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talljasperman's avatar

Have you ever had a teacher for more than one year?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 16th, 2015

Not by failing.

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12 Answers

rockfan's avatar

Yeah I took American History, Political Science, and Debate class, which was the same teacher. And I also had another teacher for 3 classes: creative writing, English 1, and English 2

jca's avatar

I went to private school for much of my elementary and middle school education, and the teacher for 7th grade math was also the teacher for 8th grade math. Unfortunately she was an evil old thing.

dappled_leaves's avatar

“More than one year” implies that you’re asking about elementary or high school. Yes, I had several teachers for more than one year.

gondwanalon's avatar

Does P.E and Band count?

Mimishu1995's avatar

My 6th grade head teacher. She went on to the 7th grade with me.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I had several college professors multiple times for various classes.

anniereborn's avatar

I had the same teacher for theater classes 3 years in a row in high school. I loved her much and still do. In college I also had an acting teacher 2 years in a row. My choir teacher in junior high was the same all 3 years too.
Oh and in 1st and 2nd grade, I had the same teacher

kritiper's avatar

We lived in a small town of 422 people. That was 50 years ago, and the town STILL has 422 people! The third and forth grades were in the same room with one teacher, as were other classes. 5 and 6, 7 and 8.

JLeslie's avatar

Only for classes like PE, Art, and Music in elementary school.

cookieman's avatar

Yes. My first grade teacher switched to fourth grade while I was in third grade — so, who do I end up with for fourth grade? Same lady I had for first grade.

gondwanalon's avatar

Had the same wresting coach for 4 years of high school.

Had the same band director through 4 years of high school. Had the same band director (different from high school) for 3 years of college then a different band director for another 2 years of college.

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