Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What factions are analogous to Earth nations in the Star Trek Universe?

Asked by ragingloli (52329points) March 22nd, 2015

I will start:
The EU is the United Federation of Planets.

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5 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

USA is the Klingon and China is the Rolumulans. Japan is Vulcan. Canada is Bajorin. Russia is Cardasian.

wildpotato's avatar

I kind of hate myself for saying this, but I think the Ferengi might be the Jews.

I don’t think the Bajorans match Canada very well. The Bajorans were violently colonized, and much of their current society is shaped by the de-colonization process. I’m going to go with Africa for them.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@wildpotato I don’t think you’re a terrible person for saying that the Ferengi represent the Jews. The Star Trek universe is supposed to be an ideal of tolerance and equality, but because it’s written by 20th century humans, many of the alien species are awful caricatures that we are increasingly embarrassed to depict in human races*. @ragingloli‘s question is asking us to match those caricatures to our stereotypes of specific countries on Earth, and you’re probably right about the Ferengi. Honestly, this is a question that is hard to answer because it requires stereotyping the nations of Earth, and no one wants to do that.

I agree that the Bajorans are not like Canada (as a Canadian, this is not surprising!). The Bajorans are characterized by their long persecution and their deep spirituality. Neither of these are associated with Canada. They also are not particularly tolerant (think of their reaction to the arrival of the Scria), whereas Canada is a huge melting pot created by immigration. Perhaps Africa is a better match.

I think the United Federation of Planets is more likely to be the US than the EU, partly because the show was obviously created in the US, so it is the handiest reference for the writers. But also because they are so in awe of their own founding principles, and assume that every new civilization encountered must want to be just like them. They are as full of hubris as Americans are.

*though not so long ago, STNG did portray some awful stereotypes in episodes like Up the Long Ladder (the Irish) and Code of Honor (Africans) without embarrassment.

ragingloli's avatar

To me, the “US” is more akin to the Romulan Empire, with shades of Cardassia and The Dominion.

Uasal's avatar

The Ferengi are Republicans in their own wet dreams.
Everything they do is for their own profit, and women are completely subjugated.

Vulcans are based on and remind me of Buddhist monks. I also get a strong resemblance to Greek philosophers.

The US as a whole is the Romulan empire, with special emphasis on the subjugated (poor/immigrant) Remans.

The Klingons remind me of the early Irish. Intensely spiritual, placing high value on personal honor, family ties, and prowess, ready for a laugh or a battle at a moments’ notice…

The Borg are humanity in microcosm.

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