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JLeslie's avatar

What do you think about the photo of the baby swaddled in the American flag?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) March 12th, 2015 from iPhone

And, what do you think about the controversy surrounding it? The baby isn’t exactly swaddled in my opinion, but the media seems to be using that word. I’m not going to get caught up on the word definition, the photo speaks for itself.

Here is a link.

Basically, some people are upset the flag was used in that way.

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39 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

I can’t open the link but it sounds adorable.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

I liked it a lot!

fluthernutter's avatar

As someone from a non-military background, it doesn’t seem like a big deal. But it does seem odd to me that someone in the military would do this.

If it were a powerful image, I’d say go for it. Art trumps flag code. But it’s kind of cheesy and not worth the disrespect (however trivial).

ragingloli's avatar

Reminds me of this

elbanditoroso's avatar

Some people will complain about anything.

Nothing offensive or unpatriotic.

ucme's avatar

I get no link, just an app, but hey…yank that flag :D
The link from @ragingloli made me giggle, bless those Nazi bastards.

johnpowell's avatar

It is no worse than flag bandannas or bikinis. I don’t really give a fuck but if you want to wrap your junk in the flag you can’t bitch when I burn it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It really is annoying that this country has such a surplus of fools. Whining over a photo of a baby wrapped in the flag is just downright stupid, and even unpatriotic. The photo itself should be titled “American Baby”. Perhaps then these dummies might get the point!

ucme's avatar

The real babies are the ones who turn patriotism into a dirty word.

hominid's avatar

I find nothing wrong with or interesting about this photo.

We could have a controversy this image. There is nothing I can think of that won’t serve as a reason for people to be offended and declare it a controversy.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@hominid Yes it’s red and missing a corporate label!

elbanditoroso's avatar

I can think of a computer company that would be pissed off.

hominid's avatar

@stanleybmanly and @elbanditoroso – Also, it appears that it could be a fuji apple. These hybrids were developed in the 1930s, and will likely spark discussion of GMOs. I also suspect that @hominid carelessly placed that image there knowing that it was non-organic. We should be encouraging a healthy image of fruit that has blemishes. Perpetuating this image of perfect fruit is driving the destruction of the environment by encouraging pesticides. It’s also very white middle class of @hominid to place a perfect piece of fruit on a site where someone who is hungry might have to see it. It’s bourgeois of him to ignore the starving in his own country. I’m also offended at his satirical condescending comment he is currently typing. Bigot!

Darth_Algar's avatar

I fail to see what the big deal is. Especially when you can buy American flag underwear (because nothing says “respect the flag” like having your sweaty balls and ass rubbing against it all day).

Coloma's avatar

Completely benign and those that are offended need therapy. haha
I have never understood the whole OCD thing surrounding our flag. Yes, I get it’s symbolism but who cares if it touches the ground, has a baby wrapped in it or is used as a saddle blanket on a horse. It is only an inanimate object whose only real value is the neurotic sentiment attached to it.

Pachy's avatar

Cute, but I can’t help but wonder if the flag was made in China. ;-)

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Haha, good one!

johnpowell's avatar

@Pachy :: I am pretty sure we all know it was.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I think it’s a lovely picture. I also don’t understand what is wrong with the photographers work from a professional photography point of view. The critic claims to be doing the public a service by calling out bad work (comparing to bad food at a restaurant etc) but, while I’m no expert, I think it’s a nice piece of work.

filmfann's avatar

@JLeslie Swaddled IS the wrong word. The media should have used Hammacked.

Is it offensive? Not to me.
Is it anti-flag or anti-American? I don’t see it, and it certainly wasn’t intended that way.

JLeslie's avatar

@filmann It’s always stunning to me that journalist after journalist will use the same incorrect word. So many of them don’t stop and say, “that’s not exactly swaddled.” So many of them don’t know the term well enough I guess. It happens all the time with so many things. They are like parrots.

cazzie's avatar

Gosh… I guess those people shouldn’t borrow my bathroom.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@cazzie – the blue field of stars is supposed to be on the upper left to the viewer
Displaying the Flag Indoors
When on display, the flag is accorded the place of honor, always positioned to its own right. Place it to the right of the speaker or staging area or sanctuary. Other flags should be to the left.

The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of states, localities, or societies are grouped for display.

When one flag is used with the flag of the United States of America and the staffs are crossed, the flag of the United States is placed on its own right with its staff in front of the other flag.

When displaying the flag against a wall, vertically or horizontally, the flag’s union (stars) should be at the top, to the flag’s own right, and to the observer’s left. (from

cazzie's avatar

(Pssst…. @elbanditoroso it ISN’T a flag. It is a graphic printed on toilet paper.)

dappled_leaves's avatar

I see nothing wrong with the photo.

The backlash amuses me. Americans worshipping their symbols again. If only they cared as much about their actual freedom as they do their symbols of it.

tinyfaery's avatar

Eh. If the baby shit in it that would hilarious.

ucme's avatar

Oh say can you pee, by the bum’s early shite
What so loudly we farted, at the twilight’s last poo stain…

jaytkay's avatar

Flag fetishism is just a technique for training your dumbest soldiers.

With normal people, you give them training about their role and their mission. You give them orders and they have the wherewithal to deal with changes in conditions and plans.

When you have a cretin on your hands, you have to work on a different level. The best you can do is tell them, “Follow that flag! That flag is YOUR COUNTRY!!”

And they follow it until they’re dead, whether that’s on the battlefield or back in civilian life.

Brian1946's avatar

^ That looks like a description of the “American Sniper” fan base. ;-)

gondwanalon's avatar

I’d prefer not to use the flag of the United States in such a manor. I can’t do anything about it. I just let it go. We have bigger issues nowadays to be concerned about.

Adagio's avatar

As of photo I don’t think it’s at all impressive but… another way the critics could look at it is to think of the flag as cradling the children of America. I mean isn’t that why your soldiers go to countries thousands of miles away, to ‘protect’ America? What better way of presenting the concept than a baby cradled in your flag. Just to make it clear, I wouldn’t support the idea but just think if the critics would take off their one-way glasses they might be able to look at things a little differently.

johnpowell's avatar

@Adagio :: Are you saying the flag is Obamacare?

josie's avatar

Better than burning it

longgone's avatar

Could someone explain why the flag is being disrespected by this? What’s the reasoning there?

Stinley's avatar

I read the rules about the American flag and it does clearly say: ”(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.”

So the point is that it is against the rules.

ragingloli's avatar

Is idolatry not fun?

livelaughlove21's avatar

It’s amazing what people manage to find offensive. Absolutely ridiculous. It’s just a piece of fucking cloth; people need to get over themselves.

johnpowell's avatar

So I can use it on the 4th to light my BBQ.

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