General Question

Safie's avatar

Can you maintain a healthy relationship without having Sex?

Asked by Safie (1223points) April 1st, 2015

In your opinion Is sex a very Important part of any relationship?

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16 Answers

janbb's avatar

As long as neither person wants sex you can.

ucme's avatar

Possibly, but the guy’s going to have repetitive strain injury in his wrist.

elbanditoroso's avatar

With who? I have a great relationship with my next door neighbor, but I wouldn’t think of having sex with him.

Same with my sister – we’re good friends, but sex – no way.

Do you mean – with a spouse?

If that’s the case, the answer is “it depends”. Sexual exchanges at age 30 are far different from sexual needs at age 75.

CWOTUS's avatar

Damn, @elbanditoroso beat me to my answer. “I think it was the lack of sex in the relationship that enabled me to get along so well with my folks. And my kids.”

Safie's avatar

@janbb seems you understood the question and what i meant..Good answer btw.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I couldn’t. I’m reasonably healthy, have a young attitude, and all the parts work. If my partner cuts me off on sex without any reason, there’s going to be resentment, frustration, and I’m probably going to look in other directions for some measure of relief. I’m not saying an affair, but I’ll find a way to relieve the urges. If you see ucme and I with Popeye forearms you might guess why.

Safie's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe your answer, and you have made some valid points here…Well said :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I should have added if there’s a reason, medical, health, etc the equation changes.

ucme's avatar

I have Popeye arms, but…ahem, I work out :D

trailsillustrated's avatar

NO unless your are ages 88 and 90 then I guess it could work

Misspegasister28's avatar

Sure! If you’re both asexual then definitely!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

In a romantic relationship, most people with normal sex drives would want some level of sexual activity.

JLeslie's avatar

Absolutely. There was a study done several years ago showing that lack of sex does not necessarily mean the couple has other serious problems in the relationship like previously thought. The common belief was that lack of sex in a marriage was a symptom if a greater problem. This is sometimes true, but there are many couples who have a loving, bonded, relationship and rarely or never have sex.

Both people have to be ok with it. I do think a great sex life is a great thing and adds to a relationship. My husband and I have had to go through months at a time of no sex and I miss it, and I feel cheated out of it, and I think it negatively impacts our relationship, but not so much that it destroys our closeness, unity, or enjoying so many other things.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Sex is a very important part of my relationship, not because it is all the relationship is based on but because I love having that level of intimacy that I don’t have with anyone else in my life. It takes the relationship to a level above all other relationships in my life. Also, I have a high sex drive and I would struggle to be in a relationship without regular physical intimacy.

Mack_Martinez's avatar

Don’t think that sex turns downs your relationship. Actually its always plays necessary role to make your bonding stronger. So don’t overlook its importance.

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