When was the last time you've had a bad dream or nightmare?
Asked by
rockfan (
March 13th, 2015
And what was it about?
I had one last night. I dreamed that I was 15 years old, and I accidentally joined a fundamentalist church’s Sunday youth program, and I couldn’t leave. And for some reason, the pastor kept using metaphors from my favorite Disney movies to prove his point about the bible.
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23 Answers
Night before last. I was driving and trying to avoid a giant Ferris wheel that was coming out of the sky and sawing cars in half.
That’s funny @rockfan! I’m thinking and thinking….
last night and most before that.
A dream that makes you feel scared, or really bad or upset.
Haven’t had any nightmares recently enough to remember but, what with the cold meds and beer I have had some “interesting” dreams lately.
Last night, a Fluther meet up absolutely fucking terrified me, you were all so bloody ugly XD
Not for quite a while. I only usually suffer with nightmares when I’m stressed or/and under extreme pressure. I regularly have odd and weird dreams but I can’t remember a recent one at the moment.
My dreams are usually a continuous plot. Like any story, there are sad parts and happy. The last dream I had that was “bad”, in majority, was my estranged wife dying. There was no horrific cause, she just died… as if from old age. In my dream I was incredibly depressed, as I would be IRL despite our impending divorce, but also in someway, I was really angry. I remember yelling, “who just dies at 25!?!?!” lol
That was about 2 months ago.
However, in a dream this morning, I was with my ex ex ex girlfriend’s amazingly busty sister. We were flirting, and she was into it. Then I kissed her neck and she laughing exclaimed, “what are you doing!?” Then I remembered she had a boyfriend and he came into the room pissed, while I was suddenly completely naked… I imagine some would consider that a bad dream.
This might not sound like a nightmare to you but this made me wake this morning with a feeling of overwhelming anxiety, anger and frustration. My family was all packed and ready to leave on some sort of long journey. The vehicle they were all in was like a rocketship/airship (like a steampunk zeppelin). I remember it was some deep shade of indigo blue with brass stripping. Anyways, as I was about to get in I realized that I needed to go to the bathroom so I told them not to leave and that I’d be right back. I ran in the house to the bathroom but the toilet was filled to the top and clogged. I will spare you further elaboration, it was foul! So I ran to the upstairs bathroom and I was aghast to find that it was equally as horrible. But I had no choice so I did my business, I peed, then fleed!
So then I run back outside to see the vehicle pulling out. I screamed at them to wait but they just left me there like they didn’t care. I was crushed. I literally felt a crushing blow to my heart. Then I woke up.
rockfan- Your dream sounds humorous in a way but I’m sure it was frustrating. Sounds like you relate religion to childish thinking and fantasy. The mature intelligent side of you rebels against being treated like a child. I hope you don’t mind my amateur analysis. What do you think your dream means?
@David_Achilles I think that’s a fair analysis. I have a big problem with religious dogma and organized religion, and I’m a huge fan of animation, so having those two things combined together made me feel really queasy.
The last time I heard the words Bush and election together.
Has anyone ever had a night terror?
I’d never even heard of the idea until my Intro to Psych class last fall, and ever since then I’ve had two. My most recent one was two nights ago. I woke up to a piercing scream that sounded so real that my ears hurt when I woke up. The only thing I remember was the last few seconds before it happened. This girl’s face morphed into some demonic figure and then screamed.
The second night terror I had was the same thing, but with an older lady who fashioned a different style of face-morphing.
Scary, but thrilling!
Oh, that reminds me of the very worst dream I ever had. I was about 17. My mom, my two younger sisters and I were in a cabin on a mountain, deep in the woods. My dad wasn’t there. Mom and my sisters were sleeping in a bed that was under a window. I was in the doorway, watching them.
I heard this scritch, scritch, scritch at the screen above their heads. Suddenly this huge, hairy clawed hand came RIPPING through the screen. Suddenly I found myself in a different part of the cabin, where I couldn’t see them. My youngest sister screamed. Then I woke up sweating.
I will never forget that scream, and I have no idea how I knew it was my youngest sister, but I knew.
It would be easier to ask me when was the last time I didn’t have nightmares. I’ve had nightmares continuously for about the last 6 years. I had them very rarely before then. They’re usually very awful and very vivid, but luckily, I only recall them for a brief time when I wake up and then I forget them (except for the really, really, bad ones). But it makes the idea of going to sleep rather anxiety inducing, because I know I’m in for a bad night. I also suffer from insomnia, so I’m either dead tired and can’t sleep, or I’m asleep, but having a horrible dream.
Why do you have so many bad dreams @Kardamom? Have you any idea what’s causing your nightmares?
I think most of it has to do with hormonal changes. I’ve been going through peri-menopause since this all started.
Ahh. Our bodies are weird hey? The odd things hormones can do.
I’m on Chantix. I’m dreaming about my kids a LOT. Nothing bad, just kind of weird.
I’m also having “feelings of hostility.” Like I just want to bitch slap some people. They deserve it, but that’s not my usual reaction.
Oh man, I had a horrible dream the other night. In my dream I was pretty much paralyzed and cockroaches and beetles were crawling all over me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I’d keep waking up and falling back asleep and having the same dream.
On one instance I woke up the covers weren’t touching my hands. I shifted my body and they touched my hand and I freaked out because I thought it was a cockroach!! That wasn’t a fun night… And neither was school the next day because I was so tired from lack of sleep!
@Misspegasister28 That’s happened to me, too! I remember having plenty of nightmares about spiders, and then freaking out when something touched me.
@dxs They’re awful!!! What made it worse was today in my car, my friend started freaking out because a bug was crawling on her and I immediately thought of my dream! She scared me half to death!
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