Social Question

longgone's avatar

What do your friends ask you for help with?

Asked by longgone (19875points) April 12th, 2015

Are you considered an “expert” in your group of friends? What’s your area of expertise? Do you usually like the jobs you end up doing?

I mostly get asked to proof-read texts and evaluate or train dogs. I enjoy both, luckily!

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25 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Research, apparently!

Coloma's avatar

Haha ^^^
Just yesterday a friend asked me to do some research for her. I love researching info. I am knowledge hound. I am also asked for gardening and bird/animal advice a lot. Last year I helped a friend plant her 1st garden ever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The stupid thing is, it’s stupid things they can research for themselves! I don’t know how many times I have posted a link to Snopes. They just can’t seem to get it.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Dog stuff

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III yeah, but they’re not motivated, don’t find it enjoyable. I’m like a bloodhound, when I’m on the trail of new info. you can’t drag me away. haha

nutallergy's avatar

I’m the listener. If they need to vent they call me.

I enjoy this role.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Most of the time they ask me computer questions, or they need help moving.

Mimishu1995's avatar

English grammar and words. I’m a walking spellchecker to my friends. I also do translation for them too.

Also a bit of computer help.

Misspegasister28's avatar

My friends don’t really ask me for help, I just tell them scary and messed up things and that’s kind of my role in my friend group. To freak everyone out so they wonder why the heck I’m invited to things.

Brian1946's avatar

Because of my unique and diverse fields of expertise, I’m usually asked to help people move, donate money, and provide transportation to the airport. ;-)

Coloma's avatar

@Brian1946 Haha..In other words you are a Gopher. lol ;-)
I HATE being asked to take/pick up people at the airport, seriously, WTF..WHY are you leaving at 3:20 a.m.!!!???

talljasperman's avatar

My friends haven’t asked me for anything yet.

JLeslie's avatar

Medical, relationship, sadness, travel, parenting, math, money.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I suppose it would be career advice. Upon asking them if they just want to talk or to hear about a potential solution, the response varies. In most cases, they just want to vent. There are a handful that have ventured out to make a change and have contacted me that they don’t regret it. That is rewarding.

Coloma's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 My daughter is moving on May 8. I so do not want to help. haha
Moving sucks! Her 1st apartment was great fun, I set her up with tons of stuff, now it just work.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Everything, it seems.

fluthernutter's avatar

Random creative stuff.

- help designing and sewing Karate Kid outfits for Bay to Breakers
– help making a cardboard house
– help finding a vintage wedding dress
– designing logos and letterheads
– designing wedding invites
– take photos for a wedding or for a newborn
– cut wood or metal or sandblast some glass for them (when I used to work in shop)
– brainstorming layouts for an office
– rearranging the furniture in their apartment
– teaching them how to sew
– telling them how to cast resin
– borrowing a sander, sewing machine, cutting mats, button making machine, etc
– knowing where to buy silk, lace, vintage buttons, plastic, etc
– knowing where to recycle styrofoam or old textiles
– someone tried to get me to give them a haircut once (luckily for them I refused)

I like helping out my friends. I’m just amused that I’m their go-to for really random things sometimes.

anniereborn's avatar

relationships, psychological stuff, how to handle emotions, anxiety disorders, pets (especially cats), resources for the less fortunate and various kinds of theater information

Mariah's avatar

Anything related to birds.

Berserker's avatar

What horror movies to watch.

Coloma's avatar

@Symbeline I just bought Zombieland, have you seen it? Hilarious!

Berserker's avatar

I have it, it’s a great zombie comedy. :) Or zombedy, as they call the genre. Man I hate that word lol.

gailcalled's avatar

Expository and essay writing
College placement
Gardening and landscape design
Investment advising
Normally neurotic relationship counseling.

I enjoy all of the above very much.

extremely_introverted's avatar

I’m their confidante. I like it because I feel that I’m important and trustworthy. The downside about it is that at times their problem become my problem. It just affects me that I eagerly want to provide solution to their problem. I become so involved.

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