a one year old in the house!
Newp. Nothing remotely like spring today!
TJBM is satisfied today.
TJBM has not left the county in a while.
I leave the county every weekend.
TJBM’s spouse has been at Caesar’s Palace for 3 days without them!!!
I’m too young to have a spouse.
TJBM loves mices.
No, I hate mices to pieces.
TJBM goes a little deaf when they yawn
TJBM wants the Cubs to win the World Series.
No want to go to Cuba. Nice if Cubs Win…
TJBM is ready to go to bed.
Not quite, I just finished dinner at 8 and I have to stay up long enough for my dessert. lol
TJBM has a secret stash of candy
No, me no like candy.
TJBM will say no to whatever the fuck is written, as with the majority of answers on these threads
No I no say no.
TJBM thinks nothing.
I drew a blank
TJBM typed their answer
Yep! Typed it right here on my laptop!
TJBM knows about the Polar Vortex/Arctic Outbreak/Siberian Express.
Um, otherwise known as the common cold??
TJBM is still mad about something that happened yesterday.
TJBM has almost left Fluther in the past, but is glad they stayed
TJBM has had to quit following 61 TJBM threads in their life.
True…I’m an out with old in with the new type, I don;t hoard anything, especially questions…I love the “stop following” button. lol
TJBM woke to a beeeeautiful morning!
Yes I did, bloody cold still, but bright & sunny.
TJBM often texts when they’re having a shit XD
False, I hate texting, still wonder why the masses love it so much.
TJBM is a follower.
of what
TJBM had a shart while in an elevator.
Ew no!
TJBM has to get up at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow and it sucks.
I get up whenever the fuck I want, beauty of being self employed
TJBM cheats at monopoly
Not in a long time haven’t played in a long time!
TJBM has seen fifty shades…
Won’t waste my time with such garbage.
TJBM has eaten a yellow snow cone.
Um, I don’t remember. Usually I go with cherry but I get the joke!
TJBM has made snow ice cream before.
No, I never have.
TJBM sings in the bath/shower, but is unaware those who they live with are plotting their murder.
No, I don’t sing, unless it’s along to a song.
TJBM is waiting for their orange juice to thaw out.
TJBM has a little kids clippy hair ribbon on their mouse tail.
TJBM can’t read braille either
⌨ ⌨ ⌨ ⌨ ⌨?
TJBM knows the answer.
TJBM has seen “Unbroken.” so good!
I don’t think I have, but I will.
TJBM knows that…... < means “The answer is too obvious to even put into words.”
No, it means you have a very limited vocabulary which matches your intellect.
The Jelly below me is keeping things going…
TJBM intends to get back on track with this thread
TJBM needs to eat a Snickers bar.
of course
TJBM owes another jelly £3.50.
TJBM needs to lose £350.
I will if I don’t stop eating candy. lol
TJBM has a terrible sweet tooth at night
No, I don’t/
TJBM is looking forward to someone coming back tight.
TJBM doesn’t know their arse from their elbow
shit! Tonight! I meant tonight!
Of course I do. My elbow hurts like hell and my arse doesn’t. Makes it easy to tell them apart.
TJBM is interested in the Bobby Fisher story.
why would anyone need to lose £350?
No, couldn’t care less
TJBM eats so many snickers bars, they’ve gone nuts
It was a joke. A play on the Q above that.
No, I haven’t had a snickers bar since I can’t remember when.
TJBM plays chess.
Yes, but only with my son.
TJBM applies make-up with a trowel.
I don’t wear make-up.
TJBM acts out of their true self.
If I understand you correctly, no. I rarely act like something that I’m not. It gets me in trouble at times.
TJBM is not looking forward to tomorrow.
I am looking forward to tomorrow. I am all alone at the ranch for the next 3 days, just me and the horses, donkeys, ducks, geese, cats, chickens. I am having a spa night tomorrow, pamper myself.
TJBM has spa nights
TJBM thinks that @Coloma will pull off a Godiva.
Maybe…horses too, I stripped their blankets off, now we can all ride bareback. lol
TJBM has a hot horse. My horse is so full of spice, had to drop her performance supplement, she could run 20 miles and not break a sweat. haha
I saw a hot horse today.
TJBM thinks seeing a hot horse is lucky.
Especially if it was a certain hot “Godiva” on her hot horse!
TJBM has weather fit for a “Godiva”.
Why yes, afternoons in the high 60’s to low 70’s. 64 right now at 9 a.m. sharp!
TJBM has crazy bedhead this morning.
Nope, it’s afternoon & besides, I shave my head, so…
TJBM is looking forward to Spring & the many delights the season brings.
Spring is coming, and I will be working in my beloved garden! (Maybe this year she will see fit to actually produce crops!)
TJBM is a gardener.
More like a yard cleaner.
TJBM is going to be hooked up with all kinds of electrodes for the next 48 hours and is not happy about it.
Nope, I’m only going to be hooked up to some good food and movie watching, it is cold and foggy here today.
@Yetanotheruser I just planted, all sorts of flower seeds, Impatations, lavender, daisies.
We hung an old, rusty hay feeder on the fence and filled it with flower seeds, can;t wait to see it explode with flowers. :-)
TJBM loves, loves, loves Oatmeal.
I do, but I don’t eat it much. Need to change that.
TJBM loves toasted eggs….where you cut a hole in a piece of bread and crack an egg in the hole and fry it all up then add some cheese.
Never tried that, sounds good.
TJBM loves deviled eggs.
nope, prefered scrambled or omelet.
TJBM will miss the winter weather.
Yes, missing it now. No rain for weeks again here, sunny and pushing 70ish. I want MORE winter.
TJBM believes in global warming due to fossil fuels and mass humanity
I do.
TJBM has faith that we will fix the things that are hurting our planet.
I dunno….it’s 50/50 at this point.
TJBM is taking a break between bursts of activity.
Yes. Too much going out for a day.
TJBM wasted money on something useless today.
Nope. We’re on a tight budget. I’ve even learned how to make my own versions of meals/treats I used to eat out. (I make a FABULOUS peanut butter shake – even better than the Culver’s version.)
TJBM is going to have a lovely hot bath tonight.
