General Question

jonsblond's avatar

Our medical community is failing us and we really need your help. Can you have a severe sinus infection without a fever?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) March 9th, 2015

Some of you know that my husband has been very ill. The past two days he started to feel a bit better, but he’s feeling terrible again today and has developed a new symptom. He has developed a very uncomfortable tenderness on his cheek and around his right eye.

Friday afternoon at the emergency room we found out the results of his MRI. He has several cysts in his sinus cavity. Today when my husband called to speak to his doctor (who happened to be out of the office today) the nurse mentioned that the MRI also showed that he has a severe sinus infection. Why wasn’t this mentioned at the hospital Friday afternoon?

My husband has no drainage, runny nose or fever. Is this possible with a sinus infection?

Why didn’t they prescribe an antibiotic? He’s been suffering for over 3 weeks now without a proper diagnosis. Shouldn’t he be on antibiotics for this?

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81 Answers

funkdaddy's avatar

Yes. I was sick for a short while, never had a fever that I noticed, but had drainage for a few days and thought I had a “cold”. Shortly (a couple of days maybe?) after it cleared up my ears plugged and wouldn’t clear no matter what I did. It just felt like the pressure and muted sounds like I was at the bottom of a pool.

After a week I went to the doctor and they said I had a sinus infection, a round of antibiotics later and I was all set. It started to clear after a couple of days, so wasn’t immediate.

There was no drainage that I remember after the initial sickness, and I felt pretty good other than the fact that I couldn’t hear and felt a little off balance. Nothing like what Jon is experiencing, just like I couldn’t judge my surroundings quite as well without my ears. There was nothing indicating that I had an infection other than the issue with my ears, so definitely not a fever or anything along those lines. I didn’t have any blood tests though, and I would think his body would be having some sort of immune response, but I don’t know enough about those tests to say.

You mentioned antihistamines helped him some and those may have just relieved some of that pressure. So it seems like it may at least be a possibility. Maybe the office will call him in a antibiotic to the pharmacy? Maybe try some antihistamines in the meantime?

Coloma's avatar

Yes, has happened to me many times. The infection can be so impacted up in the sinuses that the swelling doesn’t allow draining of the infected material. After a few days on antibiotics the nastiness starts draining. I am one that can be really sick and not have a fever or only a mild one.

Do you have a Netti pot or go buy a saline sinus rinse, alternate very hot and then cold compresses. A frozen washcloth in the freezer helps with pain too. Drink lots of fluids, and get some serious drugs asap. Your doc should be able to phone in a scrip from the MRI results.

jonsblond's avatar

Antihistamines have helped some. That’s what they gave him in the ER Friday. He’ll talk to the nurse in the morning and ask about antibiotics.

Would this also show up in a CT scan? He had a scan when he first went to the hospital three weeks ago and nothing was mentioned. They focused on his heart then because he was experiencing bradycardia.

Buttonstc's avatar

Sinus infections can be one of the most difficult to treat because there are so many small crevices where pools of infection can hide out.

And sometimes it takes a long course of antibiotics to clear up completely much longer than a typical bronchial infection.

One time I had such a long standing infection which persisted that my regular Dr. was considering sending me to a specialist to put a scope up there to see what was going on. He told me to call my regular allergist first to find out if he did this procedure.

However, my allergist, being the conservative type said to give him a crack at it first since scoping is basically an invasive procedure.

He put me on one of the strongest super antibiotics at the time (Cipro) along with a strong STEROID nasal spray with strict instructions to use it no longer than a week to ten days.

Well, that did the trick with no scoping necessary, fortunately.

It sounds to me like your hubby should be seeing an ENT specialist since the rest of everybody hasn’t been able to get a handle on this.

You need someone with more experience and competency than the average Doc. Find put who has the reputation of the best ENT guy in your area.

(Nurses are a good resource since they see so many Drs. at the hospital and word gets around about who is the cream of the crop. That’s what’s needed here IMHO.

