Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In your opinion how many people today own and use a smart phone?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23631points) March 29th, 2015

Now let’s make this easy and just say out of 10 people, how many would have a smart phone, and how many would just use a plain old cell phone?
Feel free to provide a link if you want as well.
Just thinking out of the 10 closest people to me, 4 have smart phones the others just have plain ole flip phones.
And out of that 10 all have a cell phone.

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14 Answers

Berserker's avatar

The majority of people, young and old seem to have them, although I have access to no statistics. Well, there are probably less older people that have them, but my grandma has one anyway.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

About 56% of American adults according to this study. And by 2016, it is predicted that there will be two billion smartphone users worldwide (so more than ¼ of the Earth’s population).

anniereborn's avatar

Of the people I hang around with (ages 16–65) I’d say about 7 out of 10

livelaughlove21's avatar

Of the people I know, probably 9/10. In the U.S., maybe 6/10. More than 50% of people over 13 years of age, certainly.

ucme's avatar

I’m just gonna say lots

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ucme Not lots and lots??

ucme's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 No, what you got there is an auction.

jca's avatar

It seems like of people who I know that are over 70, the majority have dumb phobes. Of people who I know who are under 70, probably 9 out of 10 have smart phones.

hominid's avatar

@JeSuisRickSpringfield‘s study was from 2013, I believe. It’s got to be much higher now. And it certainly depends on age.

In my experience, 100% of people in my profession (software) have smartphones. Even outside of my work, I would say that 90% of the people I meet have smartphones – the 10% only being some older people like my mother, and my sister (who is a luddite).

ibstubro's avatar

One of the last social functions I attended we ended up having a contest around the table to see who had the oldest phone. I won, with an original Razr, but it was a close call with 2 people still using the Motorola that replaced mine. I think out of the 8–10 people at the table, 1 had a smart phone.
We don’t have texting on our phone plan, much less internet. Honestly, I don’t really even know what a ‘smart’ phone is. In a rural area the expense makes a smart phone much less attractive.

This may or may not be a bit optimistic.

jerv's avatar

As about half the population of the US lives in cornfields and deserts where it makes little/no financial sense for them to build the cellular infrastructure to cover places that average less than one person per square mile (much of the Midwest) or where terrain would require more towers than a flatter area the same size (much of New England) it would seem that at least ¼ of Americans couldn’t get a smartphone if they wanted to. However, in urban areas, pretty much everyone over the age of 12 who isn’t a technophobe has one.

The people I know that prefer dumbphones or landlines tend to be old enough to have grown up before 8-tracks and unleaded gas, and often have worse computer skills than I had back in second grade when computers first started leaving the laboratories and entering the home. Off the top of my head, I’d say that that covers about ⅓ of what is left.

So when you take out those who can’t get 3G/4G cell coverage, the kids whose parents won’t give them one, and the old-fashioned people who are content with stuff that was deprecated a decade ago, I would guess that only about half of all Americans have a smartphone, though it may seem higher to those who live in cities where it makes financial sense to build a few towers to serve millions of people.

prettypenny's avatar

I know very few people who don’t own a smartphone. I don’t know about all those people in big cities on the coasts, but I’d say 9 out of 10 people that I know here in the rural heart of USA have a smartphone.

jerv's avatar

@ibstubro Certain states have all of their population in a small portion of their geographic area though, and a urban area that is surrounded by hundreds of miles of farmland is, for purposes of infrastructure, rural as it takes more pavement/wire/towers per capita to get them on the grid.
As someone who lived in a town that still lacked broadband and cell coverage over a decade after that stuff hit the only city in the county a mere 15 miles away (which itself was about five years after it hit the bigger cities ~50 miles away) I think it safe to say that Verizon and their peers have different definitions of “urban” and “rural” than the US Census.

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