General Question

Lunar_Landscape's avatar

Have you been blocked by a loved one?

Asked by Lunar_Landscape (304points) March 22nd, 2015 from iPhone

On Facebook or anywhere else?

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16 Answers

Judi's avatar

Yep. Most recently my oldest sister. It’s a long story but she is married to a pedophile and I stood up for my other sister (the victim) when she kept trying to push him into her life during a stressful time. I kindly asked her to quit volunteering him to go to her house and do errands. She got all defensive for him and said he was forgiven. I said. “God may have forgiven him but that doesn’t change anything for his victims.”
She took great offense.
She’s been married to him 50 years and he never suffered any consequences for abusing at least 3 children in the family that we know of.

KKBrown's avatar

No, I’ve never been blocked by anyone, though I have blocked people before. On my chats I got a very creepy message once, I ignored it and then got more, with pictures etc. So I blocked them, I also blocked my ex on facebook.

JLeslie's avatar

My niece doesn’t want to friend me, so I guess that would count. LOL. She’s 20. Basically, back several years ago I sent her a friend request when I was first starting on Facebook and she never accepted. I don’t blame her. If I was a teen I might not want my adult relatives seeing everything I wrote.

On a more serious note; I have relative who blocked me from writing in her wall. I could still see her and what others were writing. I realized I could write, but others could. One of my best friends could. I had introduced them to each other, and was very happy they got along, I knew they would, but within a short time the relative I had always been very close with stopped talking to me and was talking to my best friend practically daily.

It’s not that I was possessive of my friend or jealous, it was that because she was my friend she mentioned how much she talked to my relative, she didn’t know everything that was going in, and also when it came down to it she wasn’t going to be disloyal to me. Again, it wasn’t that she couldn’t be friends with both of us, my relative lied about how much they talk and my friend wouldn’t lie for her. It was stupid.

It’s much more involved than what I wrote. Many things led up to this.

Now, I can write a post on her wall, but I don’t think she let’s me see what she writes.

cheebdragon's avatar

My little cousins aren’t allowed to talk to me, I guess it’s because I got pregnant at 17, I really don’t know why their mom hates me so much. I haven’t seen them since I was 16 and I’m 27 now. They’ve never even met my son and that’s fucked up. I spent a lot of time with them when I was a kid, my aunt ran a home daycare and I helped her watch the kids when she was busy or needed to run an errand. Then she apparently decided to hate me and that I was a bad influence.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I can’t see my son’s Facebook page. He’s 21 so I can sort of understand he wouldn’t want his mum seeing what he’s up to. He doesn’t let his sisters see his Facebook page either.

wildpotato's avatar

My mom’s cousin and her family are ultra-Orthodox. My non-Jewish fiance and I are not allowed to come to family events they host because she doesn’t want to expose her kids to a “mixed” couple. My mom got pretty offended by this and now won’t attend their family events, on our behalf. I love that my mom supports us, but it’s sad that there’s this wedge growing in the family.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Nope. If I’ve ever been blocked by anyone, I didn’t notice. I’ve been unfriended by a couple of non-loved ones, but I usually don’t realize it until months later, usually when the one high school friend I still talk to ocassionally brings up something on someone’s page and I see we’re no longer friends on Facebook. Yeah, don’t care.

I’ve never blocked a family member, but I have made it so I can’t see their updates on my newsfeed. Usually it’s nothing but Republican propaganda or constant posts about how much they love Jesus. Again, don’t care.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

My youngest niece blocked me on FB for several years. Her parents had a nasty divorce and the ex-SIL spoke horribly about our side of the family while she was growing up. Time has healed most of the wounds, and we all are on speaking terms again. I recently saw the niece and inquired about it. We are now Facebook friends.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My son only friends his peers. He doesn’t go out with his grandparents, parents, aunts or uncles so that seems like a good filter.
I don’t need to know what he’s doing – and vice versa..

dappled_leaves's avatar

I’ve never been “blocked” by anyone, though I’ve been defriended by a few people over the years, because we lose contact with each other and simply don’t interact anymore. This especially happens when I move from one city to another. Likewise, I have defriended people who I’m no longer in active contact with. I also will routinely defriend people who I have good relationships with outside of Facebook, but no relationship with on Facebook. It doesn’t affect the friendship. I just don’t see the point of having them on a list of friends if we don’t interact there. The numbers are meaningless.

I choose not to friend family members, because we don’t share many political and social views, and I don’t want to have that sort of argument with them in public (over Thanksgiving dinner is plenty). Some keep trying, and I keep deleting the requests. I prefer to stick to a strict “no family” rule, so that no one is singled out.

keobooks's avatar

When I first got on Facebook, I didn’t realize that people didn’t like getting all of those game requests. I got blocked by quite a few relatives who didn’t want to get my gaming spam. I had no idea I was ticking all these people off and was quite embarrassed once I learned that I was spamming them to the point of blocking me. I fixed it up and now I don’t play those games anymore.

rojo's avatar

If I have been blocked it is by people I did not correspond with or interact with that often so, maybe?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, my Grandson (he’s 19, almost 20) doesn’t let anyone post to his wall, so I’m not taking it personally.

I’ve never been blocked, that I know of, but I have 3 people blocked.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I’ve been blocked by a good friend, a user type friend, so what. My kids have filters so I can’t see everything but they still message me on there and such. I’ve need de friended by people I never saw anymore or who dropped off fb. I’ve de friended a couple people.

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