Just DID! Now I am having a Shock Top ale and then, a yummy little peasant dinner of home made split pea soup, garlic croutons and smoked Gouda.
TJBM loves to make soups
Oh YES, – - Made chicken in wine sauce earlier this week.
TJBM is ready for a busy weekend.
good song.
TJBM would remember this ad.
Good video.
TJBM is old enough to remember everything!
I’ve been called, “older than dirt”. But I have CRS; can’t remember shit, some days.
TJBM is enjoying the warm up of temperature.
As a matter of fact, YES! To my great delight and surprise, it’s quite nice this morning!
TJBM is keeping a heart diary.
No, but I should be keeping a food diary, I have been out of control indulging myself waaay too much lately. haha
TJBM is self indulgent.
A little. Mostly not.
TJBM thinks folks are finally waking up!
Waking up from/to what? haha
TJBM had tomato soup for breakfast.
No. Haven’t had anything to eat yet (12:31)
TJBM is hungry.
Nope, just had my T. soup, french bread and butter and some smoked Gouda. I am gouda to go.
TJBM has stuff to do but wants to just curl up with a blanket and watch a movie and do nothing today.
No. I need to eat!!! Then go see the grandkids.
TJBM likes taking photographs.
If I can get something interesting to take (and have a camera there at the time.)
TJBM has pictures of recent snowfall.
Uh NO we haven’t had snow for some time now, sunny and 14c 58f for you yanks.
TJBM must always be first.
Some expect me to.
TJBM hates expectation.
No, I don’t. I don’t like pressure, but reasonable expectation is OK.
TJBM wants to ask @Mimishu1995 if they ever have forest fires in Vietnam (watched “Platoon” last night.)
I don’t need to ask, I know they do sometimes.
TJBM is having a family-jammy day.
Pretty much.
TJBM is excited that they can take a shower now.
Nope, I’m hungry for dinner and then a nice hot soak with scented bath salts.
TJBM is ready for Monday.
No, I still have an essay to write about the “contemporary” family. Sigh
The Jelly below me will share a bit about the changes in family values.
Not a big fan of homework, but here’s a thought: changes in family values have been depicted by television (especially in the US) over the past 60 years. Google and compare Leave It To Beaver, All In The Family, The Simpsons and Modern Family.
TJBM is happy with their family life.
I do, to some degree.
TJBM thinks what @dxs is writing is interesting.
Yes, I like @dxs He’s a good guy.
TJBM is a good guy/girl.
Better than that, i’m fookin awwwwwesome !!
TJBM reckons there’s a glaring spelling error above.
I do. Too many w’s!
TJBM is having a snow day.
Snow way, although it did rain today.
TJBM will have a birthday in the next 3 months
TJBM hates having to get dressed to go out in public.
Haha, yes, I do, more and more as I get older.
TJBM is dying with allergies today OMG…it is so windy, my head, my head
No. I don’t do allergies.
TJBM is getting ready to run some errands.
TJBM has appeared on TV or in their local newspaper.
TJBM wears a watch for every planet visited.
Time stands still on uranus
TJBM has boots
I do. But I don’t know where they are.
TJBM wishes the IRS would hurry up and process a refund.
yup, real soon I hope.
TJBM is getting a refund this year.
Doesn’t look like it. :(
TJBM likes seaweed snacks.
I don’t think so. I try to avoid snacks in general.
TJBM is getting a refund, but the IRS will probably take it all.
No refund, I don’t think. Things are kind of confusing right now. I am stuck with disposing of my boss’ business now that he is gone.
(Holding TJBM’s eyes) Guess who!
TJBM is happy that TJAM is still sticking around.
Yes! True!
TJBM is cooking dinner for the first time in a long time.
Nope! Been cooking for myself each night for a while now. I have to put the latest creations up on my food thread.
The Jelly below me rode on the Subway today.
Here2_4 is here again!
never been on one.
TJBM has done something stupid.
Probably but I can’t think of anything recent. haha
TJBM wears glasses or contact lenses.
Glasses, but only for the last ten years or so. Started with just readers, then bifocals (for reading, no prescription on the upper lens), now with bifocal prescription.
TJBM wishes they can enjoy more New Year’s Eve.
false the last 3 news years went to bed early, because I knew the new year would be the same ple crap.
TJBM , is overly optimistic type person.
Mmmmmm…not overly, but I have always been more of an optimist than a pessimist.
TJBM is going to see, or has seen “American Sniper” and will share their like/dislike with me.
Won’t waste my time with that stupid film.
TJBM is looking for a new printer.
I don’t think you forgot, I think you just wanted to SHOUT IT OUT!
TJBM likes to make their voice heard.
Shout, Shout, let it all out, these are the things I can do without, come on, i’m talkin to you, so come on…
TJBM knows who sang that
Tears for Fears, of course.!
TJBM has found something musical to appreciate in the last ten years.
I’d have been extremely disappointed if you hadn’t known
Yes I have, my daughter learned to play trombone, that’s right, I said trombone !!
TJBM gets the connection with #76
Does she lead the Big Parade? Or is she leaning towards Jazz, ala Nils Landgren?
TJBM knows of any other contemporary jazz trombonists
I myself do not, but I can do jazz hands though.
TJBM radiates joy joy feelings in all those around them or at least knows which movie the line is from
Long before the release of “Demolition Man” I was accused of being an incredibly sensitive man. However, the joy joy feelings…I don’t know about that.
TJBM thinks “jazz hands” can radiate “joy joy” feelings to those around them.
Abso-fookin-lootly they can
TJBM thinks, if only Bruce Lee embraced the hands of jazz, he may have lived a little longer
Then if Michael Jason went for kung-fu he might have more fame.
TJBM makes some wild comparison.
Yup, Ducks are the same as orange crates.
TJBM has a box of goodies being delivered tomorrow.
No, but I have a box of goodies already, all kinds of candy and lotions and potions I bought today. haha
TJBM wears a vest of some sort
TJBM want to send the G.O.P. a one-way ticket to Syria.
I do!
TJBM is coming down sick and just wants to lay on the couch and watch TV all day.
