General Question

Strauss's avatar

Is Pope Francis giving local bishops (Cardinals) the authority to lift the celibacy requirement for priests?

Asked by Strauss (23867points) April 6th, 2015

Since the Council of Trent the Roman Catholic Church has require priests and other clergy to take a vow of celibacy, supposedly to avoid distractions from the priestly duties (considered a discipline, not a doctrine).
Last year (July 13, 2014), according to this CBS news report, he called the ongoing requirements of celibacy in his Church a “problem” and reportedly said “there are solutions and I will find them.”

What do you think are some possible solutions?

I would request suggest that we refrain from priest-bashing, especially around the topic of pedophilia, except as it might apply to the discussion of celibacy.

Edited for grammar!

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15 Answers

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talljasperman's avatar

No. Wait for the official statement. I think that the pope will route out those in the priesthood that have uncontrolled sexual feelings.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think that’s pretty much all of them, @talljasperman.

ragingloli's avatar

“there are solutions and I will find them.”
I have some: Abolish Celibacy. Allow the ordination of female priests. Allow same sex marriage (for priests that happen to be gay).

talljasperman's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes, but the pope doesn’t know that. Maybe the pope can change the minimum age to become a priest to 65 or whatever age that sex is impossible or off the mind.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The pope is a man. He is also celibate. I think he knows as well as anyone. I don’t know why they have to be celebrate in the first place. Maybe they could have a bevy of Holy Whores at their disposal.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If the church were to do this (and it will be a cold day in hell when that actually happens), then there is no way it would be a local action. It would have to come from the top down.

Brian1946's avatar

As far as the issues of pedophilia and celibacy go, why don’t most of the horny priests who have a willpower breakdown have sex with adults instead?

How cool would it be to see his horniness excellency with a hooker?

talljasperman's avatar

@Brian1946 ~ it would lead to an abuse of the petty cash account.~

Dutchess_III's avatar

Because adults will tell @Brian1946. Also, the adults have the wherewithal to black mail the priest with it.

Brian1946's avatar

@talljasperman Good one. ~ I agree, because paying $2.5 billion in sex-abuse settlements is much more economical. ~

stanleybmanly's avatar

Once more to drone on about the handicaps involved with conservatism and all of those institutions and practices which can be defined as such. Progress is about the loosening of rigid doctrines for which there is no rational excuse. The history of the Church since Galileo can pretty much be defined as backpedaling from one “ironclad” postulate to another. The list in my lifetime alone is breathtaking. I remember wondering as a kid why it was that a bite of bacon on Friday or skipping a Mass on Sunday was worthy of eternal damnation. The celibacy thing, like women in the priesthood are needless barriers that will crumble as the Church, doomed to the eternal position of playing catch-up to the society in which it is immersed, races the realities of irrelevance. Already the idea that gay folks (who all Catholics agree are made in the image and likeness of God) are doomed to the fires of hell as consequence for acting as God made them——well how stupid is that?

dabbler's avatar

The actual reason the church mandated celibacy was to eliminate property issues with spouses and especially heirs upon the death of a priest.
It may have solved the inheritance issues but it also drove clerical sex underground.

jaytkay's avatar

why don’t most of the horny priests who have a willpower breakdown have sex with adults instead

I’ve known a couple of priests in long-term adult relationships.

Also, yesterday I heard an interview with a former priest who married a former nun. They worked together, fell in love, and gave up their vows to be together.

He said when she told the sisters about her plans, they said, “well, just don’t marry a priest. That’s so cliche.”

ragingloli's avatar

why don’t most of the horny priests who have a willpower breakdown have sex with adults instead
Children are easier to threaten into silence.

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