My advice is based upon years and years and years of dealing with sinus and bronchial infections and the advice of my Allergist (who was the head of his dept at the local hospital) and a Pulmonologist whom I layer saw who did a thorough evaluation of my whole history and pointed out to me on X-Rays how narrow my sinus passages were and how that was the seedbed of infection.

He was the one who advised me to regularly use a Decongestant (Pseudoephedrine) in addition to the antihistamine explaining that antihistamines dry things up but decongestants promote drainage. (For all those years I had just thought they were pretty much the same. Boy was I wrong.)

And about a year or so later, I realized that I had only had one bad infection whereas before I had an infection about every month or two.

A competent specialist is worth his weight in gold. Find one.

And one more bit of advice for the future regarding the polyps. Do some research on a procedure called “Balloon Sinoplasty” and ask the specialist you see for more info.

This is a fairly newer procedure and is far more successful and far far less invasive than standard sinus surgery (frequently used to treat polyps, but is EXTREMELY painful with a 30% fail rate.)

The worst consequence from Balloon Sinuplasty (done by a competent experienced specialist) is that it doesn’t work the first time around. It can be repeated without any serious side effects.

Anyhow, I hope some of this info helps. I know how miserable it can be dealing with sinus infections. But it’s not necessarily run of the mill stuff. Sometimes it requires the expertise of a specialist. Please seek one out.

Looking back, I realize how fortunate I was that I ended up with two of the best. Plus I had a regular Doc who realized when it was time to refer me to them. I was lucky to have gotten really competent diagnoses and it’s now rare (rather than commonplace) for me to get either a bronchial or sinus infection.

But I won’t stop taking Pseudoephedrine for drainage no matter how difficult it becomes to get.

Anyhow, I hope this gets resolved for you soon.

JLeslie's avatar

Definitely yes.

If you think that might be the problem I would absolutely try antibiotics without hesitation. I would suggest Augmentin first, then Zithromax, and maybe even Levaquin if Augmentin and Levaquin don’t work. Again, I don’t mean all at once, I mean if one doesn’t work then try another.

An ENT can do a culture, but I wouldn’t care if the culture was negative I’d still try at this point if it were me.

You will know if the medicine is working by day 5 of meds, more likely if they are working he will feel better by day 3.

@Buttonstc I’m glad you brought up a nasal steroid spray, because I suggested that on another Q to possibly give them more information that it is an ENT problem and not neurological, but I know very little about that sort of thing and was just guessing about the spray.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m going to add that if this is an infection Jon has no reason to believe it will be a chronic, hard to treat infection. He does not have a history of infection. I had four strep infections in a row and an ENT told me I had all sorts of crevices and needed my tonsils out. I refused to believe that all if a sudden I had crevices that trapped infection after never being very sickly and having had strep only once before as a young child. I luckily went to an infectious disease doctor who agreed with me that tonsillectomy was a last resort, especially since I was an adult.

He figured out I had been under medicated with antibiotics (mostly my fault) and he prescribed me a different drug and made sure the dose was good and explained to me how important it was to take it every 8 hours, not three times a day during waking hours. I never had strep again. That was 28 years ago.

I didn’t really have four infections in a row, I just never got rid of the infection. I’d feel better, stop the meds (I did take them 10 days as prescribed) and then within 3 or 4 days be sick again.

gailcalled's avatar

A caveat about the Neti pot. For people with a narrow Eustachian tube (like the women in my family) using one can be really painful. We discovered that the hard way when we were dealing with only a minor post-nasal drip.

So sorry you and Jon have not gotten to the bottom of things.

Buttonstc's avatar


You are correct that Jon MIGHT NOT have a chronic sinus problem but it was the discovery of the polyps which raised a red flag for me.

Those need to be evaluated by an ENT guy to see if they would play a role here and I can’t imagine any competent specialist NOT evaluating that.

Perhaps they are totally benign and don’t figure in at all, but that needs to be determined by someone with enough experience in ENT to be able to make that judgement call.

