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Kardamom's avatar

Would you like to play the food alphabet game?

Asked by Kardamom (33608points) March 4th, 2015

I thoroughly enjoyed @ucme’s Fluther alphabet game. See it Here. I thought some of you would enjoy a similar game regarding food. We’ll go A-Z, and so on, but you can skip X, Q and Z if you need to (bonus points if you actually come up with something for those letters).

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78 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

I’ll go first.

A is for Aebleskiver

ucme's avatar

Haha, I love that people are so used to providing you a link that they did so even though you didn’t ask :D
E is for Eggs Benedict (no link)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@ragingloli Whatever you linked to is blocked in America.

dxs's avatar

G is for Goulash

ragingloli's avatar

H is for Holundersuppe

ucme's avatar

I is for Immobilised Pig Penis aka…pork sausage.

ragingloli's avatar

J is for Jägerschnitzel.

zenvelo's avatar

K is for Kugel.

fluthernutter's avatar

L is for liverwurst.

JLeslie's avatar

O is for oatmeal.

Coloma's avatar

P is for Pesto!

Coloma's avatar

Q is for Quiche okay, got just about the only “Q” food out of the way, short of Quinoa. haha

JLeslie's avatar

R for radish.

yankeetooter's avatar

S is for spinach.

sahID's avatar

T is for Torte.

JLeslie's avatar

U for unleavened bread since the holiday is coming up.

ucme's avatar

V is for Venison, aka Bambi Burger

ragingloli's avatar

X is for Xoriatiki.

ragingloli's avatar

Y is for Ybbstaler Brotsuppe

ragingloli's avatar

Z is for Zander

ucme's avatar

A is for Arse end of a cow aka Big Mac

JLeslie's avatar

B for Borscht.

JLeslie's avatar

D for Dover Sole.

ragingloli's avatar

E for Escargot

Coloma's avatar

F is for Fudge and Fuck fois gras farmers.

JLeslie's avatar

G for Garbanzo Beans.

Adagio's avatar

H is for Horseradish

yankeetooter's avatar

I is for ice cream

Coloma's avatar

J is for JUNK FOOD! Where are my Whoppers! lol

JLeslie's avatar

K for Kale. Blech.

Edit: Kreplach.

Adagio's avatar

L is for Lentils

Adagio's avatar

N is for New Season Potatoes

Coloma's avatar

O is for OLIVES! I always have about 12 cans and jars of olives on hand, me love olives sooo much! lol

Adagio's avatar

P is for Poppyseed

Coloma's avatar

R is for Raviole

Coloma's avatar

T is for Tiramiso OMG…the best thing ever!

Adagio's avatar

U is for Umeboshi Plums

Coloma's avatar

V is for Vegetables

Adagio's avatar

W is for Watercress

Adagio's avatar

Y is for Yam

Coloma's avatar

Z is for Zucchini. I just made sauteed zucchini and yellow crookneck squash with diner tonight, yum. Sauteed with butter, italian seasonings and white pepper.

Adagio's avatar

A is for Almond Butter

Coloma's avatar

B is for bread, wonderful, delicious, bread! haha

JLeslie's avatar

D is for deli meat.

Coloma's avatar

E is for eggs! You should see all the beautiful blue and green and brown eggs out hens are laying again right now, half a dozen a day…need eggs? haha

JLeslie's avatar

F for Falafel.

dxs's avatar

G is for Gumdrops.

Coloma's avatar

H is for Havarti cheese, mmmm.

Adagio's avatar

I is for Indian curries

JLeslie's avatar

J for Jumbalaya.

Adagio's avatar

K is for Kiwifruit

Coloma's avatar

M is for mashed potatoes

JLeslie's avatar

O is for Oysters.

Coloma's avatar

P is for Pringles! lol

JLeslie's avatar

R is for Rumaki.

Coloma's avatar

S is for Salmon ( baked with asparagus, oh my )

Kardamom's avatar

T is for Tater Tots

Dutchess_III's avatar

U is for….Unicorn roast. (That was bad, I know.)

Coloma's avatar

V is for Velveeta where is @ibstubro? lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

W is for Whorchester sauce.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Whore-chester sauce. LMAO. You mean Worcestershire sauce?
Chester is such a whore. haha

X is for Xanthun gum

Dutchess_III's avatar

Y is for…. yams.

Adagio's avatar

A is for Artichoke (Globe variety specifically)

Kardamom's avatar

B is for Banana Pudding

Coloma's avatar

C is for Corn on the cob I can eat like 6 ears all by myself. haha

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