The Fluther alphabet game, for the players?
Asked by
ucme (
February 24th, 2015
No, not that one.
Sesame Street meets Jellyville.
Keep in order & make all things Fluther related, however obscurely.
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296 Answers
B is for Brains or Bickering
D is for Discussion and Debate.
D is also sometimes for diagnosis.
…these are a few of our favourite things
E is for Enter-stain-mint
F is for Friggin annoying.
check out negative nancy over there
H is for Happy Happy Happy !
L is for Lurve. That was easy!
M is for Medical Advice.
M is also for Mental help.
P is for Parties
and for People imPersonating Penguins
Q is for QUESTION the OP asks.
R is for Realizing the difference between an opinion and a fact.
S is for Stay Silent if you can’t be kind.
T a drink with jam & brea…shit, wrong game.
T is for Typing as we craft a response.
U is for Unbelievable, are some of the Trolls’ questions.
V is for Very Much a Time-Killer, which is what Fluther is.
W is for Witchy comments in some cases!
X is for X- rated questions and anwers.
Z is Zeal in asking and answering.
B is for Banned Members, kicked out for…err…indecent exposure?
Y is for the Yarn Pocalypse
I was gonna say that, but I was told I was being annoying about it.
C is for Community whatever that is
D is for dick, as an answer to your community question. XD
E is for Enthusiastic like all the threads.
Dick Community, where penises go to hang out
F is for Fluther naturally
H is for Hairy arsed Americans account for the majority of users here :D
J is for Juvenile, “will he like me ?”
K is for Kick-spammers-with-a-spikey-steel-toe-right-in-their-ass.
L is for “I think I’m pregnant. Does this mean he Love me?”
M is for Mods, that keep this pool clean.
N is for N****R
just had to put this one after that last one lol
O is for outlandish claims
Q is for quality over quantity
T is for the terrific jellys that make this site the best.
U is for F##king U nbelievable
V is for the vixens on this site.
B is for babbies in the frizzer.
C is for can’t resist it.
E is for Every Day I try to check Fluther.
F is for Fuck, fucker, fucking & fucked…coz they let you swear & shit :D
H is for “Hello! Welcome to Fluther!”
I is for Inquisitive, as in minds.
K is for Kinky we have a few jellies that fit that term.
@Tropical_Willie True, some get all bent outta shape very easi…I got that wrong didn’t I ? :)
M is for The great MOD team!
O is for Ocean, where all the Jellies are.
P is for Poseidon with his trident trying to catch the odd jelly.
R is for rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mateys.
U is for under the orange tree
V is very very extraordinary!
X is for X-rated questions.
@chyna Oh.
W for wacky members like me. lol
Z is for “zzzzzzz, bye Fluther, see you tomorrow.”
A is for awry, threads sometimes go this way.
Bohemian is for free thinkers.
C is for Crazy for both answers andd questions.
D is for Damn, not another server error.
E is for Everybody has an opinion. Opinions are like butt holes – everybody has one.
F is for Fluffy, what the answers in Social can be.
G is for Grudges that some like to keep, forever & ever & ever…
H is for Hellooooooo Jellies!
J is for that jilted Jelly.
I is for Ingot, as in gold award
K is for Knowledge giving freely here.
L is for Lucidity, usually the best state in which to Fluther, although not always.
M is for My private space on the net.
O is Only nice people answer my question.
P is for Pissing Contests. Sometime the jellies want to see who piss the furthest.
Q is for Quality Answers.
R is for Randy who only wants nice people to answer.
S is for Smiles which I get from some questions in Social.
W is for “Where the fuck did they go?”
Folks who suddenly & without warning just fuck the right off.
X is for X-ray vision, what some of the OP’s think we have. Is my arm broken?
Y is for “You know what I think? I think you need to go to the doctor.”
Z is for that Zebra fella the old timers frequently bang on about.
A is for the “Admiral” award.
B is for the Blackbeard award (30,000)
C is for Corpus Callosum the thing in the skull that connects the two halves of the brain. What some of the trolls are missing, only half a brain.
D is for Davey Jones locker.
E is for English as a second language.
F is for “Flunking on Friday night” with a double Martuni !
G is for Gee, we’re not really staying on topic but oh well, hey @Tropical_Willie I’m having a Shock Top and waiting on the phantom str=orm that appears to not be appearing. haha
K is for, uh….kill ‘em with kindness. haha
L is for the links we post for the information and entertainment of other Flutheroids.
M is for mere mortals adding their two cents worth.
N is for nobody being in chat right now.
O is for Oh shoot why not?
Q is for all the quirky quackers we have here
S is for silly, answers that show up in Social.
U is for Underdogs, are always welcome.
Y? Because I lurve you.
I know, I cheated
and oops I forgot about X
X is for the xanthene dye used to color the answer box. ;-)
Z is for Zoo, who knows, Fluthering at the zoo might soon be the latest craze.…
A is for the atheists who rule Fluther with the Iron Fist of Reason! ;-o
C is for chat rooms that are unnecessary and rarely used.
D is for daily, how often people return to Fluther.
E is for Entry level, we all were once newbs.
H is for the Horatio Hornblower award.
L is for Lurve! repeat I’m sure, but hey, only so many possible entries. haha
M is for the moderators, who are now impaneled without announcement.
