General Question

talljasperman's avatar

If you can convert computer speed with human I.Q. what would a new computer rank?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) April 7th, 2015

From basic store bought to the super computers. Also different models from 1950 – 2015 and predicted future computers.

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3 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

The estimated raw clockspeed of a human brain is 20 petaflops
A contemporary Intel i7 cpu only manages about 90 gigaflops
which amounts to about 0.00045% of the processing power of the human brain.

dabbler's avatar

Excellent info, @ragingloli.

I find it interesting to note that current supercomputers hit over 30 petaflops next closest are 17 and 16 pF…
It’s hard to compare the way a computer can use its resources, and how it can be programmed, to the way brains work and how humans learn and benefit from complex and varied, DNA-driven organization of nervous system connections and brain structure.

So, if underlying your question are speculations about how close computer research is to making a computer that will really behave like a human… we will have to see some fundamental breakthroughs in programming, and possibly in hardware and architecture to get closer to that, I think.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Also the human brain is all about parallelism which means that it can do many, many things at the same time where in computation we are just beginning to use parallelism. The human brain is like billions of tiny rudimentary processors running in parallel. Graphics cards are the closest thing at the moment in architecture.

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