Social Question

chyna's avatar

Can you find something positive in your life today?

Asked by chyna (51731points) February 25th, 2015 from iPhone

It seems that so many jellies are having a hard time right now that I wondered if we could try to find a positive to help see there is light at the end of the tunnel. No matter how small that positive may be.
Today there is finally sunshine here after weeks of gray dreary days.

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57 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

@chyna your question and your compassionate thought behind it was the only positive thing I saw today. Thanks for a pleasant note.

ucme's avatar

I’m me, with a beautiful wife, two wonderful kids & a personality that is as fun loving & child like as it is real, positive enough for me :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m positive this Winter has sucked, shoveling snow sucks, bats suck, and getting stuck with needles sucks (24 times). But I’m still laughing and I’m going to a four year olds birthday party next weekend. :)

hominid's avatar

I’m currently enjoying a few pieces of a Divine 70% chocolate bar. There’s always chocolate.

gailcalled's avatar

Always. The sun is out and glittering on the 6’ icicles hanging from my eaves replace moon with sun; I caught the latest resident mouse in the Havahart and freed it outside: and Milo rushed headlong into the snow, to his horror. I then watched him navigate his way back to the open garage door.

I am expecting two friends soon for a mini-visit, tea and a cookie.

My great-grandfather’s Barbados lilies have had a second burst of bloom, very similar to these photos taken last year. Here and here.

janbb's avatar

Sure. I have wonderful friends both online and off, a comfortable place to live that is all mine, and financial security. And – two weeks ago I saw flowers!

Mariah's avatar

I just had an awful day of self-loathing yesterday so this came at a lovely time. Thanks @chyna. :)

Today is much warmer than it’s been in a while, and there is a noticeable increase in the number of robins flitting around campus. I’m hoping this means spring is coming.

I finally feel “done” with college and like I’m ready to graduate, which I worried would never happen.

My boyfriend continues to astound me every day with how wonderful he is. And he likes me, too! I don’t know how I got so lucky.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Mariah That made me smile. Good for you. You deserve every drop of goodness.

Mariah's avatar

Thanks, you! Back atcha.

gondwanalon's avatar

The key to being happy is having a positive attitude and consistently working hard and playing hard throughout your life. Also planning for the future. No one knows what the future will be like but we have to plan and invest for it anyway. You could work and save all your live and the stock marked could go nowhere and or severely crash and leave you broke. You could physically work out every day all your life and then get hit by a bus or suddenly die of cancer. You could get lucky and have good wealth and good wealth. The only certainty is: if you don’t do anything then you will wind up sick and poor.

I made it to age 64 healthy/active, no debt, house paid off, large nest egg, very generous retirement income (not including Social Security), beautiful and loving wife and two cats. Yes I’ve been very lucky but I also worked, planned and played my butt off. Life is good!

kevbo's avatar

I’m healthy (I had the flu last week). My job is super mellow and pays well. I’m down fourteen pounds of the twenty that I gained from this past June to November. I’m living cheaply in a comfortable and modern house. I have plenty of warm clothing for winter.

I’m getting my chile fix and sitting in a sunbeam as I type this.

kritiper's avatar

No wife, no ex-wife, no kids, and a life expectancy of 15.6 more years!

Coloma's avatar

The last few weeks again, not really. haha
I am not making the progress I need to make and am overworked and exhausted.
One day at a time.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

@gondwanalon well done, a life well lived and more lovely moments coming you way! I take my hat off to people like you.

jonsblond's avatar

The new season of Survivor starts tonight and I think Jon feels well enough to watch it with me. We’ve had a Wednesday night tradition of watching Survivor and eating pizza for several years. It’s something we look forward to.

janbb's avatar

@jonsblond Thsoe family rituals are important.

flutherother's avatar

Afternoon sunshine alternating with clouds that drew tall curtains of rain across the landscape. It made me feel good to be alive, I don’t know why.

Haleth's avatar

In a month, I’m taking a vacation to see my oldest friend. I have financial stability and a lot of different passions, like painting, cooking, writing, and wine. And I’m starting to be really happy being single.

A couple of you mentioned flowers and other signs of spring- that’s lovely! We’re expecting snow tonight, but I spring-like weather should be here in a few weeks.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I soloed across the equator on the afternoon of Friday, February 6th at 43 degrees West Longitude (off the mouth of the Amazon River near Belem, Brazil) on my way from Barbados (departed dawn, Tuesday, January 7th) to Ascension Island (arrived 0350 GMT, Friday, February 20th). 3,500 miles with one stop at the tiny resort island of Meo just south of the equator off Fortaleza, Brazil for repairs to the rigging. Great surfing and diving on Meo.