Not really sick, sick, but…I feel horrible with the spring allergies, sinus headache, so yes, I feel like lounging all day but alas, make hay while the sun shines. lol
TJBM has a bitchy female animal in heat. OMG, one of the mares here is SO bitchy in heat right now, I had to fight her to get her blanket off this morning and almost got crushed in the stall. She backs her ass up to the wall and refuses to let me unhook her butt strap. haha
Yes. One of my fish. She drove me crazy. I would have told you her story but it would be… inappropriate to you.
TJBM is thick-skinned enough for my story.
Sure! Tell us your fish story!
TJBM wants to hear the fish story.
Right. It was those first days when my parents built the fish pool. We were all inexperienced and feeded our fish poorly (of course none of us knew that). The fish were always hungry and ate whatever dropped in the pool, even dust! One particular fish was pregnant. When she gave birth she didn’t seem to know (or care?) that all those little swimming things were her children. I still remember sitting at the pool for hours trying to scare her away from the children. But some of the children still got eaten :( At least 3 of them has reached adulthood now, thanks God.
TJBM says “TLDR”.
I won’t say it unless I know what it means.
TJBM knows what “TDLR” means.
TJBM wants to be a kiwi.
No, but I want to know what TDLR means.
TJBM will define TDLR @Mimishu1995 haha, poor little fishies!
I will. Sorry that’s just me mistyping TLDR :p
TJBM made typos and didn’t realize that.
I make typos all the time. Thank goodness for spell checker, eh?
TJBM needs to stop procrastinating and get to work!
Yes. You’re not my mom!
The Jelly below me is my mother.
No, no, no….but I am old enough to be.
I see anyone over the age of 20 as a peer not a child anymore.
TJBM is great friends with their parents or adult children.
Yes. I’ve grown especially close to my father. And I have a nearly adult child (17.5) with whom I have wonderful relationship. Each stage of parenthood is rewarding.
TJBM has some toxic and/or unpleasant relatives they avoid.
Toxic? Britney Spears is a very distant cousin & we’re always fighting…“go on, hit me baby one more fucking time”
TJBM sneezes loudly
So loudly that my dog wants to leave the house every time I sneeze!
TJBM regularly does something that scares their animals.
Haha…well, lets see, my goose is terrified of umbrellas so I have to go out in the rain with only a hooded jacket when it’s time to herd everyone into the barn.
My cat is terrified of the vacuum cleaner and hides under the bed for 30 minutes after it’s turned off, just in case the monster comes back again.
TJBM will tell us their favorite flower.
Yes. Roses It’s both beautiful and dangerous at the same time.
TJBM likes rose too.
I do.
TJBM is having Friday night cocktails. whee
Yup, and ‘flunking” like @seazen.
TJBM is looking to replace their blender.
What! Replace my favorite kitchen appliance?
TJBM ate in an ethnic restaurant today.
No, but I made chili, so it was a mexican night. haha
TJBM likes Cinnamon candies.
rather have cinnamon buns.
TJBM has done the cinnamon challenge.
Rather have chocolate challenge.
TJBM has cinnamon toothpicks.
I haven’t had a cinnamon toothpick in a long time. Maybe I should stop by Pizza Hut and get one!
TJBM will be watching lots of Star Trek today as a tribute. LLAP!
Haha…no, not a S.T. fan but, my friends are addicts, so they have I’m sure. I think they even gave the Vulcan salute at sunset the other night for ol’ Leonard. lol
TJBM worked their behind off today.
Not really. I just got back from the gym but I was mostly out doing diversional stuff today. I did finish a paper, though.
LMDM habla español.
Iie. Demo, nihongo ga hanasemasu.
TJBM dislikes foreign laguages.
Falso! Me gustan mucho las lenguas extranjeras.
La medusa debajo de mí me cocinará la cena.
(The Jelly below me will cook me dinner.)
Iie. Isogashii kara… (No. I’m busy…)
Watashi no shita no kurage wa, watashi no nihongo ga hanasu no wa hetada to omoimasu (TJBM thinks my Japanese is bad).
No shita. lol
TJBM cooked @dxs dinner already and will tell us what it is.
Yes. I cooked a chili and a creamy leek soup. One is for dinner tonight, one tomorrow. Now sure which one will be when.
TJBM (always) (sometimes) (never) cooks meals ahead.
I do, have chili and spaghetti sauce over here right now.
TJBM is still waking up right now.
Yeah, and will be till about noon.
TJBM loves peanut butter on their toast.
Sometimes, but I eat a lot of celery and low fat PB. I love my celery and PB.
TJBM is having a hot flash LOL
Yeah, right. Any hot flash I have usually follows ingestion of a hot chili pepper.
TJBM likes it hot!
When it’s cold out, I love it hot!
TJBM sometimes wonders if the doctors even know what they’re doing.
All the freaking time.
TJBM Likes to flash truckers!
I did once, lonnng ago.
TJBM hasn’t been around long enough to have a long ago.
My long ago will be too short for you.
TJBM is torn between going to bed and continuing to have fun.
TJBM Is old enough to know better, but still to young to care.
Used to be. Lately, I’ve been old enough to know better, but when I hit my 50’s I was pretty much too old to care as well!
TJBM is doing something about the weather in addition to talking about it.
Yes, I just planted clover seeds, bib lettuce and dandelion greens for the geese here. :-)
TJBM has planted something recently.
Only the seeds of kindness and grace towards others.
TJBM is desperately looking forward to spring.
Yup, and out west it seems to be already here.
TJBM thinks truckers are sexy.
Some of them, but like anything, not all of them. haha
Shit…come on out west, spring is here. 72 degrees and HOT in the sun today,
TJBM appreciates a well muscled horses ass. lol
Especially if she’s a good lookin’ filly! lol!
TJBM is educated in the art of double entendre.
I am, sadly I can’t match point you in the moment. haha
TJBM is guilty of imbibing in guilty pleasures.
That’s my habit.
TJBM has something up their sleeves.
My arms? lol
TJBM has ants in their pants.
TJBM has seen their share of snow this season.
I wish…we are screwed in CA. almost no rain or snow again this year, weeks of sun and temps. in the 60’s-70’s…same now, going for 72 today, only 8:30 a.m. and I have windows open. We are going to burn to the ground again this summer. It sucks!
TJBM likes Kettle Korn
M, it’s OK. I like corn on the cob better.