Also, an experienced ENT specialist is unlikely to make the mistake of undermedicating
for only the usual 10 days for a sinus infection. They can be extremely persistent and subside with a round of antibiotics only to come back full strength as you and I have both experienced.

If I remember correctly, my Allergist had me taking them for three weeks (even though the nasal spray was limited to a week or so. Any longer than that and there’s the risk of becoming dependent or a rebound effect.)

And the primary reason for the steroid nasal spray is to get the swelling down thus opening up the passages to promote drainage. And once that gets underway, in combo with the antibiotics, that gets at all those hidden crevices.

Sinus infections are one of the few scenarios which call for prolonged antibiotic treatment and the general trend nowadays is to be very sparing in the use of antibiotics generally to prevent overuse; so, I don’t find it that surprising that the average Doc is reluctant to prescribe antibiotics. But a persistent sinus infection is a different story altogether.

JLeslie's avatar

@Buttonstc I absolutely support Jon seeing an ENT. I’ve said it since the OP mentioned it on other Q’s.

I also think a regular course of antibiotics could easily cure Jon if this is a typical, bad, sinus infection. We have no reason at this point to believe it is a chronic sinus problem. I was not undermedicated by doctors for my strep infections, it was mostly my fault the antibiotics failed. The infectious disease doctor bothered to discuss with me how I was taking the medication and deduced what was likely the problem. The ENT was happy to follow the 4 infections in a year rule and get some surgery practice (it was a teaching hospital).

I know many people with chronic sinus infections, again not the case here, and their doctors, including ENT’s certainly tried them on 7 or 10 day courses of antibiotics at first. They didn’t go straight for prolonged treatment.

John might have an a cute infection, but there is no proof of a chronic, hard to treat, infection at this point. If he has an infection.

No matter what worth trying the antibiotics in my opinion. I’m surprised with my obsession with infection I didn’t think if it, I’m really glad @jonsblond did. I also was thinking neuro until the OP mentioned ENT, which is completely worth pursuing in my opinion.

I had guessed that if the steroid spray gave relief that would simply show it is something in the nasal passages, eustacian tube, or sinus no matter what the cause. It would likely reduce inflammation. Thing is, I personally would try the antibiotics first, because steroids inhibit the body’s ability to fight infection. If the antibiotic works, there won’t be a need for steroids or antihystamine most likely. Steroids and antihistamines will not be treating the underlying cause, the antibiotic would. If it is an infection.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jonsblond Has Jon broken his nose in the past? It doesn’t have to be treated when it happens, if he did break it I’m guessing he just toughed it out. But it messes with you big time later in life.

jonsblond's avatar

Thanks everyone. I can’t believe Jon has suffered this long with something that should have been treated weeks ago.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t think so @Ad.

JLeslie's avatar

@jonsblond Will your GP just give it a shot and call in a prescription?

1TubeGuru's avatar

I have had several sinus infections over the years and I don’t ever recall running a fever. neti pots and antihistamines offer some relief. antibiotics are usually needed to get rid of a sinus infection.

jonsblond's avatar

@JLeslie I would hope so. We are waiting for a call back right now.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie Please, please don’t suggest which prescription meds someone should take. That is not your area of expertise.

But I agree with everyone that it certainly seems like a course of antibiotics would be a great thing to start on immediately. It would be wonderful if that is the solution.

BhacSsylan's avatar

Agreed with @janbb, you are not a pharmacist or a doctor, @JLeslie, it is extremely irresponsible to give specific advice of that sort. It’s also interesting to point out that none of those are standard of care in this situation.

Besides that, there are many good reasons why the doctor may not have prescribed antibiotics, @jonsblond. The most pressing issue being they usually don’t work. WebMD has a good rundown of the issues. Most importantly:

“This study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, observed 240 patients with sinusitis. They were given one of four treatments: antibiotics alone, nasal steroid spray alone to reduce tissue swelling, both antibiotics and the spray, or no treatment.

Patients who got no treatment were as likely to get better than those who got the antibiotics. The nasal spray seemed to help people with less severe symptoms at the beginning of their sinus problem, and seemed to make those with more intense congestion worse.”