The people here insist that I get a tattoo to commemorate the crossing. Never had a tattoo. Not for me. But this is different. Traditionally, in order to commemorate a first crossing, it’s usually Neptune on his throne with trident, or some kind of amorphous Medievel sea monster, or a trident and crown. I like the simple trident, nothing elaborate. Maybe. I dunno. I kinda like being the last sailor on earth without a tat. First fog delayed my progress to St. Helena, now gout has set in and last night a bolt of lightening blew out all my antennaes. So, I won’t be leaving here any time soon. It’s not a bad place to be marooned. Pleasant people.

The great thing that happened to me today was that I awoke in one piece under fresh, clean sheets in an air conditioned room with a freshwater shower and room service on the side of a volcano in a nice little village called Two Boats. And a kid delivered a bottle of Colchicine tablets from the pharmacy so that I too can be delivered—from this bloody gout.

janbb's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus How about a penguin on your bum for south of the Equator?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Ha ha. I’ll consider it. Any tat I get must be loaded with meaning and sentiment. I think a book reading penguin on my ass would meet the criteria.

janbb's avatar

I“m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMIlle.

yankeetooter's avatar

I’m not sure I can…back in the hospital for the second time in two weeks…and hurting from a possible snubbing from a friend.

chyna's avatar

@yankeetooter {{{Hugs}}} to you. I hope this is just a burp in your life and the hospital stay finds any issues and helps you.

yankeetooter's avatar

Have pancreatitis. ..this after finding some 12 days ago that I have diabetes, congestive heart failure and high blood pressure.

That’s one big belch!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Well that’s no good @yankeetooter. You’re having a horrible time right now and yes, one big belch indeed. Still, as I said a while ago, as nasty as it is that you’re going through this, a positive is that you have a diagnosis and they can work towards improving your health. I know pancreatitis is very painful and you probably feel very sick right now (been there done that). You’re in the right place. Have they given you any idea about what’s led to the pancreatitis? How long do you expect to be in hospital?

Try to rest and let your body heal. Worry about your friend when you’re feeling a bit stronger. Right now, you’re emotional. Perfectly understandable under the circumstances. So, you may not be able to rely on your judgement of how people are responding and behaving.

yankeetooter's avatar

Maybe tomorrow. And I know I shouldn’t worry about him, but he hasn’t even called/emailed to see if I’m okay. And that’s making me feel worse.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Is this the man at work? Can you drop him an email? There may be reasons he’s not been in touch yet. It may not be his intention to snub you at all.

I’ll send you positive thoughts for tomorrow. Keep in mind it could take longer if they’re waiting for your pancreas to settle down.

yankeetooter's avatar

I know it may take longer. I have an MRI in the morning. This was Monday when I saw him at work.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Maybe he doesn’t know you’re sick or he doesn’t want to intrude. There could be a million reasons he’s not been in touch. I hope the MRI goes well tomorrow.

yankeetooter's avatar

I guess…but a quick email would really boost my spirits. Thanks for the well wishes.

gailcalled's avatar

It only snowed for 2 hours this morning.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled Talk to the Inuits for terminology.

gailcalled's avatar

^^ They’re probably camped in one of my giant drifts.

gailcalled's avatar

It’s 4˚...well above zero. I rejoice, I guess.

Coloma's avatar

I just had a belgian waffle with local honey. Mmmm…and a storm is a’comin’...yay!

janbb's avatar

@Coloma “Gimme shelter” – and a Belgian waffle, please.

Mariah's avatar

Running down the avenue!
See how the sun shines brightly
in the city
on these streets where once was pity
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today!

gailcalled's avatar

“The Magic Flute” is on this afternoon at the Met’s Saturday afternoon at the opera. A nice accompaniment to vacuuming up mouse turds and cleaning the littler box. Milo letting me down on both ends, so to speak, but Mozart is a wonderful counterbalance.

Pa-pa-pa papageno.

ucme's avatar

Rock me Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus…uh-er

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have a number of fun/exciting things to look forward to over the next couple of years.

I work with dogs full time.

I have some amazing people in my life that make me feel loved and appreciated.

I recently discovered dry shampoo which has the potential to save me time and make all my hair dreams come true!!!

gailcalled's avatar

A warming trend. It’s 6˚ now.

janbb's avatar

Went for a four mile walk along the boardwalk with my walking group this morning. First time I’ve been out with them in months.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The gout is nearly gone, just some residual stiffness in the left knee from keeping it immobile for almost five days. This was a short bout and I’m very thankful for that. No more Coca Cola for me, I guess. When I made landfall, I drank four ice-cold cokes back-to-back on the dock in my exuberance of being on terra firma again, and I think that’s what set this latest attack off. Bloody hell. One more thing to mark on the growing list this old bastard can’t have any more. It’s like a reverse bucket list. Don’t laugh, you all will have one someday. No wonder I’m becoming such an old bastard. The Irate Pirate.

