General Question

ibstubro's avatar

If you spent, say, seven days and seven nights creating an entire world (or even Sims game), would you leave the administration of the game up to the users of the game?

Asked by ibstubro (18804points) March 31st, 2015

I would SO micromanage!
Buncha iceholes arguing about a nation line? I’d just burn one. No casualties, just a line.

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11 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

Fuck no, they would screw it all up…..other people are the worst part of life sometimes.

rojo's avatar

^^ Oh ye of little faith! ^^

linguaphile's avatar

Isn’t that what Ben and Andrew did?? Created a Flutherverse and left it to the (very good, if I say so) moderators to run?

:D :D

Thammuz's avatar

I would make a backup of it, first and foremost, then I’d try different models.

I would make one that just works by itself, and watch it unfold, one where i micromanage everything, for shits and giggles, one where i randomly cause stuff and see the results.

So yeah, i would leave it to the users. if it’s in my power to make a world, it’s in my powers to remake it, copy it and all that, so it’s really just an expendable toy at that point.

RocketGuy's avatar

If you had to micromanage everything, all the other game makers would laugh and call you an idiot who can’t design a decent self-sustaining game.

ragingloli's avatar

For my own entertainment, I would wait some time for the little bugs to build up their little villages and towns, and then unleash some storms, floods, droughts, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, alien attack, or some Godzillas. And in between, to ward off the boredom, I would ensure permanent conflict by instilling in the various factions diametrically opposed ideologies, religions and politics.
Just to put some hilarious twist on it, I would set up some really complex mesh of propaganda and brain washing, to, after all of that, still be seen as the good guy.

RocketGuy's avatar

How about making the system have a delicate balance so that the bugs could live or die by their own actions. Then make it ironic – the smarter ones are ruled by the dumber ones…

LuckyGuy's avatar

How about making several different types of bugs that look a little different but must compete for identical, limited resources. To add to the fun secretly tell each type that you chose them to be the correct ones and all the others are wrong.
Then with a wave your arm and command: “Go forth and multiply!”

cheebdragon's avatar

I’m going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I’m going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself. To save you from the sin I originally condemned you to.

RocketGuy's avatar

@cheebdragon – since you are immortal, killing yourself is not really a big deal.

ibstubro's avatar

It’s all about the symbolism, @RocketGuy.

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