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Please advise your thoughts on this, need help?
Good night all,
I got a rush of annoyance and I wanted to have your opinion on this. I know this might sound childish but I still wanted to express my feelings in chance someone could help me see things differently and raise consciousness. You guys might all be aware of the situation between me and my cousin and i need to empty my bag as i do not wish to manifest this darkness outside. Anyways here’s the story, About a year ago I had mentioned to my cousin that i wanted to dye my hair ombre blond, I didn’t even get the chance to go on with the process and she had already did hers that way. I was in shock because as mentioned earlier, she is way beautiful than I am and I just didn’t want to do it because everyone keeps comparing us and saying that shes ways beautiful than me so I knew they would of said the hair suits her better. Now a few weeks ago I had shown her the colour I wanted to put in my hair and now today she did her hair the exact same! I was in shock because the first time it happened, I thought she did it on purpose, but I stopped myself and said calm down maybe not and now this? And now I will definitely not do it. But I feel like she just doesn’t care because this morning, I posted a video on snapchat(an app where you post videos of less than 10sec of you live) and people can see it for 24 hours, and snapchat tells you who views it. I saw that she saw it and when we where texting at some point I asked what are you doing and she said my hair I’m doing black ombre white/silver and she followed by asking if I did my hair. But she clearly saw in my snapchat that I didn’t so is she fooling me? Thank you to anyone taking the time to answer this, it is very appreciated and be straight and honest. I’m trying to overcome these ill feelings but somehow they keep me down. Love to all.
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