Because our teaching is more about getting federal funding for the next school year than about educating our kids, or even treating the teachers fairly. As a result, our math and science education is… well, piss-poor.
I don’t see this getting better any time soon, and in fact, I see if getting far worse. We have a rising wave of anti-intellectualism in this country. I mean, one in eight US high school science teachers pushes Creationism. If you believe that the Earth is more than 6000 years old, almost half of all Americans will disagree with you. And since science says that parts of the Bible are wrong, science MUST be stupid and evil and wrong.
That seems to run along party lines, but I would really rather not turn this into a political discussion beyond saying that there is an inextricable link between politics, economics, religion, and education, and that is seems that the parts of the US with the lowest academic scores and highest poverty rates generally vote a different way from those that have higher education levels and lower unemployment.
Put another way, it’s a result of how our society fundamentally is. We have different values than other places. We generally value reward heredity, greed and adherence to dogma far more highly than anything like competence, academic knowledge, or scientific achievement. To do otherwise would make us like those Socialists in Europe and Asia.
@ibstubro Now you know why I don’t feel so bad about not continuing my education. Had I not already had a couple of years of vocational training as a CNC Machinist (not a mere Operator, but the guy who does the programming and setups), I probably would’ve stayed with Electrician (what the Navy had me doing) and still pulled in $50k or more a year without a degree.
Then again, if that article is correct, I already know more than most Americans with a Masters degree anyways,
@dappled_leaves What tech skills? Sure, kids may know smartphones, but that doesn’t mean they can use this, so yes, you are entirely correct.
As for the computer skills, I don’t know if this dates me, but when I went to school, they didn’t have mice or icons or anything until my high school years. As a result, there were those who had enough computer skills to program at least well enough to make their own AUTOEXEC.BAT
files and those who didn’t use computers at all with no in-between. But it seems that being able to operate a cash register is almost enough for AP classes in high school these days.