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ucme's avatar

What do you think will happen first, a female president of the US, or a gay one?

Asked by ucme (50052points) February 20th, 2015

Maybe both at the same time, a kind of 2 for 1 deal.
Would a gay president’s husband be called the First Man?
Not that any of this matters much, so long as they’re competent right?

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26 Answers

captainsmooth's avatar

Based on the percentages of gay to straight people, don’t you think we have had a gay president already?

dxs's avatar

I’m willing to bet female. There’s a higher (known) percentage of that group.

ucme's avatar

@Yetanotheruser The woman could be a lesbian.

ucme's avatar

@captainsmooth Well, Jimmy Carter was quite camp.

keobooks's avatar

According to Ann Coulter , we’ve had a gay President and his name was Bill Clinton. Apparently her proof was that he slept with all those women.

ucme's avatar

Does anyone know of any future potential candidates who are openly gay?
Young politicians making a name for themselves, who could, one day, make it to the White House.

keobooks's avatar

He’s getting too old to run, but I think its fairly well known that Richard Lugar is gay. He’d not secret about it, but keeps a low profile. I’ve heard it’s the main reason he’s never been a serious Presidential nominee. People didn’t want his personal love life made public for all to see.

keobooks's avatar

Apparently it’s not well known on the internet. But if you ask most seniors in Indiana why Dick Lugar doesn’t stand a chance at being a nominee, both democrats and republicans say “Well you KNOW he’s gay, dear..”

syz's avatar

If you think a gay president could be elected before practically any other option, you’re out of touch with what current culture is like.

ucme's avatar

^ The “you” meaning anyone, because I certainly don’t think that.

Darth_Algar's avatar

We’ve already had a gay president, James Buchanan.

DominicY's avatar

Some historians think James Buchanan, our 15th president, might have been gay, so it’s possible we already had a gay president. A female president is at least easier to prove :P

Strauss's avatar

@keobooks Interesting article, especially the conjecture that ”...Americans do not want to believe society was more tolerant of gay relationships in the 19th Century than they are now.”

ragingloli's avatar

A female one.
The Gays have as much chance to have a president from their ranks as The Muslims or The Atheists, or The Satanists, for the same reason.
Of course, if you are conservative, you probably believe that there already is a muslim, a gay, an atheist, and a Satan worshipping president: Obama.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Openly gay is a little further down the road. I mean there is as yet not even mention of a gay candidate. Hillary, on the other hand, is such an acknowledged and terrifying prospect to her conservative opposition, that her nomination is all but guaranteed. The Democrats will toss her the baton if only to panic and befuddle the elephants.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I would have to say female.
Canada has already had a female Prime minister.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hope we simply have the best person for the job. But please, God, no red heads.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Many Historians are pretty sure Buchanan, for one, was gay. If modern statistics are correct and can be applied to the past couple of centuries, there may have been more.

flutherother's avatar

First gay, female, Muslim President 1,000,000 AD.

ucme's avatar

Thanks to everyone who saw the question for what it was & didn’t read anything else into it, all except one then :D
Never knew about Buchanan, not that much up on my history of US politics, interesting.

Mariah's avatar

It’s definitely more interesting to wonder when we’ll elect an openly gay president. I think we’ll have a woman first. We’ve already had serious contenders who are women, none who are openly gay. People have all sorts of bigoted reasons why they wouldn’t vote for either, but there are probably more homophobes than sexists in the US right now.

ucme's avatar

Rupaul for Prez !!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Straight female (as redacted)

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