What do you believe is happening in the world right now, this very moment?
This very moment somewhere in the world, several hundred people are boinking, before you finish reading this sentence, at least a dozen women just finished giving birth, right now, and dozens of dozens of females just became pregnant. This very moment, thieves are ripping off at least 150 homes across the US. What do you believe is happening this very moment?
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39 Answers
Coloma is lying in bed eating cookies and fluthering after a long, busy day.
At this very moment, someone is sitting comfortably in a warm apartment. I’m kind of envious.
{Where are you sitting @dappled_leaves)?
People are working (such as me) at a whole range of jobs.
People are dealing with incoming weather (cyclones up north from me, snow where some of our jelly friends live).
People are choosing to give up something so they can pay for a needed medication.
Women are flashing their breasts for beads.
Girls are selling cookies.
100 candidates are hoping to be among the final 24 to be chosen for a one-way trip to Mars to start a colony.
Some teenager is suddenly finding enlightenment from listening to Bob Dylan.
I’m really worried about the two members of the Bali 9. I’m in meditation that our government can prevent these executions, it’s especially insulting that the Australian federal police dobbed them in. I understand that there is a hold on their executions. I am hoping that the government can keep them from being killed.
The remaining 99% of us are sinking deeper and deeper into the financial quagmire perpetrated by the 1% in order to maintain control.
@filmfann they need to teach in High School that “you don’t need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows”.
Millions of animals are being brutally killed in slaughterhouses.
I’m totally in agreement with you @trailsillustrated. It’s especially offensive when you learn the Indonesian government is spending millions to try to persuade the Saudi and Malaysian governments not to execute their citizens.
Given the level of rehabilitation these young men have demonstrated and the work they have done within the Indonesia prison system with other prisoners, what message does it send to others who commit similar crimes? We know the death penalty isn’t a deterrent. However, if people are arrested on drug trafficking charges, what motivation will they have to rehabilitate or to work to make up for their crimes if after they do, they’ll still be taken to an island and shot in the middle of the night.
@Earthbound_Misfit pray with all your might. They have been given a reprieve, however short .
Wherever Fluther is located, their servers are having trouble dealing with an apparent traffic overload.
People are fighting, laughing, sighing, and hugging. Some are saying their goodbyes at the airport. Kids are getting scolded. Other kids are climbing trees or kissing their parents good-night. Dogs and cats are waiting for their owners, some are cuddled up to their people.
Teenagers are deciding what to do with their lives, couples are deciding to split up or get married. There are lots of ideas born right at this moment, and some of them will affect us. There are new songs and books being written, and some of them you may love at some point.
Somewhere, people are getting rescued from dangerous situations. Kids are agonizing about school, and adults are agonizing about their jobs. People are writing their wills and fighting cancer. Parts of the world will be better by tonight, other parts will be worse.
I’m sitting in my flat, eating breakfast. In a minute, I’ll be making some tea, and in an hour, I’ll be outside. Here’s hoping all you jellies are having fun right now.
And, of course… somewhere in the world, someone is gonna fall in love by the end of this song.
A little bit of everything. Anything that can happen which is realistic, and that you can think about, is happening.
Death and illness everywhere.
Capitalism sucking the life out of humanity.
Unfortunately the earth’s rotation round the sun for who knows how much longer.
Destruction, famine and doom and gloom.
A thousand spotty nerds are asking this same question while rubbing their chins & feigning intelligence.
Some dogs farted, had no idea what the fuck just happened, turned to look at their arseholes & blamed somebody else in the room.
Many people are waking up and others are going to sleep. I’ve been thinking about the people in the brutal cold in the upper ⅔ of America. Them bundling up to brace the elements. Digging out their cars, scraping off the ice.
@JLeslie It was brutal waiting for my daughter’s school bus this morning. -18 F windchill this morning thanks to strong winds. Don’t you miss this kind of weather?~
At this very moment somewhere in the middle of an open field in Nebraska…nothing is happening.
According to a recent report, the Earth’s oceans are accumulating plastic at a rate of about 10 million tons per year.
There’s somethin’ wrong with the world today
I don’t know what it is.
Something’s wrong with our eyes…..................perhaps we are living on the edge
Right now in some fluther persons world 3 geese are flapping and frolicking in their pools on the lawn, a bossy girl duck is scolding her husband and said fluther person has to go pee.
Who could it be?
In every instant of time the universe is destroyed and then recreated.
Right now people are being evacuated from islands in the north of Australia as
Cyclone Lam heads towards us. I think it’s a category 3 at the moment. At the same time, Cyclone Marcia (category 2 at the moment) is also heading towards the Capricornia coast of Queensland. I hope everyone stays safe and there’s not too much damage in either place.
On a positive note, David Hick’s US conviction has been vacated. Well overdue and a welcome end to a horrible situation for him.
And I’m off to Canberra now and hopefully won’t be too delayed by the inclement weather.
People are trying to live their lives as painlessly as possible and some are realizing taht yes they could make a difference in the world.They just have not figured about “how” to apply it.
While sit here typing, young girls are traveling to join the ISIS terror group. Arabs are killing each other at an ever increasing rate and U.S.drones are carrying our executions signed, without a trial, to protect tribal interests in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the meanwhile U.S. soldiers are brain washed into thinking that they are fighting and dying to protect each other and their country instead of realizing that they are fighting to protect international corporations.
Right now I believe there has been at least a dozen fender-benders across the US, with at least two requiring someone to go to the ER. Right now, a few hundred people are behind the wheel driving impaired. Right now a couple of dozen people tearfully said good bye to a four-legged friend they must put down.
Someone is eating Whoppers, oh, it’s me! How many people are eating Whoppers this very minute all around the world? lol
Right now, 5 former Flutheronians are contemplating returning under assumed names, at least one has returned to great applause. Right now, two Flutheronians are thinking of going back to YA or some other Q&A site. Right now, at least one present Flutheronian (who calls themselves a Jelly) is reading this.
Omg you’re right about the last part, creepin’ me out, man!
^ I must be losing my grip, usually I am pissing people off instead of freaking them out.
Right now 3 people are eating the worlds most amazing meatloaf dinner. haha
One of them is not me…....bugger
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