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talljasperman's avatar

I have a friend who believes that his life is ruined if he doesn't master a computer language is he right?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 31st, 2015

Or if he is wrong then how do I give him hope? I am starting to feel that he is right. Mastering computers seems like an easy way to become wealthy.

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8 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

I wouldn’t say it’s an easy way to become wealthy, but you can make a good living working with computers.

As far as languages go, I’d suggest Python for starting out. The syntax is pretty clean, it hides much of the complexity for you and allows you focus on the main concepts of programming. There are a lot of excellent resources available for Python as well. Your life won’t be ruined without a programming language though. It’s worth learning for anyone interested in coding.

jaytkay's avatar

Most people don’t know a computer language. I think the surest ways to make a lot of money are in sales and real estate. The really relentless, focused hard workers in those fields can get really really rich.’

The people who get rich in software have the attitude that would probably make them rich in other fields, too.

Pachy's avatar

Your friend needs to get outside and take a good look around. There’s a world full of other ways out there to make his mark besides with 1’s and 0’s.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Seriously? Mastering computer skills isn’t a short-cut to wealth. It takes more than that. Your friend is better off honing in on their personal strengths and finding the right fit when it comes to a career.

kritiper's avatar

He’s wrong. All you need is that little mouse.

johnpowell's avatar

Here is a tip. Being a plumber pays really well. And your job can’t be outsourced.

Here is another thing about computer jobs. Once you are 40 jobs get very hard to find. Sure you could start the next youtube but that is like winning the lottery.

Tech gets a lot of shit (deserved) for sexism and it is just as bad for ageism.

I still kick myself for not going to school to fix cars. The computer game sucks and is unpredictable.

jaytkay's avatar

Here is a tip. Being a plumber pays really well. And your job can’t be outsourced.


Physical therapy

There are a lot of high-skill, hands-on jobs that will always be in demand. They won’t make you wealthy, but they can make you a very comfortable living.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Yes, I believe it was King Richard that first uttered that classic line: Some code, some code, my kingdom for some code.

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