TJBM thinks maybe Spring is here!
It has been for weeks now here. I just came in from sitting on the porch in a tee shirt and jammie bottoms and I am sweating! HOT in the sun!
TJBM likes to cook.
Depends on what I have to cook, and my mood.
By the way I’m a horrible cook :p
TJBM tries everything.
Yeah and it feels horrible. I need to give up unrealistic expectations.
TJBM had a great dinner
I did. We had a few friends over and had a few drinks on the porch then had delicious chili dogs, made with home made chili and home made cole slaw and onion rings! Oh man, my ass is expanding. lol
TJBM has been enjoying the full moon the last few days.
It was lovely.
TJBM wants to abolish DST.
Frack yeah!
I am so out of it this morning, totally screwed up, it takes me 2 weeks to adjust.
TJBM is out of it.
Very out of it.
TJBM is sick of being sick.
Haven’t really been sick for a long time. Guess I’m lucky!
@Dutchess_III sorry to hear you’re sick. Get well soon. (hugs!)
TJBM is anxiously awaiting gardening weather.
It’s already here, we are starting all kinds of seeds.
TJBM knows that you can start seeds in eggshells that have their tops cracked off with a little soil and then just crush them a little before planting after the seedlings sprout.
I only know my tongue got twisted and my lung lost air after reading what you said and now I’m going to faint ~
TJBM means no harm.
VERY TRUE, I just like to look mean.
TJBM doesn’t know what sporting clays mean.
Like shooting clay pigeons? Skeet shooting?
TJBM is wearing white socks.
As a matter of fact, I’m in my white socks, and just finished planting some seeds in eggshells!
TJBM thinks there’s a difference between coincidence and synchronicity.
I don’t think there is any such thing as a “meaningful” coincidence.
TJBM doesn’t know what to ask!
course not
TJBM mines for bitcoins.
Until there’s no more coins.
TJBM knows that what I say is impossible.
Of course I do!
TJBM is glad the days are starting to get longer…(or shorter, depending on your hemisphere).
Not really, I am tired, takes a few weeks to adjust, I wish they left the tome alone quite frankly.
TJBM is a goofy person
Yep. Usually. Sort of… Maybe. *<:O)
TJBM is enjoying weather.
Yes, light rain today, yay, we need every little drop here.
TJBM loves bagels with cream cheese.
With Bacon bits, horseradish and chopped chives, please.
TJBM has a favorite Jewish Deli sandwich, like beef tongue on pumpernickel.
Not Jewish, but my new favorite at a local place is grilled jack cheese with ortega green chilis and grilled tomatoes on marble rye. OMG!
TJBM is hungry now.
Very hungry. But I have Taco Tico in the fridge that I bought yesterday. Can’t wait to eat it!
TJBM can NOT believe the way some people twist things up.
of course not.
TJBM has driven over a pothole.
Yes, and backed into trees and a stone wall and scraped my car on the post at the gas station and ran over a giant BBQ fork that got stuck under my car. lol
TJBM has run into their own garage door.
Don’t have a garage.
TJBM is finally eating!
Yes, and I’m glad I am.
TJBM is worn out so much that even a few minutes of rest is tempting.
No, not worn out at all. Woke up this morning well rested, just finished my after-breakfast cup of coffee, and ready to head outside.
TJBM is ready to head outside.
7:56 a.m. in sunny California, already been out on the porch having my coffee watching the early birds, heading out again here in a minute. Morning routine, make coffee, porch sit, check fluther, porch sit some more. haha
TJBM is an early bird.
Oh no! No. Not unless I have to!
TJBM needs to wash bedding.
No, I put fresh bedding on a few days ago!
TJBM has a pet who is blind.
No, but I have a husband who is deaf.
TJBM knows someone who makes everything into a bad thing.
Sort of. They seem to have a negative view of everything and go on and burden my presence with their sourness.
The Jelly below me knows someone who they swear gets paid to complain.
I don’t know about paid, but they seem to get some grim satisfaction from making every tiny little thing that happens in a day, all about them and thinks people are criticizing them.
TJBM has never eaten Indian food.
TJBM has cooked chitterlings in their home.
Never! Wife would not allow it!
TJBM will cook something strange or exotic.
Salmon, baked potatoes and asparagus tonight, not very exotic.
TJBM is waiting on dinner now. baked taters have 20 minutes to go.
Waiting for lunch, which happens to be CORN SOUP!
I am…my electric blanket is almost ready for me to crawl into bed. @Mimishu1995 Save me some corn soup!
TJBM is going to bed now.
No, I just got up.
TJBM is quitting smoking, or has quit smoking.
To quote Mark Twain ” Quitting smoking is easy, I’ve done it a thousand times.” haha
TJBM has fallen down recently. Man, I totally biffed it on the porch last night, tripped over a chair and hit my mouth on a Geranium pot. haha
Way to go, Grace.
No, I haven’t fallen recently.
TJBM cusses when they stub their toe.
Usually, if the stub is severe enough to elicit any sound, it will probably be a cuss or stifled-cuss word.
TJBM has had a broken bone.
I have never broken a bone. Knock on wood.
TJBM broke someone’s leg once.
TJBM has shaved their head.
More than once.
TJBM has worn a wig.
Not for real. When I was little my mom had a wig and I’d wear it for play.
TJBM used to dig around in their parents room…and got at least one pretty good shock! Found a Playboy magazine in my dad’s dresser. It lurked around in there for years. The same one.
No, no incriminating things found in my parents room. haha
TJBM has a sex toy stash.
Yes, and hope to maintain it for the rest of my life.
TJBM isn’t a virgin.
True, plenty of experiences, marriage, and a child. I am now celibate though, I’ve had enoiugh sex to last the rest of my life. haha
TJBM likes waffles for breakfast.
Oh, you would mention waffles! Adirondackwannabe sent me some real maple syrup from New York! Got it yesterday.
TJBM has received gifts from other Jellies.
No, but I have sent my hybrid morning glory seeds to 2 members in the last few years.
TJBM has overdone it the last few days and feels like they have been hit by a semi.
TJBM misses seeing decent music on the top 40
What top?
TJBM is overdosed.
On work. Got out today and did some spring cleaning.
TJBM isn’t ready for spring cleaning.
