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talljasperman's avatar

Instead of top speed can police ticket for fast acceleration?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) March 29th, 2015

Just wondering if flooring the gas from 0 to 60 acceleration could result in a fine in the future?

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8 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

Technically, probably not.

Realistically? Yes, they could cite you for unsafe driving.

For example in the US the yellow speed signs (like on highway ramps) are suggested speeds, not lawfully mandated speeds. You can’t get a ticket for going 60 in a 45, but you can get a ticket for unsafe driving.

jerv's avatar

It can, as such behavior us usually only done in cases of street racing or reckless driving, and often also results in violation of local noise ordinances as such behavior is often done by kids in cars with “fart can” exhausts that are specifically designed for maximum decibels.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. Reckless driving, aggressive driving.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes. I got a ticket once for “unsafe start.” I got up to the speed limit in a few seconds and left a cloud of tire vapors in my wake.

zenvelo's avatar

In California it falls into the category “exhibitionist driving”. Smoking the tires will bring that down upon you.

It all depends on the circumstances. Flooring it without making the tires spin out when getting on a freeway is better than slowly accelerating while on an onramp and merging into freeway speed traffic.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The related factor is noise. If your 0–60 in 9 seconds results in tire squealing or loud (excessive) motor noise, that is a ticketable offense.

ucme's avatar

That’s called drag racing & the poh…leece don’t like that.
Trick is, don’t get caught.

Zaku's avatar

Yes. My grandfather tried that. Got a ticket for reckless driving. I’d say it’s bullshit though unless it was actually dangerous.

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