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talljasperman's avatar

Should I stay in or am in denial about getting ahead?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 1st, 2015

I could save some money by giving up and accepting that I am disabled. No business specialty chanels no iternet or Fluther no dating sites. No credit card. No saving for university. I feel as I am imitating what I would do if I still have a chance to get ahead. I feel prudent, (or as a prude )and guilty of using food money for books on science. I only real goal is to run my household and get 20k in Fluther and to aquire the trappings of a professional.

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7 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Are you in some kind of comfort zone where you just put up a DISABLED banner to avoid certain situations? Actually, apart from some unpleasant experiences and anxiety/depression/obsessions, I really do not think there is something tragically wrong with you! The majority of us are fighting such problems and even worse ones.

Is the 20k on Fluther some kind of recognition? Will it give you prestige? I get the feeling that you ( I am not criticizing you as I have been guilty of this too ) are wasting intelligence, potential, competence and a bright mind on moping around and putting yourself down! Get your advisor to help you by making sure you get the right medication and move on. Don’t waste more precious time! I am no saint and have no right to judge you since I do not even know you, but I am sure you can get out of that rut. Please forgive the outburst but it is sad to see young lives going to waste? GET ON WITH IT!

zenvelo's avatar

None of us here on Fluther can change you; only you can change yourself. Over the years, you’ve asked for and received lot of advice and suggestions on what you can do for yourself, how to eat, how to get healthier, how to get fit. Yet our support and suggestion seems to fall on deaf ears.

And add to the mix your questions on jobs and careers and getting ahead and how to take short cuts in doing so. You can’t get an education by watching youtube videos, you can’t just post a profile on a dating site and expect girlfriend to appear at your door, you can’t get ahead by taking shortcuts. I’ll tell you the same thing that many of us have told you.

You can get ahead. But it takes time and work and dedication. And the rewards can be great even if all you get is the satisfaction of doing your best.

So: start taking care of yourself physically, eat a healthy diet, exercise, get any job but get a job. And maybe not in six months or a year, but eventually you will feel better about yourself and you will have insight on what you would like to do. Make yourself into the @talljasperman you will love, and others will love you too.

There is an old Dear Abby about a guy who writes asking if he should go to a graduate school program because it is a 5 year course and he will be 45 when he gets his degree. And Dear Abby says, “so if you don’t go, in 5 years you will be 45 without that degree.” The point is, it takes time and work, but if you don’t do the work, time will still pass.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Getting ahead of what? I don’t really understand the question. Are you asking us if you dump all the things and ambitions with “no” in front of them, you will somehow be better off? Is a life devoid of hopes or dreams more fulfilling. Is the life of a dairy cow preferable to your own? The statements following the initial question are silly . Of course you can save money by “giving up”. Stop eating, bathing, and so and pile up money for what? Carry the argument to its logical conclusion and every one of us could “save” a fortune by merely shooting ourselves in the head.

Haleth's avatar

The biggest thing holding you back is a self-defeating attitude, and that you’re paralyzed by fear and indecision. You’re really smart and I believe you can succeed. If you can make just one small change, doesn’t matter what it is, it could be the catalyst that gets you out of this rut.

You’d be surprised how many opportunities open up if you do that. If you do even one small thing to get out of your daily routine, it could bring new people or perspectives into your life. Like, say you start going to the library instead of buying books online. It saves money, and you could find a class or a volunteer opportunity on their bulletin board. Even going for a walk by yourself helps. You could meet your neighbors, it gives you time to think, and exercise and sunlight make people happier and more energetic.

It’s not the thing itself that matters- it’s an attitude of being open to change, no matter how small. Doing one new thing leads to another. It’s like learning how to work out a new muscle.

Having internet, special channels, or buying books won’t help anything if you don’t use that knowledge!

filmfann's avatar

Okay, you understand that there really isn’t a 10 K mansion, and lurve accrual doesn’t really matter, right?

josie's avatar

What do you mean by disabled?

talljasperman's avatar

@josie I am on disability I collect from AISH (assured income for the severely handicapped) I have multiple problems. Anxiety and schizophrenia. Also I still believe that I am Astral traveling through time.

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