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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why do women giggle so much?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 13th, 2015

I’m changing my habits. I don’t normally watch TV during the day, but I’ve got in on now, sort of like back ground noise, because that is something I wouldn’t normally do.
So there are all these talk shows and the woman say something and giggle after every sentence. Why are they doing that? Why do so MANY women giggle? How can you take someone who giggles seriously?

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20 Answers

hominid's avatar

I would imagine you’re hearing a nervous habit that is happening when someone is on tv. I don’t hear this in real life. relevant

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hear it more with teen age girls, but these are grown women. Why don’t the men giggle? Some of them are just as nervous.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

You’re generalising. Not all women giggle all the time or even often. I’d guess the type of participant on a daytime panel or interview program is trying to project a light, entertaining air. In a more professional setting women are less likely to want to present in that way. Are you watching light entertainment such as The Panel or serious news and information content?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would any full grown woman giggle at the end of almost every sentence?

I’m not watching anything, actually. It’s just background noise.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Because she’s an idiot. Or nervous. Or thinks she’s being funny.

Watching/listening, the point’s the same. You have to consider the purpose, genre and quality of the content and presenters. I meant The View not The Panel. However, from the little I’ve seen of such programming – it’s fluff rather than serious, intellectual discussion. They’re entertainers.

ragingloli's avatar

There is an organ in the brain that makes one constantly hear the name “Biggus Dickus”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it’s a throw back to when women’s opinions weren’t taken seriously. So they’d offer an opinion, then giggle in order to give people permission to blow the opinion off, and sound cute at the same time.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I do get where your coming from this a few years back my step brother had a girl friend and all she did was freakin giggle, you would have thought she was part Dolphin.

David_Achilles's avatar

For those interested I have found “giggle rehab”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Excellent @David_Achilles. Yeah. I had a coworker who ended every email with “lol.” She also had a thing about proving how she was smarter than every one else. The constant “lol” undermined that, IMO.

David_Achilles's avatar

Dutchess III- Lol, lol, lol…..just kidding…

kritiper's avatar

The female body has to maintain the right amount of “nest feathering” for proper baby production.

ucme's avatar

Because they’re sweet silly little creatures

Blackberry's avatar

There are times when I do this, although my voice is deeper so it’s not an actual giggle. I am a male.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We know this about you @Blackberry! ;)

Like I said, there is a difference between laughing, which I do a lot, and giggling. I have to agree with @ucme. It makes them sound like “sweet, silly little creatures.”

longgone's avatar

Hm. I’m sure I giggle, at times. I giggle when roughhousing with children, because they do. I giggle when I’m with my best friends and feeling totally at ease. I associate giggling with being silly, but I think it’s possible to giggle without motive.

ucme's avatar

Betty Rubble, best giggle ever!!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Well maybe the talk shows bring out the giggles, or even better, the shows attract the gigglers

Safie's avatar

I speak for myself i love a good giggle and i love humor if someone can make me laugh i know i’m in good company.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Me too, but I’m referring to giggly giggle, not laughter.

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