OMG…we cleaned the entire bird barn Thursday. Hauled out like 300 lbs. of hay, shoveled, swept, hosed down floors. patched mouse holes. I am still wiped out. haha
TJBM is wiped out today.
If you mean tired,beat, and a bit of a head ache, then yes that is true.
TJBM can be stubborn at times,no make that extremely stubborn at times.
i can be that way
TJBM is interested in watching their favorite shows in another language.
Sí! Me parece que ya lo sabes, pero me interesa ver las películas en español para mejorar en la lengua.
The Jelly below me will help me practice Spanish.
No. (That’s about the extent of my Spanish!)
TJBM hauled rocks today.
Yes, figurately
TJBM is glad they’re done with hauling rocks today.
Haha…no rocks but yes, I have done nothing today, I needed a rest.
TJBM has seen the new “Cinderella” movie.
No, I have not.
TJBM has sore muscles.
OMG YES, my shoulder is still sore and probably will be for years to come.
TJBM is having dirty thoughts right now.
False. I’m having thoughts of violence!
TJBM is cleaning house today.
Nope, but I am making a meat loaf…how freaking domestic is that? lol
TJBM has a craving for fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies.
With ice cold milk!
TJBM wishes the internets didn’t close down at 2:30 every day.
Where you been getting your Internet, @Dutchess_III ?
TJBM believes the wrong people are in office.
Only half of them. Obama is the right person.
TJBM has a dog.
I have Cox. People just quit posting here, and on Facebook, right about 2:30. It doesn’t pick up again until about 5:30.
Used to…
TJBM doesn’t want to talk about dogs.
True, lets talk about the stray peacock that has decided to live here the last few days. haha
TJBM has a peacock in their neighborhood.
Haven’t had peacocks in my neighborhood since I left Florida. There was a flock that regularly strolled through my yard.
TJBM thinks a peacock cry sounds like a child’s call for help.
True….and also a loud cat “Meooooow!” My cats were freaking out when they saw big bird go by the other day. lol
TJBM has a wonky body part that is giving them trouble.
Yeah, my knees have been doing some complaining with the new exercise of the season.
TJBM has old body parts.
Yep, thay are all 55 years old now, except my breasts. They are only 38 years old because I didn’t grow them until I was 17. LOL
TJBM has a nice smile.
Depends on who sees me smile.
TJBM is objective.
At times I very much can be.
TJBM likes to sleep in the buff.
TJBM is eating icecream.
No, I ate some last night, though.
TJBM likes fluthering in the buff.
Ew no.
TJBM likes fluthering in the butt. Well, that’s how I read that ^^^^ Q the first time.
Let’s leave my butt out of it…
TJBM likes to have their butt touched (under the right circumstances…).
Under the right circumstances.
TJBM doesn’t like their butt touched or grabbed by complete, moronic strangers.
Who likes that anyway?
TJBM knows someone who likes their butt touched randomly.
My cat…cats and dogs like butt rubbies. lol
TJBM is going to bed just as the fun is getting started.
Butt Rubbies in bed? I’ll leave the rest to your imagination!
TJBM thinks this thread has taken an interesting turn!
Yes. Time to nip it in the butt!
TJBM knows it is really “Nip it in the bud.” It’s also, “You got another think coming,” not ”...another thing coming.”
As in, “If you’re going to nip this thing in the butt, you’ve got another thing coming!” ?
TJBM is tired of being the butt of all the jokes.
No, as in “If you think I’m going to let you go out dressed like that, you’ve got another think coming!
Butt I bring it on myself!
TJBM is an ass.
TJBM is now joining the pogrom already in progress.
The pogrom? lol
TJBM has given themselves an enema recently. all this butt talk ya know. lol
Yes, figurately.
TJBM wants to get oyt of their house for a while.
Yes, and get some food!
TJBM likes big butts and they can not lie. (@Mimishu1995 tried to take this thread off topic but I saved the day!)
can’t say
TJBM has a busted bracket.
No, but my big butt might one day!
TJBMe can’t seem to get their “butt” out of this thread!
Butt I can. Watch.
TJBM thinks it is SO GROSS when people post pictures of fattening, sloppy food, like this, and everyone is going “Oh that looks so good!”
Not to me they don’t. They look like butts that blew backward.
“Oh that look so gross!” ~
TJBM wants to talk about butts and food at the same time.
@Dutchess_III sorry, I was in a bad mood that day I just posted randomly :P
not at the moment.
TJBM is great at cooking this lovely meal
I guess I’m strange. I don’t find it lovely at all. Not as bad as the burger butts, though.
TJBM is getting clowns and sex all tied up together in their head.
Um no and I hope you aren’t either. shiver
TJBM has a colorful home.
M. Warm but not necessarily colorful.
TJBM is wondering what the hell @Dutchess_III was thinking of when she made her clown sex comment!
Uh yeah!!
TJBM is thinking about sex or exercise and will let us know which one.
Exercise. Yard work. I’m beat! To find the burning answer to the clown sex question, I refer you here where it all started.
TJBM plays Words With Friends.
Am I not playing right now on Fluther?
TJBM plays Number With Friends.
I’ve never heard of Number With Friends.
TJBM has to pay their car tags this month.
Nope, did it last month.
TJBM is enjoying an outside day!
No. I should but I’m so damn tired.
TJBM just received a dandelion as a gift from her grandson.
Nope. No grandson but dandelion greens for the geese, yes. lol
TJBM has fields of clover surrounding them.
Sorry, but the only use I know of for dandelions is dandelion wine- will that work?
TJBM- knows lots of uses for other plants.
TJBM thinks a pig would make a great rabbi.
Never seen a rabbi.
TJBM wishes they had a lion.
TJBM cuts their hair with fire.
Um..fire would result in flash bald. lol
TJBM will tell us the color of their bedspread or comforter.
Green and white striped duvet cover from IKEA.
We have large down filled European style (9+ inch fat) duvets on every bed in the house.
I suppose it comes from a hubby who was born in Germany and now works for a German company, and me having come from Japan where thick kakebuton were the norm.
Our kids prefer their bed Euro style, too – just a fitted sheet on the bottom, topped by the duvet.
TJBM has incorporated some odd traditions or routines into their family life.