This is also from infections that specifically had symptoms associated with bacteria. They can also be caused by viruses, in which case antibiotics are worse then useless. Anyone here think they can diagnose the two differently across a forum?

They also come with a list of side effects. He already has a sinus issue, I’m sure he’d really like to avoid a C. difficile infection, which can go all the way to life-threatening depending on other issues, and in general is directly linked to the use of antibiotics. Beyond that there is the possible generation of resistant bacteria.

So in short, sure, ask your doctor. It seems possible it is bacterial, and a doctor may decide it’s become a good idea. But it’s not a foregone conclusion, by a long shot, that they did something wrong by not prescribing the antibiotic earlier.

marinelife's avatar

I think your best bet would be to see an ENT specialist.

jonsblond's avatar

Three different hospitals and one doctor and no one can tell us what’s wrong. He goes to the ER, they give him drugs and send him home telling him to follow up with his doctor or return if symptoms worsen. He goes to the doctor and tests are ordered. He gets worse, so doc says to go to the ER. They give him drugs and send him home. Repeat, again and again.

We’re going on four weeks now. This is absolutely ridiculous. And no return call from the doctor this morning. He sits and suffers and is out of vacation days. He’s missed two weeks of work while all the doctors are twiddling their thumbs and handing him off to the next guy.


BhacSsylan's avatar

I’m sorry, that does sound terrible. But throwing antibiotics at it is not necessarily the answer. Speaking of, a lack of nasal drip does in fact sound like it’s more likely to be viral. I’m really sorry, it does sound incredibly frustrating and you have every right to be upset. I second the recommendation of an ENT specialist if you can find a good one. But antibiotics are a treatment with a low chance of success and a likelihood of life-threatening side effects, it’s not neglect to not prescribe them.

jonsblond's avatar

@BhacSsylan Would the infection and cysts show up in a CT scan? A CT was done when this all began but we were told nothing was found. We didn’t find out about the cysts and infection until we got the results of the MRI. Even with the MRI results the last ER physician made no suggestion of an ENT and told us Jon may need a spinal tap to find out what his problem is. He has terrible pressure on his cheek and around his eye. He’s constantly dizzy and lightheaded. We really feel like this should have been cleared up with the first visit to the hospital.

BhacSsylan's avatar

A CT scan can help find an infection, yes. I can’t say I know too many details, though, I’m not a doctor. If it is an infection it may have been too small to detect on CT when it first was taken, though. It’s just really hard to say without training and/or seeing in person. I think, personally, that an ENT specialist would at the very least be more capable of finding out if it’s a sinus infection or not (and thus focusing back onto the nerves specifically if not) but it’s just really hard to say.

Coloma's avatar

I always get the Z-pak, works like a charm and is very effective. Sinus infections are bacterial and MUST be treated with an antibiotic, period. Antihistamines and decongestants do nothing to eradicate the infection, they are only for symptom relief.
Untreated sinus infections can actually penetrate the sinus cavities and lead to brain infections.

Not good, not good at all.

BhacSsylan's avatar

People who actually study this stuff say differently.

chyna's avatar

I had sinus issues for years. My pcp kept giving me an antibiotic. I took one a day for years. Also a nasal spray. Eventually I went to an ENT specialist and he said the years of nasal spray and a drug called seldane had clogged my sinus’ so tight I could barely breath. He did a sinus surgery and for the past 20 years I have been completely healed.
I’m not so sure about the antibiotics either. To tell someone exactly what drugs to take without being a doctor is highly irresponsible.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know if this helps, but my daughter was very ill, with massive headaches to the point she couldn’t function. No fever. Long story short, her sinuses were so inflamed that they were pushing on her brain. Took them forever to find it. Antibiotics cleared it up. She was told that if she ever catches a cold, anything, to get started back on the antibiotics immediately.

