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talljasperman's avatar

What can I cook in my toaster oven?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) February 25th, 2015

I have a microwave and a oven.

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13 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I cook:

Stuffed shells
Lemon squares
“Grilled” cheese
Pork roast
Roasted veggies
Chicken tenders
Tator tots and French fries
Basically, anything that fits in a 9” square or smaller

And, toast too of course.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Pot pies
Frozen foods
Cake in a cup
Frozen potatoes
Baked potatoes

1TubeGuru's avatar

Sure you can cook in a toaster oven. I have a rotisserie in mine, I use it to do chickens , pork and beef roasts and whole turkey breasts up to five and a half pounds or so. I also use it to broil steaks.

archananair's avatar

You can make cakes, pizzas, chicken, many things.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Cheese on toast was my first thought too @dappled_leaves.

Or, and perhaps a bit healthier, beans on toast. Or you could cook up a nice piece of steak or a chop and steam some veggies in your microwave.

Unbroken's avatar

Toaster oven:
sweet potato fries/any vegie chips
Chicken, fish, pork, steak-all juicy
Burritos(wet or dry)
Portabello sandwiches
Pie tarts
“Grill” kebobs

Hot cereals
Any vegies
Baked potato
Soups(canned or boxed) imagine good brand
Chili reheat
Tapoica pudding

keobooks's avatar

You can cook pretty much anything you can bake and fit into the oven. No turkeys of course, and if you make cookies, you can only make 3 or 4 instead of a dozen. Other than that, it’s all good. One advantage a toaster oven has over an oven is that you don’t need to preheat them. They are small enough that they heat up quickly.

In a microwave, you can cook anything that doesn’t need to be browned. (Though I’ve read microwave cookbooks that tell you how to brown things) When microwaves first came out, instead of selling them in stores, the main company that made them sold them kind of like Avon. Women who worked for the company would come to your house and host a microwave party where everything was cooked in the microwave. My mom said that she had a microwaved turkey once.

Unbroken's avatar

Wow a microwaved turkey… I don’t know whether to be in awe or shudder.

keobooks's avatar

Yeah I don’t know either. I didn’t partake. But my mom swears she went to a ton of these parties in the late 70s – early 80s and saw all kinds of crazy things being cooked in a microwave you wouldn’t dream of doing now. Back then, many people thought that stoves and ovens would be totally replaced by the microwave and they were trying to prove it could be done.

Here’s a recipe for turkey in the microwave. My guess is the turkey would be pale after this.

Pachy's avatar

I have a stove oven and microwave, too…also a bread toaster… but i prefer using my toaster oven for small broiling or heating chores like hot dogs, sandwich steaks, rolls, and toasted bagels or bread (when i want to infuse them with butter).

RocketGuy's avatar

Pillsbury biscuits

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