Not realy family traditions but I have my quirks. @geeky_mama aaah, I hope your down duvets are not made from live plucked geese, very popular practice in europe still.
TJBM made the mistake of eating fast food and now feels sick. Ugh…ugh…ugh
nope (@Coloma, which hellhole did you go to?)
TJBM has an iron stomach.
My stomach is full of iron (red meat).
TJBM has a fiber stomach.
Now I do, salad for dinner. haha
@reijinni Chicken sandwich at McDonalds…never again.
TJBM is having a salad for dinner.
No, I had boiled eggs!
TJBM won’t be sleeping in their own bed this weekend.
Wrong! And maybe I just won’t get out of it!
TJBM is annoyed.
Well maybe a little, can’t believe how long it takes to get over an injury.
TJBM would rather drive a 4×4 truck than be seen in a car.
How about the other way around? I have no need for a car.
TJBM wants to sleep more.
not this time
TJBM wants to be sedated.
I want to sleep more so maybe sedation would be good. lol
TJBM jumped out of bed into immediate action this morning.
Yes, believe it or not. I didn’t get much sleep, so I was tired, but I had things to do before my 8am class.
The Jelly below me is vowing not to take 8am classes next semester, even if that means not getting to take Abstract Algebra.
Had to do 8am classes, also night classes.
TJBM took night classes while in college.
Just night classes. I was running a daycare full time during the day.
TJBM misread a garage sale address of 1515 Georgie as ISIS today.
^^^ What? lol
TJBM loves, loves, loves Crab cakes. OMG…we made the most amazing crab cakes last night with a special avacado and tomato dressing with tabasco, served over red tipped leaf lettuce. There are 2 left for my lunch today, can;t wait!
would you believe I never had a crab cake, but I wouldn’t turn one down.
TJBM loves sea food.
Oh yes! My favorite!
Oddly enough, TJBM is turned off by peel and eat shrimp that are too big.
On the contrary, small shrimps that can’t be peeled turn me off. The bigger the better! Talk about lobsters!
TJBM doesn’t care how many responses we have reached.
True, as long as the page isn’t taking 2 minutes to load. haha
TJBM is sipping a cool drink of some sort right now.
TJBM is waiting for lollipop.
Nope, drinking coffee and easing into my day right now.
TJBM has a kitty rubbing against their legs right now. My Pussy Meme loves me haha
Not at the moment, but definitely man times a day.
(p.s. No live geese were harmed in the making of our duvets. Two of the kids are a mix of synthetic and down. We checked out each manufacturer in advance..we’re animal rescue..kinda granola types.)
TJBM wishes they lived in Portland (OR).
America in general.
TJBM is eating something gross.
Nope just playing with my brand new Mac Lap top.
TJBM likes to skinny dip, when the opportunity arises.
True. I just love being in water, naked or otherwise!
TJBM can see an owl ornament from where they are sitting.
a noisy one.
TJBM loves this.
Hah….I was almost drowned being baptised at 11, probably why I have sworn off all religion. lol
TJBM has a sore back today. Man, I’m gettin’ old, always straining myslef anymore.
Nope. Did yoga first thing this morning and feeling fantastic. Sorry to hear you’re sore Coloma. Hope some ibuprofen puts things right for you.
TJBM makes a “to-do” list everyday. (Even on the weekend?)
TJBM wants to put their money into cannabis futures.
Sure, a pretty sound investment no doubt. lol
TJBM is annoyed with someone who is extremely self absorbed and oblivious.
Luckily I’m 100000 miles away from them now.
TJBM thinks cannibalism has a good side (that’s what my teacher just said!)
Sure, the good side is someone else lives through the consumed body parts. haha
TJBM wonders if they could ever eat a human under dire circumstances.
Until you are in that circumstance none of us will ever know.
TJBM would like to ride in a tank.
I would like to DRIVE a tank!
TJBM would like to ride in a hot air balloon.
Very much so.
TJBM is looking forward to a long weekend.
TJBM is going shopping at Future Shop.
Uh can’t they closed them here in Canada.
TJBM has never used a Mac computer.
TJBM wants to vacation in Kosovo.
An imaginary land? How can I get there?
TJBM has a good imagination.
I have a very good imagination. I can relate to little kids easily.
TJBM likes kids.
That’s why I can relate to them so well!
BTW- @geeky_mama, I would love to live in Portland!
TJBM is actually perfectly satisfied with where they live and never want to move.
Nope. I still want to move to Portland. :)
TJBM is on Spring Break.
Haven’t been on one for a long time.
TJBM wants to have Clarkson hair.
What kind of hair?
TJBM knows too much to live.
No, I live because I know so much. The older I get, the less self-centered, self-conscious I become. I’ve mellowed, grown more aware and mindful and I know myself better than I did before. I think I live a better life because I know too much…and I know not to take it for granted. (Stepping off my soap box now.)
TJBM has been arrested one or more times in their life.
Only once at age 17, for stealing a blanket from a hotel room when a friend and I took off on a little adventure to Oregon. We were seen putting a funky hotel blanket into the trunk of our car because we wanted to sit on the beach and had no blanket. I was charged with misdemeanor petty theft but, because I was still a minor it was off my “record” at age 18. My life of crime has not been very notorious. lol
TJBM loves spinach dip with french bread.
I don’t know about love it but I do really like it.
TJBM has gone streaking at least once in their life.
Not really streaking, but, way back when at 18 I flashed cars on Hwy. 101 along the coast in Northern CA/ here. Naked under a blanket. haha
Considering I was totally adorable it’s a wonder my naked 18 year old bod didn’t send cars plummeting over the cliffs into the sea. lol
TJBM wants pancakes!
Oh dang! You read my mind @Coloma!
TJBM has quit smoking.
Yes, but have been having a few again the last year or so with all my stress. Fuck it…hey, they’re American Spirit organic, chemical free pure tobacco…at least I’m not inhaling formaldehyde and arsenic. haha ( great rationalization huh? )
TJBM is going to see Fast & furious 7 today with the late Paul Walker
most unlikely
TJBM wants their town to be a subject of a TV drama.
Crime family drama, call me in!
TJBM is criminally innocent.
Or at least that is how I intend to plead.
