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talljasperman's avatar

What's up with the Canadian supreme court (Details inside)?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) February 17th, 2015

The Supreme court of Canada struck down three laws recently and legalized :

and assisted suicide

Whats next?

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8 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

Next will be a mass emigration of dateless, horny, and terminally ill stoners from the US to Canada. ;-)

talljasperman's avatar

Ah the tri fecta, pot, potato chips and depression.

ibstubro's avatar

Do you suppose that Canadian law enforcement officers will now be able to focus on criminals?

dappled_leaves's avatar

That would indeed be a worthy goal, @ibstubro. Since our ultraconservative (uh, for Canada) PM is all about prisons and being tough on crime™, it sure wouldn’t be the result of a concerted effort.

But the recent ruling about assisted suicide is probably not part of any trend, as @talljasperman describes. I’m not sure there have been any changes to the marijuana laws lately (though they have been much less harsh in Canada than in the US for a long time now), and recent proposed changes to prostitution laws will make life worse, not better, for prostitutes, according to most critics.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They will be able to direct their energy to overdue books at the library,

JLeslie's avatar

Wow. That might just affect the immigration to the state I live in—Florida. Canadians might choose to stay home, rather than find their way down to the sunshine.

Strauss's avatar

@JLeslie Canadians might choose to stay home, rather than find their way down to the sunshine.

It depends on what kind of sunshine they’re looking for! After all, we’ve been told for many years that pot is a gateway drug!

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