And I hope he feels better soon. I am so sorry for you guys.

marinelife's avatar

@Coloma Quit practicing medicine without a license!

canidmajor's avatar

Assuming that all sinus infections are bacterial in nature is simply not correct. I have had (diagnosed by an actual ENT specialist) sinus infections that were viral in origin, much the same way that pneumonia and meningitis can be either viral or bacterial.

Coloma's avatar

@marinelife I am not practicing medicine. I am a life long sinus infection sufferer and am only advocating for antibiotics, of which only a few are effective. People that suffer with sinus infections are pretty damn educated about their conditions.
Sharing info. on sinus issues is hardly on the same continuum as “praacticing medicine.” Pffft!

@canidmajor Yes, they can also be fungal, I failed to mention that, but fingal infections are less common than bacterial.

BhacSsylan's avatar

No, you’re attempting to practice, badly. You gave a recommendation for a specific treatment (not only recommendation, you said ‘must be treated”), without any knowledge of his history, current medications, or possible allergies. They are also quite often viral, and in either case, even when it has the signs of bacterial infection, antibiotics are rarely effective and come with a long list of counter-indications and side effects that have to be taken into account before prescribing. I’m glad they worked for you, but you knowing what worked for you does not give you any expertise in his condition.

Coloma's avatar

@BhacSsylan I did not recommending anything..I said that I always get the Z-Pak and it works for ME. Seriously you guys, @jonsblond is a smart woman and is not going to take advice, none of which is being given, short of what my doctor has told me about the alternating hot/cold compresses, moist heat penetrating, all topical treatments that cause no harn to anyone.
I never give medical advice, only share what knowledge and experience I have had.
This is hardly a question meritorious of medical advice.

Not like someone posted ” I am bleeding from my ears, eyes and nose and can’t feel my legs, what is wrong with me?”
Oooh, I know, you have Ebola!

BhacSsylan's avatar

“I did not recommending anything.”

“Sinus infections are bacterial and MUST be treated with an antibiotic, period.”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Guys, easy, you’re fighting with each other and not helping @jonsblond Stick to the important issue.

Coloma's avatar

@BhacSsylan Yes, unless they are of a fungal nature in which case you need fungicidal medications. They may START as a virus or from an allergy that promotes swelling and lack of sinus drainage and then bacteria grows.Viruses do not respond to antibiotic therapy.
I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday. I have chronic sinus issues and am pretty well versed in how they work. Bottom line, a longer course of antibiotics, often 21 days not 10 is often prescribed in the case of bacterial infections. What @osoraro is sharing comes straight from the horses ( doctors ) mouth, literally.

BhacSsylan's avatar

As does mine, which you conveniently ignored. Look at all his sources, they generally say that they “may” be prescribed. You do not know his condition. Is it possibly bacterial? Yes. Could antibiotics help? Yes. But it is up to a doctor, who can see him and get a medical history and other tests, to decide. Not you over the internet.

You have chronic sinusitus. Bully for you. You don’t know what he has and don’t have the medical training or knowledge of the patient to make that call.

Coloma's avatar

@BhacSsylan Well..I guess you told me! I think it is quite OBVIOUS his doctor will make the final determination based on how he presents, his history, possible sinus abnormalities, etc.
That is all I said, that most of the time an antibiotic will be prescribed and the rest, heat/cold, sinus rinses etc. are all pretty standard treatments for symptomatic relief. No major advice giving involved, just sharing.

janbb's avatar

@osoraro That one didn’t load but thanks for the others.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@osoraro Thanks, those were excellent.

jca's avatar

No matter what medications someone here suggests or what course of treatment someone here suggests, it’s only a doctor or other medical professional that the OP’s husband sees that will actually prescribe the medication or do the treatment. Jellies here should be free to make any and all suggestions that they feel relevant without argument.

janbb's avatar

@osoraro Yes, worked now. Thanks.

osoraro's avatar

(And just for the record, in this iteration of my Fluther alter ego, I will not dispense formal medical advice. I will, however, do what I did on this thread and give links for people to read so they can learn more about a medical condition. I am not in favor of anybody attempting to diagnosis over the internet. Ever. Not even me.)