TJBM is at the computer in their underwear.
Not quite, but in my PJ’s, not feeling well today.
TJBM is not feeling well today.
@Coloma how did you know? Yes, I was not feeling well today. I hope we both feel better soon.
TJBM has run a marathon.
TJBM has absolutely nothing planned for today.
Thanks God no. Which means I can do whatever I like.
TJBM prefers to plan by themselves.
TJBM has a tummy ache.
TJBM know what has truly risen on this day.
Yes, my allergies. lol
TJBM lives in a high rise.
No. An old restored farm house that is >100 years old.
TJBM is doing tie-dye silk eggs!
You can make an egg out of silk?
TJBM can do the impossible.
You dye it with silk.
Depends on what the impossible is.
TJBM had a good Easter.
Yes, it was very good. We were surrounded by our fantastic extended family (who I love to hang out with), had great food and conversation.
TJBM has fantastic family-by-marriage. (i.e. Sister-in-Law, Mother-in-Law, Aunt-in-Law..)
Partly true most my inlays are super, but there are a couple not so much.
TJBM is trying to get a chocolate stain out of the carpet right now.
No. No chocolate in this house yesterday.
TJBM got a new computer screen.
Nope, but I did get a new lap top.
TJBM is tired today.
The Jelly below me is.
Yes. Or no. Depending on how you look at it.
TJBM looks at it like…
TJBM knows people that are in some cult.
Well, I used to know some Jehova’s Witnesses, but I don’t know them any more.
TJBM has quit smoking. Did I just use that previously?
Nope. But I don’t smoke tobacco.
The Jelly below me thinks, therefore they are.
I am, I think.
TJBM just got stabbed by a crab.
Crabs can’t stab. They can only grab.
TJBM stabs something.
I did stab a steak today, cutting it up for soup. haha
TJBM is eating cookies.
No. No cookies in this house.
TJBM is eating McDonalds.
Bleh…no. The last time I ate at McDonalds I was sick for 2 days.
TJBM is enjoying some much need rain in their zone.
Not today. Supposedly tomorrow, along with hail and tornadoes. Wheeee.
TJBM wishes they’d taken a shower last night instead of waiting till tonight.
I did take a shower last night. haha
TJBM likes vintage clothing.
I do.
TJBM grabbed a couple of long cotton peasant skirts at Goodwill…but they don’t hang on her like they used to and she looks like a cow instead of a model now.
LOL…kinda true, this hippie has bigger hips now fer sure.
TJBM just sneezed twice.
TJBM thinks maybe they might have their damn dog under control.
No damn dog, but I have my giant hairy pussy shaved for summer. lol
TJBM has a giant hairy pussy-cat.
Stuffed cat.
TJBM wants a cat.
too many already
TJBM wants some kitty pot pie.
Just had some, scooped the litter box. lol
TJBM uses a litter box.
Well our cat sure does, I think Mrs Squeeky would freak if I used it.
TJBM has more than one litter box.
Box? Try bin.
TJBM has a litter bin.
I have the www.katkave.com
My one cat is 22 lbs. he needs a big litter cave. lol
TJBM had fish for dinner. Red Snapper here, mmmm
M, but no. Burritos.
TJBM wonders why some people never seem to have any troubles.
Haha…true. Oh well, even those that lived a charmed life are going to die. lol
TJBM has led a charmed life.
Uh, no. It started out that way, but then Life.
TJBM has something that’s been hurting for over a year and is about sick of it.
Yes, my thumbs and wrists have tendonitis, repetitive stress injuries from years of stuff, and my left ring finger is pretty much unbendable. It sucks to not have pain free use of your hands.
TJBM is dresses funky today. Me, tye dyed summer dress with ranch vest and blue Croc sandals. Hey…who’s looking, only the animals right? lol
Nah, just my everyday slicks and a sweatshirt.
TJBM is running for office.
No. I don’t run in general.
TJBM heard the funniest thing yesterday.
Actually, I did! (I just can’t remember it!).
TJBM actually has a memory that works.
I can’t remember.
The Jelly below remembers when they first invented chocolate. Sweet, sweet chocolate. And always HATED it!
True, I hated chocolate when I was a lid, now, I mean right NOW, I am having dark chocolate covered toffee chunks rolled in chopped Pistacio nuts..OMG!
TJBM is going to bed now at 11:21 PDT.
I’m already awake.
TJBM is awake.
TJBM loves harmless pranks.
True, I do. I’m a jokester type.
TJBM has a rattlesnake hook for when those evil serpents get in too close for comfort.
TJBM has installed Windows 10.
Nope, have Vista.
TJBM likes Banana bread.
Oh, I love Banana bread! I think I’ll make some. No nuts.
TJBM is making biscuits.
My stomach is making it.
TJBM has a strong stomach.
I do, I can handle gory things, not that I like too but I can and I can eat chili for breakfast. I’m of a strong constitution I guess. haha
TJBM has miles to go before they sleep.
TJBM will give @Coloma a Linux Live disk.
I wish, I have a very early net book running Linux but it has such a tiny hard drive ,it has no room for updates so I gave up.
TJBM has looked at porn more than once on the net.
Not really, I’m older now, I’ml sexed out, been there,done that, I’d rather look at pictures of cute cats and cheesecake. lol
TJBM is is all sexed out.
Did I tell you I don’t have a boyfriend?
TJBM dated early.
Third grade with Betty to the movies.
TJBM knows the name of the movie.
The love bug.
TJBM is a love bug.
TJBM thinks that @Mimishu1995 should consider dating Chinese.
TJBM is dating a bagel and some orange juice at the moment.
False. My lunch date was a tuna sandwich, grapes and a few chips.
TJBM is EXHAUSTED today but must go forth to do some errands.
Yes. Maybe. Well, at least get the payment to the IRS mailed off.
TJBM wishes she could be free of all meds.
True :( I’m on med right now and my poor short-term memory never helps.
TJBM doesn’t forget.
AH, what was the question ?
TJBM has a project to complete tomorrow.
Lawn needs to be mowed.
Yes, today I cleaned the fridge from top to bottom, and tomorrow I shop. The cheese & veggie drawers was out of control. haha
TJBM needs to clean their fridge/
Not really. It’s pretty new, and new fridges stay cleaner longer.