I’m thinking about giving my boat over to the yard at Georgetown for repairs and maintenance and taking the Royal Mail Ship to St. Helena instead of sailing the 850 miles solo. It would be nice and relaxing. It’s a medium-size cargo ship with passenger accommodations. It’s reminiscent of the old tramp steamer days, but with more modern cabins and better food, I’m told. It has facilities for about 120 passengers, but I’m told that rarely more than thirty ever make this leg of the trip (between Ascension and Helena). She leaves on March 14th and arrives at Jamestown, St. Helena, about 72 hours later. It would take me ten to fourteen days to sail there. Then the RMS St. Helena goes on to Capetown, SA., then returns St. Helena on the 30th and will get me back to my boat on Ascension by the 4th of April. I and my vessel should definitely be ready for the trip back to the little farm St. Lucia by then. Yeah. I’m gonna do that.

St. Helena has no airport. The only way to get there is by mail ship or to sail there under one’s own power. It’s one of the most isolated populations on the globe and that’s my attraction to it. A few years ago the old mail ship that had been in service since just after WWII had a crippling fire at sea and floundered for a couple of weeks along with badly needed supplies for the island. The island was under great hardship by the time relief arrived. They are quite dependent upon this ship.

So, there has been agitation to get the UK administration to put in an airport since then and the Brits have finally agreed to have it finished by 2016. That will radically change the character of this island and it’s population, open up tourism, and it just won’t be the unique little place it’s been since long before Napoleon’s final exile there in 1815. I really want to spend some time exploring the island and meeting it’s people before it’s dragged into this modern world and all that that will mean.

Sounds like a plan. And, for me at this moment, having a plan is a positive thing, for sure.

janbb's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus So our incantations worked!

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Glad you’re feeling better! Ugh…yes, I am still refusing to give up certain hedonistic ghosts over here, I guess I haven’t had enough pain yet. haha
Sail on minus the Cokes…bah humbug.

My positive?
Shared some good laughs with my daughter, the only person I know that makes me laugh until I almost wet my pants, we’re quite the duo. :-)

gailcalled's avatar

I just found this quote from Anna Quidlen.

”“After all those years as a woman hearing ‘not thin enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not this enough, not that enough,’ almost overnight I woke up one morning and thought, ‘I’m enough,’ ” she says.”

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


When Ibuprofen
Is no use
The Penguin says
Encantate Dr. Seuss:

Gout! Gout! Get out! Get out!
Out the window! Out the door! Out the spout!

I would think it should read: I’ve had enough.”

@Coloma I admire your resilience.

gailcalled's avatar

She may also have had enough but “I’m enough” means something different.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I just spent a day on a donkey named Melissa going up a 3,000 foot mountain. She was a fairly decent teacher. If she didn’t want to go somewhere that I had directed her to, she would simply reach back and bite a chunk out of my calf while barely breaking stride in doing so. But, she was consistent in her refusals. There was no confusion. She was not going off the main trail for love or apples. But it turned out that where she wanted to go and where I wanted to go was the same place, I just wanted to take a different, older trail. She would have none of that. Bloody conservative ass; no spirit of adventure. When we got to the farm at the top, they informed me that at this time of the year the bushes closed in on that trail with huge thorns that would have taken the hide off both of us. It’s called the Devil’s Riding Ground. That wasn’t anywhere on my map. Hmm. Smart ass. I’ll make sure to get her again tomorrow.

janbb's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Training for being back with Betsey?

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Hahaha….here’s what’cha do…find some nice scented oil and annoint yourself, that little ass will be in love with you. The horses here follow me around with their noses up my ass, everything likes the scent of a scented man/woman. ;-)

Over here today, it is 73 degrees and sunny, as usual, I bought 2 new cute springy dresses and gave myself a pedicure. A nice day.

janbb's avatar

@Coloma Whatever turns you on! lol

Coloma's avatar

@janbb Hey…discoveries, sooo I gave myself a rub down with a home made lotion bar the other day and it turned the horses on big time. I was being mobbed in the barn, they were licking my arms and nibbling my clothes, why? Because it had carrot seed oil in it.
Horse aphrodisiacs. haha.

gailcalled's avatar

After changing the clocks last night…the wrong way…the brain remembered. So at four AM, I changed them back, springing forward two hours to make it come out right by morning.

chyna's avatar

^Why were you up at 4 a.m. worrying about the clocks?

gailcalled's avatar

The brain did it independent of me. I am often up at four AM, unfortunately.

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