General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Is Harrison Ford still alive?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 5th, 2015

I heard he was the pilot in a vintage plane crash.

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12 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

Yes, he’s alive and well and has been filming the new Star Wars recently. He was in a minor plane crash, in 1999.

talljasperman's avatar

Ok I’m getting some info. He is in serious but stable condition. Crashed In L.A. in a golf course.

David_Achilles's avatar

Yes, he is alive but he was in a plane crash. Read about it here:

ibstubro's avatar

Harrison was in a vintage airplane crash and is reported in fair condition, downgraded from a reported serious condition.

Note that TZM also incorrectly reports his age as 73, when Ford is actually 72.

Pachy's avatar

Just now hearing he’s in moderate to fair condition.

osoraro's avatar

Just so you know the “conditions” that people are graded in are made up for the lay press. We don’t really use them in real life.

ibstubro's avatar

So, you don’t grade the condition of the patient, @osoraro?

JLeslie's avatar

It sounded like a possible head injury which worried me, but the newer reports make it sound like it’s nothing very serious. Still, he was hospitalized, so it’s not nothing. It’s not just some cuts and bruises I would guess.

@Darth_Algar Wrong crash.

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osoraro's avatar

@ibstubro Sometimes the “grades” are put in. But there’s no standardization, and it’s a matter of opinion. What’s the difference between “fair” and “good?” What’s the difference between “critical” and “serious”? We just take care of the patients.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Was he before the crash?

I know that he has been continuing to make movies, but it seems like doing an Indiana Jones movie at age 73 (?) is really pushing it. It’s not believable.

He can’t need the money. And his art isn’t what it used to be.

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