gailcalled's avatar

Amen, brother.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@jca I agree, especially since this is what @jonsblond is looking for – advice from non-experts, ways to widen her vocabulary so that she can do her own homework, which will help her talk to @Blondesjon’s doctors. She is an intelligent woman, and knows how to weigh information offered on Fluther against advice from an actual doctor. How about we all stop criticizing each other for offering to help?

jca's avatar

@dappled_leaves: Amen, sister.

jonsblond's avatar

“Can you have a severe sinus infection without a fever? ”

You guys answered my question. Thank you.

Jon’s doc is squeezing him in at 3:30 today. Hopefully we’ll have more info then.

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond Good luck, I think I have a fever now from all this blowing of hot air. lol

osoraro's avatar

(speaking now as a patient, not a doctor). I’ve had 5 sinus surgeries for complicated recurrent acute and chronic sinusitis. I’ve never had a fever.

chyna's avatar

I’ve never had a fever either.

janbb's avatar

@jonsblond Wishing you the very best of luck in your appointment today and hoping for some answers and healing for Jon.

marinelife's avatar

Personal experience? Great. Anecdotes. Fine.

Telling someone something is a “must” medical treatment over the internet or suggesting specific drugs or other treatments is not OK.

All advice is not equal and users who post the sort of things mentioned above should be prepared for pushback.

Coloma's avatar

@marinelife IF one does have a bacterial infection 99.9% of the time an antibiotic is a must. That is a fact. Saying a particular drug works well for me is not telling someone else what might work for them. The antibiotic I mentioned is a very popular and widely prescribed antibiotic, not some exotic drug and ones doctor will question them before prescribing for any potential allergies to particular medications. Lastly, stating that untreated sinus infections can lead to more serious complications is also fact.

This whole situation is major over reaction to benign contribution.

gailcalled's avatar

^^ vv: Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, line 230

Coloma's avatar

^^^ The lady doth inserteth her noseth into spaces not of necessity.

canidmajor's avatar

@jonsblond: Please, if you are so inclined, do keep us apprised of Jon’s condition. I hope the actual doctors can finally sort this out for you guys and alleviate his suffering.
Sending good thoughts and green lights and prayers and stuff.

jca's avatar

Nobody on the internet can say anything is a “must” regarding medical treatment because any of us (including the OP) can kick and stomp and demand but only the doctor can do.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m not going to stop suggesting things. Sorry. @jonsblond is not an idiot! If the doctor prescribed a different antibiotic from what I named then I think Jon should try the doc’s drug first.

I have seen doctors prescribe antibiotics, the drug doesn’t work, and then prescribe the same drug at the same dose for the same duration again! That’s ridiculous. They have done it to me and jellies, and friends. I have yet to see that ever work.

You’re worried about me? Worry more about doctors doing things that don’t make sense. I have been given Zithromax when I told the doctor it doesn’t do a thing for my symptoms (not a sinus infection a GYN problem) and they still thought it made sense to prescribe it to me for 14 days! I took it like an idiot. I could go on and on about me but I won’t, because I have told these stories before.

At this point I think the doctor should prescribe an antibiotic, because it has been weeks and worth a try. If he has sinus surgery I would assume they will give him antibiotics before and maybe also after the surgery, so why not try this first? I mean seriously, this was not a chronic condition for him, he isn’t suffering from a cold that he hadn’t given his body a chance to recover from.

A doctor has prescribed an antihystamines already. Those helped a little. Trying antibiotics seems reasonable. The doctor will decide of course.

Joe Scarborough tells a story about surgeons suggesting surgery for his back. Luckily he got another opinion and that doctor says you can do the surgery and be able to function faster, or rest for a few months and likely get better and not have to deal with some long lasting problems if you get surgery. He opted to wait and he is gone. The doctors are happy to do surgery and not even tell him the other option. Be critical of the doctors, not jellies just trying to tell their own experience and help out.

