General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Geopolitical hardball. Saudi Arabia is fighting a war in Yemen against Iranian-backed Yemenis. Which side will Israel support? Which side will the US support?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33577points) March 27th, 2015

It gets tangled.

My guess is that Israel would (if needed) fight alongside Saudi Arabia, because it hates Iran more than it does Saudi Arabia.

But the US wants a deal with Iran on nukes, and the Iranians are helping to fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

So… which side does the US support? And what about Israel?

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6 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

I don’t know how many people in this forum will be mindful of who Milo Minderbinder is in this regard, but I suspect that we might steal a page from his playbook here and subcontract with each side to bomb the other.

janbb's avatar

^^Sounds like a plan.

kritiper's avatar

The US and Israel will side against Iran and it’s flunkies. If Iran was smart, they wouldn’t back the anti-Yemens.

ibstubro's avatar

I have no doubt that the US is already supporting Saudi Arabia and I have no doubt that Israel will support the US.

I think it’s a wise and natural step to allow the Saudi’s [to appear] to be taking the initiative.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

There was a great cartoon in the paper the other night. A Yemeni (?) was standing in the wreckage of his country. He was asking a “wise man” Is our country serving as a pawn of the Iranians or the Syrians or the US? Are we a recruiting ground for El Quida fighters? Or for ISIS. Are we caught between the Saudis and the other countries? And are the Israelis after us? The wise man said “yes”.

Ron_C's avatar

WE ABSOLUTELY NEED TO STAY OUT OF THIS!. Sorry for the caps but the more we entangle in the middle east the more they hate us. Let them have their civil war and we can deal with the winners. I no longer care who live or dies in the middle east or who gets the oil as long as our guys don’t die there.

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