Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

When you wake up in the morning what do you first think about?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) March 13th, 2015 from iPhone

Maybe you think about the day ahead? Or, are worried about something in the past? Do you have multiple unrelated thoughts rush in, making it difficult to say what is actually first? Is it fairly consistent day after day for the last few weeks or months? Or, does it change daily? Does it change depending on whether it’s a work day or day off?

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30 Answers

janbb's avatar

It usually depends on if I am in a good place or a bad place emotionally and how much stress there is potentially in the day. Generally, I think of the day ahead, the scheduling and the fun things. If I am anxious or sad, I might think of the losses I have sustained in the past few years.
When I was really down, I might think how long until I can be back in bed – although at those times the nights are the worst. Occasionally, I think about Fluther.

rojo's avatar

My first thought is usually “damn, I gotta go pee”

canidmajor's avatar

Quite honestly? The logistics of peeing. Me first, with pups directing the action, then dressing to step outside so the dogs can pee. The issues with two excited dogs having to go one at a time. I almost don’t need coffee anymore after the dance to empty everybody.

canidmajor's avatar

Just to clarify, that response was not frivolous, as the whole complex event will often set the tone for the entire morning, as weather, temperament of each dog (based partly on pain levels, they’re both kind of old) and such can really set a mood.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@rojo and I have the same thought.

My second thought is – is the coffeemaker on?

Only then do I start thinking about what’s on tap for the day.

ucme's avatar

How to get rid of my morning wood…

livelaughlove21's avatar

Monday-Friday it’s having m&ms Quest bar and working out, because that’s what I do right after waking up. Weekends it’s either my weigh-in or breakfast/food in general. Of course, this changes if I have something big going on. I try not to think about work until after my workout.

Pachy's avatar

Will my bad knee support me another day.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My dream! My sweet dream!

zenvelo's avatar

What time is it?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

If on land, it usually takes a minute to remember where I am and what I’m doing there. I still wake up in that bloody Venezuelan prison sometimes. That one is hard to shake. Most of the time I lay staring at the ceiling penciling in my day.

At sea, It’s usually dawn when I wake. Can’t help it. I usually take time to lay in my berth and listen for anything out of the ordinary, anything not right. I listen to the rigging, for a loose line slapping against the deck or a sail luffing, hardware banging aginst the hull somewhere. Then I listen for weather and take a measure of the roll of the boat. If nothing demands my immediate attention, I go up to take a peek above decks to check for immediate navigation hazards, check the rigging and read the weather. Back below I’ll make coffee, check the radar for any large shipping in the area, then mark my morning position on the chart by dead reckoning. If beyond the sight of land, I might consult the gps.

By this time I’ve decided whether to pluck breakfast from the sea, eat at a local cafe, or raid the galley. If in transit, it’s always from the galley. At breakfast I’m usually planning the next landfall, or the next dive spot along the next day’s course. Back up on deck, I pull the hook and set the sails, and if there are calm seas and a gentle wind, I’ll sit behind the wheel and make entries into the log concerning the events and positions from the day before. The morning ends and the afternoon begins at the noon sighting with sextant.

I’m thinking about all these things, on one level, but I’m also thinking about people back home, food not available onboard, something interesting I’d read recently, what film I’ll be watching next, a screenplay I’ve been messing with, how the skies read differently in different climates ad infinitum.

jca's avatar

Is it a work day or an off day? What time is it?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t wanna get up.

cazzie's avatar

First, ‘What time is it?’ then ‘What is my little kiddo doing?’

Judi's avatar

Super honest and shameful answer?
I look at my iPhone.

Cupcake's avatar

“When is this kid finally going to sleep through the night????”

longgone's avatar

Recently…puppies. Also, ever since I started loosely following some of the FLYlady’s ideas, I’ve been waking up with my morning routine: Bed, Laundry, Shower, Swish bathroom, Hot spot, Breakfast. Man…I feel…domestic.

talljasperman's avatar

I think about going back to sleep.

Berserker's avatar

How I don’t want to leave my pillows and blankets. Fuckin cruel ass world.

Esedess's avatar

I usually try to consciously remain in enough of a dream state to be able to remember and think on my dreams of the night. Often this leads to harsh thoughts of my life and areas that need improvement followed by the inner articulation of messages like, “If something is broken, you have to take steps to fix it or it stays broken.”
Then I run through a list of all that entails: (in no particular order)
– stop smoking
– exercise
– renew passport
– save money
– play guitar more
– write more
– laundry
– clean
– go to the dentist
– fix your fucked up sleep schedule
– fix credit
– sell car
– buy car
– more satisfying means of income
– file divorce papers
– don’t mope
– strength is a choice
– smile
– be happy

Then I sigh deeply and tell myself, again, “Nothing just happens. Make plans.”

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

What the heck was that dream about? I wish someone would feed the dog. It can’t be morning already. Why am I awake at 4am and why is work in my head. I’m going to buy a shottie and take that damn, noisy bird out! What the heck is sticking in my back? Different day, different thought.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m literally thinking “fuck my life” as I get up to go to a job I have been hating for close to a year now. I may get to sleep in till 7:00 am once or twice a month these days.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why, why couldn’t my parents have practiced safe sex??

cookieman's avatar

what I think about first thing:
– Drink water
My To Do List
– Wake up my daughter
My To Do List
– Go pee
My To Do List

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

My thoughts is ”expletive, I am still on this cracker barrel planet

cazzie's avatar

Tonight…. I woke up remembering… ‘Shit! I forgot to recharge my bus card!’ I think I caught it in time.

filmfann's avatar

1am? Why can’t I sleep all night?

kevbo's avatar

Nowadays I wake up spontaneously around 4:30 or 5. Probably the first thought that comes to mind is “I’m not tired.” Then I realize I have some time to kill before I have to get up, so I lay in bed and meditate. (This is assuming there’s no immediate need for a #1, 2, 3, or 6.)

I used to be a crazy night owl and have wicked sleep apnea, so for much of my adult life I woke up late and still tired. Hence the above.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Whatever might be worrying me about the day ahead.

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