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JLeslie's avatar

UK Jellies: do most people in England know what the KKK is in America?

Asked by JLeslie (65919points) February 18th, 2015 from iPhone

I wonder, because I saw this story that Krispy Kreme in the UK had a Krispy Kreme Klub abbreviated KKK.

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28 Answers

ucme's avatar

More or less, that’s just an example of mischevious marketing, some pinhead obviously thought using those initials was a cool prank, knowing full well it’d cause a minor storm among the chattering classes.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s almost a certainty that the average Brit has a greater knowledge of facts concerning our country than we do of theirs. It’s just that the 3 Ks have a much more visceral association to we who must shamefully live with them.

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filmfann's avatar

Your question makes it sound like the KKK are still a force to reckon with. They haven’t been for at least 50 years.

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JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann My question was only wondering if most Brits know the KKK like we know the swastika. I had no idea what the answer would be.

The KKK is still around. They still match, they still do hideous things. It’s not like years ago; but KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremists, skinheads; all still around and scary.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

Jleslie do have any actual stats to back that statement up?

gailcalled's avatar

^^ Photo taken eight years ago.

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s the CA page of the Southern Poverty Law Center Hate Group map of the US:

JLeslie's avatar

Typo: March not match.

Thanks jellies for the links.

Even if they didn’t still exist and organize, certainly in America no one can get away with using KKK and not drum up a lot of bad history and backlash.

I don’t follow the KKK and neo-Nazi stuff much, but I know when I lived near Boca Raton, FL the KKK would do some sort of public thing, which especially stands out to me in such a Jewish place. They did it when I was growing up outside of DC where I lived. I saw about a year ago a 60 Minutes news report about some young child you shot and killed his father who was in some white supremist group. That’s my personal knowledge.

None of that matters much regarding the Q though, as far as I know the KKK was an American thing. Even the Nazis eventually impacted many countries, so it’s not exactly apples to apples.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

I recently got “door tag” hanging on my front door inviting me to a meeting of the KKK. I live in southeastern USA.
Here’s an article from last April about today’s KKK.

ucme's avatar

I never quite got the connection betwen spreading hate & bigotry while dressed like a bashful ice cream salesman.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@ucme but you do support the “silly walk”.

ucme's avatar

Ha, nice catch big fella :)

Kropotkin's avatar

Yes. I know what the KKK is in America.

It’s the US branch of the Krispy Kreme Klub.

ucme's avatar

But they hate dark chocolate.

flutherother's avatar

Yes, and we know of Krispy Kremes. They are even more deadly. All that sugar and cholesterol.

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Berserker's avatar

The KKK seems to still be active. They have a site anyway.

Adagio's avatar

Even all the way down here in NZ we know what the KKK is.

Brian1946's avatar


Merci for the link.

I clicked on it, but I bailed when the greet page implied that it was reading my tracking info. ;-o

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, I don’t like that either…What lies beyond really is some kkk shit though. You can sign up with the site, buy merchandise and read all their bs crap about white Christian America being under attack anshit. I think there are real life meetings too, didn’t care to check too much out, but they’re out there.

JLeslie's avatar

Since NZ and the UK seem to very well know what the KKK is, how did the club get named that ad get printed without someone in the store not saying something?

Kropotkin's avatar

@JLeslie Probably because some Brits have a mischievous and subversive sense of humour.

It reminds me of the Olympics goatse logo.

JLeslie's avatar

@kropotkin Maybe so. Didn’t the Prince wear a Nazi uniform once as a Halloween costume?

filmfann's avatar

Back in the 80’s, I went to a union meeting, where some of the stewards began talking about how the nearby city of San Leandro was run by the clan. Well, I lived in San Leandro, and told them to their faces that it was not, and that when they say stupid shit like that it casts doubt on everything they say.

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