N is for No correct answer, only convincing argument.
O is for Oh no, not another “How do I know if he really likes me?” question.
P is for the Poseidon award!
Q is for questions that need editing.
R is for Randy the infamous
T is for the Titan award. @Symbeline It should be Zombeline haha
U is for under the fig tree.
Oh damn I forgot them! Should I make another sentence?
^^^ No…Lets go back to A…is for, for, for…uh, Argonaut.
B is for “Blimey! I can’t believe this thread has been going on for weeks, I only just now found it ! Even though I have been honorably mentioned! ...Thanks @Coloma!
C is for the Clownfish award.
E for energy which ebbs and flows.
F is for fate, and that’s how it goes!
H is for Helpful jellies.
I Is for the occasional IDIOTS that swim through the Fluther sea. lol
J is for Jerks, the same as I above.
K is for Keep your cool, fool.
N is for No way I swim away.
O ua die “OMG! what happened to this thread!”
P is for Plenty of fish. lol
Q is for Quiet death, as in, this thread died a…
R is for Raise (from the dead).
S is for Such a long time to die.
T is for Tadpole the first great question.
U is for u all are funny!
V is for variety, the spice of Fluther. Somewhat lacking these days.
W is for will to live…sometimes these older “gems” don’t seem to want to die.
X is for X-rated fluther and the NSFW questions.
Y is for yellow kitty, which was Chooky’s last avatar. Come back, Chooky.”
Z is for Zebra in @evelynszebra
A is for another another hour of Coloma procrastinating on her stuff. lol
B is for bilingual, like for those English jellies who must learn American to post here.
C is for “chock”, as in “Fluther is chock full of nuts!”
D is for the Davey Jones revenge award, answer a 6 week old question with a great answer. Okay guys…GA me. lol
G is for general, where all the techie questions go.
H is for halitosis, which is almost as difficult to spell as it is to experience.
I is for IMO, which is always impressive.
K is for kids-under-13-are-not-allowed!
Jump back to J for now on to “L”
L is for “Laurie”, that’s Colomas real life name. :-)
M is for mansion, something I’ll likely never see.
N is for nostalgia, as this has been a week for Fluther reminiscing.
O is for the one and only @Gailcalled
P is for praise, as Jellies flood into the tidepool to recall the contributions @gailcalled has made to Fluther.
Q is for quitting, something sadly a lot of good jellies do.
R is for ragingloli , he/she/they share pics of kitties with me!
Live kitties? Not writhing in torment?
”S” is for “Shhhhh!” as in—do not tempt the lolli!
T is for tsunami, as in the great wave of returning jellies this week!
U is for unrelenting, as in criticism.
V is for variety, so we have a little spice in our Fluther lives.
W is for all the wayward jellies that have returned to the pod.
X marks the spot, where the mansion stands. (Okay, but good imagination, right?)
Y is for the fluther Yacht, that sails around the mansion on the bay.
Z is for zealots one and all.
B is for Ben, Whoever that is…... lol
D is for dead jellies rise again! Yay!
E is for everyone is happy.
G is for Gail. Today her daughter called.
H is for “Hooray!”
Hooray for Gail, she’s home and comfortable;
Hooray for the jelly-reunion!
Hooray for a Fluth3r
I is for increased activity.
Which is great!
J is for. “Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat!’
K is for 1,000 which we need ten of to get a room.
L is for…um…let’s see…I know this…ah…Lamprey Eels!
Alaskan lamprey eels live in the waters around Alaska and shop at Value Village there!
M is for mansion, which may be the size of the room we need.
N is for NEWBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And O is for dare I say it? OLDIES (but goodies)
P is for the pool party in the fluther lagoon. I’ll bring the beer and chips and salsa.
Q is for quick, before that other jelly gets their response done!
S is for sail on, sail on, jellies.
T is for the Titan award.
U is for Yet Another User!
V is for vain. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Z is for “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz jelly below me wha?”
A is for all the awesome jellies here.
B is for beautiful, need I say more?
C is for ” Cat” as in Milo.
E is for English, something 99% of users have to use when posting anything.
F is for “Fan-freakin’-tastic”
H is for ME! I mean, for Here.
K is for KELP which is an obstruction to jellies, and from now on will be my Fluther curse word.
L is for Locomotion which jellies do by pulsations.
M is for missing jellies.
P is for picking people’s brains.
Q is for quibbles, hopefully in jest.
R is for repose, which means to rest.
S is simpatico, some jellies are in sync.
T is for Treet, spam’s long lost forgotten cousin.
U is for unctuous, because special, warm, superior intelligence jellies deserve high praise.
V is for valuable people and input.
W is for writing… writing… writing.
X is for Xeriscape. Dry landscaping (plants the use less water.)
Z is for Zingers, because sometimes jellies really lay one on each other.
A is Apple – - always good to eat.
B is for banana – green banana.
D is for deliberate, because debate is the life of Fluther.
E is for excuse, because that’s how we feel after a Fluther debate.
F is for “fuggettaboudit”, which is often how we feel after a particularly frustrating debate.
G is for “goddamnittohellyoulyingsonofanogoodbitch” which is the long version of ” . ”
E Egomaniac nobody on this website ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !
“Hello!” is a big welcome to some of the newly arrived members!
I is for Imagine… Trump for President!
O is for OP or original poster
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