General Question

longgone's avatar

Does your skin get sensitive when you have a fever?

Asked by longgone (19916points) April 15th, 2015

Is that sensation common? Does your skin get sensitive as your temperature rises, too? Why do you think that is?

I have a bit of a fever, but hadn’t figured out how to use my fancy in-ear-thermometer until just now. I knew I had a fever because of that tingling skin sensation which always seems to accompany it, for me.

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6 Answers

downtide's avatar

I always get that with a fever, every single time. I don’t know what causes it but I find that cooling myself down with a lukewarm shower helps. It’s unpleasant to do but does make me feel much better afterwards.

dxs's avatar

My whole body seems pretty sensitive when I have a fever.

whitenoise's avatar

I have the same. Actually my skin will often tell me I’ll get sick before any other symptoms pop up.

fluthernutter's avatar

Right before I’m about to come down with something, my skin gets really tingly and sensitive.

And if I have a really bad fever, I also have mild hydrophobia (for lack of a better word). Just the sound of running water will make my skin crawl.
No, I don’t think it’s from rabies. :P

longgone's avatar

At least I’m not alone. Weird, though!

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