General Question

janbb's avatar

What's up with this new internet thingy?

Asked by janbb (63361points) March 19th, 2015

All of a sudden today I cannot get some pages on my sites to load. One is Yahoo’s movie schedule; the other is’s videos. Both seem to want me to create an account and sign in. I loaded Ghostery the other day. Is this related to that or just a change the sites are making? Quite frustrated.

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11 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

Ghostery has a pause blocking button.

Try that and see if it helps.

Ghostery does break some sites. But I just tried and don’t get the login thing. However the video won’t play on But I have a ton of privacy stuff installed so it is hard to figure what is blocking something.

If you are using Firefox I suggest installing this:

It makes it so you can right click on a link and open the link in a different browser.

I just open problematic things in Chrome. Or you can just whitelist the site in ghostery so it doesn’t block anything on that site. You lose some privacy but it is better than nothing.

janbb's avatar

Thanks. I use Chrome. Will try the other suggestions.

janbb's avatar

Pause blocking took care of it on both sites. Thanks Ryan!

johnpowell's avatar

That is really weird and I can’t reproduce it but Ghostery being at fault wouldn’t shock me.

I would suggest using the whitelist option over pausing. Pausing turns it off on all sites while whitelisting turns it off for the site you are on. For the most part you won’t notice Ghostery. It breaks about 2% of the sites I visit. And it is worth it for a minor inconvenience. Facebook doesn’t need to know about my lube shopping.

And what I do is play with the sliders on the list of tracking crap and reload the page until the site works. This is incredibly tedious but I really hate facebook and twitter that much.

janbb's avatar

Yeah – moi aussi. I clicked on a link to a lounge chair that someone was asking about on Fluther and next time I went to FB an ad for it popped up!

johnpowell's avatar

It gets even worse. I barely use facebook. I actually just got a account there about 18 months ago. I only have five friends on it. Scary part is it suggested people when I signed up and it was 90% accurate. I knew most of the people it suggested. Even people from Fluther.

Turns out that when people on their mobile phone sign up for Facebook with their app it scrapes their contacts. So if I was a contact on their phone facebook got my name and email and phone number. I basically had a account without ever signing up. Once they had my email they tied it all together. No fucking clue how they knew people I was friends with here. Maybe they had searched for me and they remembered it.

janbb's avatar

Oh yeah – forget privacy.

dappled_leaves's avatar

It sounds like some of the tracking cookies that Ghostery is “protecting” you from are responsible for logging you into sites that you want to be logged into. I have no experience with Ghostery, but I’d look at the settings to see if you can add exceptions.

janbb's avatar

@dappled_leaves Yes, that was the problem and @johnpowell showed me how to pause the blocking on a site.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

In Australia, that’s just ’‘situation normal’ for our dodgy internet availability. Yet again, I couldn’t even stream the freaking news this morning. However, the new fraudband being touted by the Coalition government will resolve all our internet issues and we’ll have speedy access comparable to any available in other countries (in 1999).

John_mccluney's avatar

Delete browser’s cookies

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