A girlfriend of mine had chronic sinus infections for over a year. Tried a few different drugs. Finally, she was given Levaquin by a doctor and that did the trick. She also was in the middle of her divorce at that time, maybe he kept re infecting her? Who knows.

Good God the guy is in so much pain he can’t function!! Meanwhile, there are thousands of doctors across the country giving antibiotics with people who just have a sore throat for a day without testing them for strep. Be angry at them, I am. He can’t work. He is in horrible pain. How is it not worth trying an antibiotic in this case?

canidmajor's avatar

oh good grief

Coloma's avatar

I am perfectly okay with retracting my “must”, if that’s what it takes. Even though MOST infections will require an antibiotic, which is pretty standard. I have had sinus infections morph into ear infections and chest/respiratory infections when I have allowed them to go too long hoping to get over it on my own. I also have a friend who had a brain infection from an untreated sinus infection.

They can be very serious!
From she who has had every sinus treatment and test known to man from steroid nasal sprays, all sorts of xrays, waters views, CT scans and loads of antibiotics.

JLeslie's avatar

Exactly. Good grief.

@jonsblond. Please let us know how the appointment goes. Hopefully, you can get a referral to a specialist and a script in the meantime. Just be aware that if he takes antibiotics the ENT won’t be able to take cultures while Jon is taking them or for several days after. So, you have to gauge the whole thing. Even if the GP prescribes the drugs you might want to wait if the ENT can see him right away. Or, try the drugs and make the ENT appointment two weeks from now, or whatever is safe to get accurate cultures. FYI doctors almost never bother to culture for a sinus infection unless it is persistent and chronic, and I don’t feel this is either yet, if it is an infection.

I would ask for the neurology referral at the same time while you’re in front of your primary if your insurance requires referrals in case ENT winds up not getting results.

Hoping for an easy answer after all of this. :)

marinelife's avatar

@jonsblond I wish you and your husband much better luck than you have had to date with the medical establishment and a quick resolution. Sorry that this is happening to you.

jonsblond's avatar

Jon was very pleased with his appointment today. He saw a different doctor in the medical group and she was very thorough and asked all the right questions. She couldn’t believe no one started a treatment with Jon before now. He has a severe infection. She prescribed an antibiotic and Prednisone. She wants to treat the infection before treating the cysts. He has a follow up with her in a week.

The doctor wasn’t sure what caused the initial vasovagal response that sent him to the hospital the first time. Her first priority was to clear up the infection.

Jon is happy. He felt like someone finally listened and took the time to answer all of his questions.

I appreciate all of your responses. Thanks again.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Beyond excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

janbb's avatar

Yay! Yay! Yay!

chyna's avatar

So glad this doctor worked for Jon.
Yay for the blondes family!

dappled_leaves's avatar

I’m so happy to hear that he is finally receiving some appropriate care for his problem.

But what I really want to know is… did she find a vagina up there?

BhacSsylan's avatar

right next to the vaso, of course

marinelife's avatar

Great! Can he change primary care physicians if he likes this one better?

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond Great news! He’ll be feeling much better soon with the meds. Yep, severe infection = antibiotics and steroids, the usual big guns for effed up sinuses.

jonsblond's avatar

@marinelife Yes. He’s going back to this doctor even if he needs to travel to another town.

@dappled_leaves good one :)

JLeslie's avatar

If the steroids are pills, a small warning: if your doctor didn’t stress it, once you start steroids it’s important to finish them as prescribed. Stopping abruptly is dangerous. I don’t know the dose he was prescribed, possibly not high enough to worry about it, but as a general rule that’s the rule. Usually it is prescribed in declining doses to help the body adjust off of it.

canidmajor's avatar

@jonsblond : Very glad to hear this, indeed! Maybe you all can get a little much needed and deserved rest, knowing at least where to start with this. I’m sorry that it took so long to get help for this.

Buttonstc's avatar

I’m so happy to hear that some progress is being made. For Jon’s sake I hope this all clears up soon.

Sinus infections can really be a bitch and a half.

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