Should I contact my ex after a month of no contact?
Rocky relationship. Bad breakup. He was dishonest. Said hurtful and mean things when I confronted him. I said nothing but to leave me alone. Been almost a month since we have talked. He sent me an email right after the break-up saying that I destroyed the relationship. Now that time has passed and Im not as angry I feel like I want to get some stuff off my chest as we have known each other for 10 years, he was my first romantic relationship and man that I loved. He was my best friend. The other side of me is saying to wait for him to contact me especially after the way he treated me, but Im not sure that he will. I have said nothing and feel I need closure or something. Should I even bother?
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14 Answers
If you know for a fact that he was dishonest with you, then said hurtful and mean things simply because you confronted him about things… and then also emailed you and tried to lay all of the blame on you for the relationship getting ruined… why would you want to contact him?
If you’re being honest about him being dishonest and mean, all he’s doing by sending the first email and then waiting, is playing a control game. He’s probably hoping that you’ll come crawling back so he can turn it all around on you. I was in a back and forth relationship for 6–7 years. Take it from me when I say that you don’t want to make the same mistake.
Ultimately, it’s up to you. But what do you wish to gain by contacting him? If it’s just to get things off your chest, he’s not going to care in any real sense and won’t actually listen to you, so I can’t see the point. If all you have the desire to do is vent, it will just turn into a blame game and won’t accomplish anything.
No. No. He knows where to find you and how! No point in playing tennis with words!
While I can understand the desire to contact him because you feel you have unfinished business, I can’t see what you’d gain from doing so. Do you want to get back together with him? Why are you waiting for him to contact you?
No. Let the unfinished business stay unfinished and just let it go and forget about it. I understand being close with him for a long time is a hard thing to move on from, but if you contact him, you’re probably going to argue and you may even end up seeing him again, which may be subconsciously what you desire, but does not sound like it will be helpful.
He doesn’t sound like a nice persons. He was dishonest, he put it on you, he was mean about it. Who needs that?
No. Nothing good will come from that.
I am newly recovered from the bad ending of a close platonic friendship. He dropped me suddenly and was very mean. We talked about talking but ended up never doing it. From this experience, I’ve learned that closure is something you achieve on your own after a bad break-up; contact just starts the hurting again. I’ve stayed away from him and that has helped me heal better.
Nope, no, no way, don’t.
Ask yourself, “why?” What good do you expect to come out of it? Venting your anger only increases discord and poisons you, don;t give him that power over your moods or feelings or emotions.
There really is no such thing as “closure.” There is no magic way to cease your feelings about him or question yourself. The closure was when you broke off communication with him, that cessation is closing the door to that part of the past. You aren’t asking for closure, you are asking if it is okay to re-open, to un-close.
No, don’t bother. Consider the account closed. He has made no attempt to contact you and after a month I am sure he has moved on and probably has a new girlfriend by now.
As for getting things off your chest, that sounds like a big negative; like you are going to tell him that it wasn’t all your fault, that he was far from perfect as well. and telling him all the things he did wrong will lead nowhere but to more pain and aggravation.
No. A thousand times no. Don’t stir the pot. It’s just going to piss you off, and it will accomplish nothing. Drop it.
The best closure that you could get is to walk away and live your life to the fullest. If he was dishonest, why would you want to re-connect with him? Every time you start thinking of him fondly, remember those hurtful and mean things that he said to you. Linger on thoughts of those and don’t contact him.
No no no. Enjoy the lack of contact. Learn to value it. Learn that you do not need to explain or justify anything to him ever again. You also need to really understand that you do NOT need to make him feel better about ANYTHING. You may feel calmer about things, but you in NO WAY need to communicate how you feel or say things that you think he may want to hear ever, ever again. RELISH it! Save yourself. Spare yourself the bullshit.
No. If you do contact him, you will have another bad breakup with the same guy and you’ll end up feeling like an idiot. He sounds like bad news, even if you did feel like you loved him. You need to move on from him. You can’t fix what went wrong, but you sure can make it worse by telling him how you feel, whether it’s to let him know what a sh*t he was, or to let him know how much you loved him. You’ll end up looking like a fool, to him immediately, and to yourself, days, months or years down the line. Close the lid on this box and move on with your life. Give yourself a week to wallow, then don’t allow yourself to wallow any more.
Find out what you like to do and do those things, preferably with good friends who treat you kindly.
If you bump into him somewhere in the future, be cordial and polite, but then excuse yourself discreetly and get away from where he is and don’t look back.
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