Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Would you use night vision eyedrops?

Asked by ragingloli (52294points) March 29th, 2015

How much would you be willing to pay for it, and what would you use it for? inb4 rape

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4 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I wouldn’t but I wonder if our Jellies of the dark world will answer this. I would love to see how they would put this to good use. Where are they?

ucme's avatar

Eye mite

LuckyGuy's avatar

How different is this from the drops the ophthalmologist puts in your eyes to dilate your pupils? Is it the same effect?
I would do it when I went out in my woods at night. Now I need to use a thermal imager when I want to one up the neighborhood pack of coywolves. This would even the playing field a bit.

Safie's avatar

No i wouldn’t, why would anyone when you could so easily use Night vision goggles instead…the thought of putting anything in my eyes that changes the dynamics of eye functioning sounds slightly dangerous what guarantee is there that these eye drops would not have inauspicious effects later on…no thanks!

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