Rule of Acquisition #98 states: 'Every man has his price'. What is yours?
How much money would they have to pay you, for you to chop off one or more of your arms/legs to play an amputee in a movie?
Please also think of things that you would hate to do, and name your price for you to do them.
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16 Answers
Total financial freedom for the rest of my life.
All of that can be done with CGI. Here’s an example from Rust and Bone.
I’m fairly certain that movie effects are advanced enough that it is not necessary to amputate someone’s limbs in order for them to play an amputee. If you’re going to try to buy me then try to think of something idiotic.
Fuck that shit !!
I’d consider donating my left nipple to science for £6.99 & a Curly Wurly
You are right, while some will play the moral high ground and say they can’t be bought,is bull shit we all have a price just a very very high price.
I wouldn’t do it for anything, the hell with that, homeboy. But this reminds me of a zombie movie I saw called “The Dead”, yeah, nice fuckin title where they hired real amputees to play some of the zombies. No special effects except makeup, it was delightfully creepy.
The list of things I won’t do for money is exceedingly short, and diminishes daily. Self mutilation ,however must remain on the list. You really DO need a hobby.
I watched Cheap Thrills last night, one guy had his pinky hacked off & later ate it, all done for ca$h, donated by this rich, sick fuck daring him & his mate.
Best bit was when they both rushed to a neighbours house to take a shit on their floor…nice.
what the hell kinda show is that
What kind of cable TV do you have @ucme ????
Not a show @SQUEEKY2 & @Symbeline it’s a movie ya daft buggers :D
Good one too, I enjoyed it muchly.
Looks like some weird type movie, can see why you like it.
That is so weak & shallow man, I can see why you said it :)
I would flip burgers for $45 an hour
Don’t sell yourself so cheap. If someone’s willing to pay you $45/hour to flip burgers then you could probably get at least $45.10/hour out of them.
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