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Brian1946's avatar

How high are you?

Asked by Brian1946 (32815points) April 15th, 2015

If you click on this link, enter your location, and then click on it, you should see your elevation right below the map.

If a certain NoCal resident answers this, we just might see who is the highest of us all. ;-)

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29 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

Hmmm, I just measured the elevation of the implied person, and I might be wrong.

gailcalled's avatar

My house is about 750 feet above sea level according to my local topo map.

zenvelo's avatar

315 feet at my home.

6,362 feet at my girlfriend’s.

Brian1946's avatar


Does your girlfriend live in or near the Sierras?

ucme's avatar

I live on the coast, 321 ft

Blackberry's avatar

21 ft, compared to where I just flew from which was 5, 500 ft.

ragingloli's avatar

hmm, jupiter is missing from that map.

1TubeGuru's avatar

Eight foot three and 21/32 inches.

downtide's avatar

266 feet. No, wait, 268 if you include the chair I’m sitting on.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I am at 64.496 m or 211.600 feet (apparently).

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Georgetown, Ascension Island. This room is about 30 feet (approx. 10m) above sea level.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

1610 feet above sea level. I guess that’s a reason heights don’t bother me too much.

chyna's avatar

889 feet above sea level.

jca's avatar

I’m about 554 feet above sea level.

JLeslie's avatar

I had trouble using it, but I know exactly how high I am, because I had an elevation survey done recently. 23.3 feet.

dxs's avatar

-4420.570 feet? I think I did something wrong…

dxs's avatar

I was looking for the Mariana Trench. The deepest I got was -27644 feet below sea level.

jaytkay's avatar

595 feet (181.4 meters). Dang. I wanted to be over 600 feet.

For something different I checked my mom’s home town in Colorado. 7700 feet!

Mimishu1995's avatar

32 feet I think. I can’t really pinpoint my location. My house is a bit hard to find on the map.

fluthernutter's avatar

20.290 ft
You’d think being in NorCal that I’d be much higher. ;)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

304.387 feet here.

zenvelo's avatar

@Brian1946 My girlfriend lives in Carbondale CO.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

39.206 m or 128.630 feet and I’m 147 miles from the ocean.

rojo's avatar

92 m (actually it says 91.988 meters).

Brian1946's avatar

My elevation is 661.5 feet.

I live in a valley that’s about 20 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles.

Brian1946's avatar


I clicked on the approximate center of your city, and I also got a reading of 32 feet.

wsxwh111's avatar

17 ft @Shanghai

Uasal's avatar

68 feet here.

JLeslie's avatar

Right now I’m on the 12th floor in Ft. lauderdale looking at the boats go by on the New River, so I guess I’m at about 140 feet maybe?

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