Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Who wants to join me in welcoming a new resident for the 10k mansion?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) April 5th, 2015

Let’s congratulate @shrubbery for the achievement of reaching 10k! The mansion has got a new resident!

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29 Answers

jca's avatar

Good morning, Funshine! Welcome to the Mansion! Awesome achievement on a fun holiday!

dxs's avatar

Congratulations! Glad to see you’re still around!

longgone's avatar

Yay, congrats!! :) :)

stanleybmanly's avatar

Congratulations. I’ve never imagined a profile so replete with aliases.

marinelife's avatar

@shrubbery You’re busy living life and jaunting around the world. Who has time to Fluther? Congratulations to one of the original posse. 10K, you little Tasmanian devil, you!

janbb's avatar

Always happy to see you! Mazel tov on the 10K!

cookieman's avatar

I shall clip a topiary in the shape of a jellyfish in your honor @shrubbery.


Pachy's avatar

10K. That ain’t peanuts, @shrubbery. Congrats from an elephant who loves peanuts.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

That is GREAT !

tinyfaery's avatar

Damn, girl. You’re still here?

Congrats to a Fluther veteran.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Bring me… [dramatic pause]… A SHRUBBERY!

Oh, wait – you’re already here. Welcome and congratulations!

Coloma's avatar

Not too shabby Shubbery and never fear, no hedge trimmers, chainsaws and weed whackers allowed at this party.

Dutchess_III's avatar

W00T!! Congrats Shrubbery!

flutherother's avatar

10Kongratulations @Shrubbery

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Trim the Mansion garden shrubs and get the spring garden ready for the new resident! Congrats to you!

shrubbery's avatar

* shows up to own party 10 hours late with starbucks *

sorry guys, it’s hard over here in the future!

thanks so much for this everyone! it only took what… 7 years? but yes I still pop around sometimes, I could never leave this place, it means too much to me as do all of you guys! :)

chyna's avatar

Congratulations @shrubbery!
I love when old timers still find the time to pop in. I just went back and read the blog where you met so many jellies in one trip. I’m so envious that you met so many wonderful people in one trip.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Congratulations @shrubbery. It’s nice when you do visit and good to see you achieving this milestone.

syz's avatar


tedibear's avatar

Way to go, @shrubbery! Here – have a cookie.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats. It’s all good.

Blackberry's avatar

Congrats, Shrubbery. Thanks for coming out of the bushes to join us.

thorninmud's avatar

Oh good, we needed a bit of greenery around the mansion.

Whenever I get into crotchety-old-man mode and despair about the latest crop of younguns, I can always look at you (and a few other young gems here) and take heart.

Don’t ever leaf…er…leave.

picante's avatar

Fresh shrubbery adds value to any property. Welcome to the mansion, and congratulations!

johnpowell's avatar

Shrubb has/had awesome business cards.

I designed them

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s Spring! And the shrubbery are starting to think about popping open! This is the perfect time for a party.
Congrats on the 10k!

ibstubro's avatar

Sorry I’m late!
Perfect time for a splendid bloomer!

filmfann's avatar

Congo rats, and sorry for the late posting! You are an amazing contributor!

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