TJBM knows what QUORA is.
I do know what Quora is I just don’t like the layout all that well that is why I am here,lucky you. :)
TJBM hasn’t worked a night shift in years.
True dat!
TJBM had the strangest dream last night!
I don’t dream at night, only during the day actually.
TJBM is in dire need of a new shirt after that incident…
False, but I need new socks, all of mine are getting holes in them. Probably because I walk around outside in my socks a lot. lol
TJBM has a cat sitting near them right now. My little pussy Mia wants pussy love. lol
No thanks goodness, because if she was near me she’d be attacking me.
TJBM just ate breakfast (it’s 12:45)
It’s 5:00pm eastern now, so no, I ate breakfast several hours ago.
TJBM has had their ss# stolen. (I just did!)
No, thank goodness.
TJBM has seen a new movie recently.
Yes, several actually, since we get HBO free for six months and have the capability of storing about 150 movies.
What is a new movie TJBM has seen recently?
I WAS going to see ” The Longest Ride”, but got stuck in the grocery store and missed the starting time. Maybe tomorrow. The last movie I saw was Furious 7. and Mcfarland. Both great.
TJBM has gas.
Without gas I couldn’t cook.
TJBM is feeling that someone has come back.
I came back. I won’t be here daily, but more often than once a month , now.
TJBM is also surrounded by trees covered with white blossoms. (And isn’t it a beautiful sight?)
Our cherry trees have finished blossoming now in the warm CA. sun but, the grass is 3 feet tall, foxtails waving in the breeze and wildflowers galore. Very pretty!
TJBM lives in the country like I do.
No, I don’t. :( I don’t live in a big city though. I live in a small farming community.
TJBM would hate living in the city.
Falsorama. I love it.
The Jelly below me just bombed a linear algebra test and lost their hipolymer.
no test
TJBM wants to drive around in a Reliant Robin.
I can’t drive.
TJBM can ride.
I can, I have been riding horse since I was knee high to a pony. lol
TJBM is a horse person.
Uh NO!! Horses are a crap load of work, we had a bunch of horses as kids, I prefer a dirt bike,doesn’t eat when your not riding it and can forget it in the shed until the next time you want to ride.
TJBM likes to star gaze with a telescope.
Yes, but I can’t get the telescope to work.
TJBM likes to lay on horses and read.
I have yes, haha.
TJBM has a sinus infection. Ugh…no doc til at least Monday, I feel like shit.
yeah, nose problem.
TJBM wants to grow a goatee.
TJBM is a sheep.
Baaaaaa…no. haha
TJBM has a birthmark on their…
Right ankle, circle size of a dime.
TJBM had pizza for dinner.
No but I had it for breakfast.
TJBM loves flavoured coffee creamer.
I have in the past. However it’s pretty fattening so I dropped it years ago. I’m kind of going off of coffee altogether now.
TJBM found that you can teach an old dog new tricks.
Yes, an old blind dog, no less.
TJBM had a night on the town last night.
Ha. Nope. I worked for an upcoming crazy week of work travel and fell into bed nice & early.
TJBM adores Yoga.
No. Sit ups is about all I can handle!
TJBM had the MOST interesting day today.
Oh yeah, interesting, Went to urgent care for a wicked sinus infection then had to go get the prescription and drag myself to the store and gas station too. I am so effed up right now, what an ordeal. lol
TJBM will miss me when I am dead, which might be today.
I’d miss ya, but hang in there.
TJBM has passed-out from a sinus infection; when standing up from a sitting position. Right there on a concrete patio.
OMG..no. but I have felt like I might. Did that happen to you?
TJBM eats an apple a day.
Yup, started out the door and one step out the door folded on the concrete patio, I was about 14 and never before had a problem. Many, many years ago; still have an issue once and while.
No, but I had a banana to day.
TJBM has a cat that eats bananas.
all cats around me are strays.
TJBM trims their hair with a flamethrower.
I don’t trim my hair with bottles.
TJBM knows an unusual way to reuse a bottle.
Yes, we just made a little floating platform for our pond with a pallet held up by sealed and recycled one liter soda bottles. Duck island. haha
TJBM wants an island.
Oh, I do! There was an island for sale on the internets. It was $25 million. I sent a PM to my cousin about it, and she said she didn’t have enough money. I laughed!
TJBM personally knows a millionaire.
I’m always tempted to answer but I hesitate because I’m curious to hear how others respond.
@dxs Well….jump on in dude!
TJBM has had a food accident recently. Gah…my freaking bagel was too hot and when I put the PB on it and went to take a bite it was melted and dribbled all over me and my desk. *(#$%^%!!!
Just some bad cooking turnouts. I spilled some whey protein on the floor the other day, too.
Since no one answered Dutchess, I’ll say no, I never knowingly personally knew a millionaire.
The Jelly below me met a girl who sang the blues.
Colors don’t have notes. No one can sing colors.
TJBM knows someone who throws up rainbow.
And I asked her for some happy news, so she threw up a rainbow.
TJBM knows that rainbows are illusions.
Yes, but nice illusions.
TJBM loves Wasabi peas.
hate peas
TJBM needs to show a certain jelly this song.
I’ve seen B.B. in concert with Beck. I also have known some millionaires personally, though none are beholden to me, oh shoot. I threw up a rainbow once, had a bad case of flu.
TJBM knows what squirts blood from its eyes.
Yeah. Ink.
TJBM thinks squirts’ ink is delicious.
TJBM wants to forget everything.
quite a few things
TJBM is using Google+.
TJBM likes gingersnap cookies
Yeah! among many others as well.
TJBM likes grahm cracker crust with cream pies.
Oh yes! @reijinni Oops, sorry, forgot to answer…not sure. I’ll have to check. haha
TJBM has been sick recently.
Yes. Sick of exams.
TJBM needs a break.
No, I’ve had enough of a break.
TJBM needs a job.
I need a new one.
TJBM wants to invade Argentina.
Uh why???
TJBM has used whip cream in a naughty way at least once in their life.
LOL…I have, infact I could tell a very funny story, but, I’ll leave it at that.
TJBM wants to know HOW ones sinuses can produce so much snot. lol
True and I already did. See you next door.
Answer this question